Argh |
Posted 02-05-2007 2:09 by Argh |
Rise and fall
Dear VBE freaks...
I`m afraid we have given false hope to you all.
Ved Buens Ende is no more. Its dead and buried for good.
After a while of rehersing and writing new material, it became apparent that Vikotnic and myself have grown apart, musically. Our styles have developed in different directions through the years passed since "written in waters". The songs we wrote together for what was to become the new album became mediochre, and the songs we made each on our own became just too different. It would have become a very schitzophrenic album if we`d continue, and none of us would have been happy with the outcome.
As most of you probably know, Vikotnics band DHG - Dødheimsgard is out with a new album. "Supervillain outcast" is getting the attention it deserves, and will be a great success. So thats were he`ll direct his focus from now on. Vikotnic will have his hands full for sure.
As for myself, I am finished writing the material for the next VIRUS album. It will contain much of the material meant for what was to become the next Ved Buens Ende record that I wrote.
VIRUS is very much in the same vein as VBE. The same style and genre, at least in regards to the experimental parts of what we did back in the "written in waters"-days. Its allmost like a continuation of VBE.
On VIRUS` debut album, "carheart", we fooled around with many different sorts of atmospheres. This time around it will become darker all the way through. And more fluent. The music kinda floats. A black flux. But we`ll for sure keep that absurd twist that became our trademark through our debut-album.
For those of you who know the "carheart" - album, one can compare the new stuff with the title track, "road", "hustler" and "be elevator". But ofcourse, it`ll be a new album, so...
The line up in Virus will be the same as on the debut. Plenum on bass, Einar Esso on drums, and myself on vocals and guitars.
We`ll start the recordings quite soon. I hope it`ll be finished early winter this year. Or late autumn. Maybe out in January `08. We`re signing a deal with Season Of Mist records.
We recorded a couple of songs (like a demo) in november last year, and we`ll post those songs as a "teaser" as soon as we have mixed them.
This VBE myspace-site will slowly mutate into being a VIRUS- site. It wont happen until we`re on a roll and the album release is approaching. In the meanwhile, you can check out our current site dedicated to the "carheart"-album on . There are a couple of songs from the album there, check it out! Anyway, the album is obtainable through Jester records, web only: , or you can download it ofcourse, I`m down with that, I`m not Lars Ulrick.
I`ll update this blog as soon as something happens.
Next time boys, next time.
Over Pagan/Viking metal en aanverwanten: "Kan je wel janken over je voorvaderen die draaien zich 2x om in het graf als ze die tyfus fluit horen" - © Burzum 2010