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Gurthang: Gurthang is a part of JRR Tolkien's fantasy-world. It is the name given by Túrin Turambar to the black sword Anglachel after its reforging. The exact meaning is 'Iron of Death'. They play Eclectic Black/Death Metal (notice Ecliptica there ), and they make their come back after a year of rest...with a couple of well known Belgian musicians Sample: The Avenger Signs of Darkness: Not so long ago these people also reunited. They used to play Black metal with some female vocals involved, but they kicked out everything that has titties and now they have a harder sound. Very soon they will release their next album called "17th Floor". And here's a sample from the new Signs of darkness called "She calls me a new age nomad" Ashmolean: Long time no hear from this band... their last release was "Daylight struggle" back in 2001, and in the meantime Ashmolean has done some low-profile gigs, but now they're back, with a new logo and new website... Here's the title track from "Daylight struggle". their new site: http://users.skynet.be/Ashmolean/ Cantar: I cannot describe it better as what their site says: "CANTAR is Flemish Baroque Doom Metal; We bring you a metallic bombastic mixture of dark splurges, based on the heritage of Baroque's and Renaissance's musical wealth. Metal with strings and pipe-organ ! Here's a sample from their selftitled full-album: "Phantasmagoria" |
Dit klinkt heel boeiend.. maar waar ligt Temse? I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant. |
He, da's dichtbij... dan kom ik denk ik wel... |
Zo wil ik het horen... Er zullen ook enkele merchandise stands aantreden waaronder waarschijnlijk ook Lugbúrz ;-) www.lugburz.be |
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