Judge M. |
Lord of Metal |
Posted 11-06-2007 21:56 by Judge M. |
quote: 37 STABWOUNDZ has decided to bring their career to an end.
Though music- / band-wise things are running fine, personal priorities have become more important to some of us. We can no longer put ourselves up a 100% for the cause of the band and since 37 STABWOUNDZ only takes on things with both hands and wishes to do so exclusively with the current band members, we decided to quit, being able to look back at 6 years of nothing but a great time! No further bullshit stories attached...
We will finish our shows as presented below.
15.06.2007 SITTARD (NL) Fenix w/ Walls of Jericho
16.06.2007 GELEEN (NL) Boerderij w/ The Setup, Zero Mentality, SOT package
23.06.2007 BOXMEER (NL) De Box w/ Textures
30.06.2007 SPALENE PORICI (CZ) Basinfire open air 2007 w/ Kreator, Mnemic, Overkill, WASP
08.07.2007 LIEGE (BE) The Factory w/ Dutch Demolition metal package
11.07.2007 VEENENDAAL (NL) Escape w/ 25 Ta Life
21.07.2007 OLESKO (CZ) Olesko Open Air IV
25.08.2007 MEER-HOOGSTRATEN (BE) Akkerpop 2007 w/ Enemy Ground, Samaritan
A special notification to this coming weekend as we will do our last ‘local’ shows this Friday the 15th of June with Walls of Jericho at Fenix (Sittard, NL) and this Saturday the 16th of June at De Boerderij (Geleen, NL) with our buddies in the Setup, Zero Mentality, Blood Redemption, BloodTrial, Disloyal, and Dead End Path.
We want to thank GSR music, Garden of Exile and our bookers for believing in 37 STABWOUNDZ and all the people over Europe who supported, looked after and worked with us throughout the years. We certainly enjoyed every minute of it! Hopefully we'll meet again on another level or at the bar with a beer at a show.
Nevertheless, all band members will however stay involved in music and the ‘scene’:
Roy will continue to operate full time in the music business, predominantly as (freelance) performer, always on the look-out for new projects, so if you are in need of a drummer you can contact him at roy37swz@hotmail.com. In addition, he will maintain his activities as a teacher at the Maastricht Drumschool and producer / songwriter in his recording studio.
Mike will remain active in the music-scene, though not on a full-scale level, but project wise in the near future. He will now fully concentrate on Xeroine Design, which creates (band) artwork, websites, logo's, t-shirt designs, flyers and loads more..
Also Remko will remain active in the scene. Music-wise he will be looking for new challenges in the near future. Next to that his focus will be on his filming and designing career, also he will continue his freelance work on producing music-videos. (www.myspace.com/remko)
Servé will avoid the live-stage in the future, but he and his Renault Trafic bus will start a smalltime tour logistics service, for upcoming bands in desperate need of a cheap van for shows. A website will be prepared soon, until then use crycas@hotmail.com for contact.
Zonde. Vond een het altijd een gave band
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