SAMAEL guitarist Makro has issued the following update on his SLUDGE project:
"We apologize for this quite big lack of news, but in fact there's been a lot of changes during this last year. Let's put it like this: Yes, we didn't tour for 'Yellow Acid Rain'. The main reason beeing that a few weeks after the release of 'Y.A.R.', Nik, our singer, decided to quit music for a different life. We've been playing together for more than 10 years and his decision was not that easy to take. We've shared many great moments through the band's history and we are still very good friends today. We wish him all the best and luck for his future.
"Right after this, we didn't really knew what was gonna happen, as finding an original voice is a pretty difficult thing. and after more than six months of research, we've found the guy, but I would say the guys! Let's introduce 'em:
"Odin (vocals) was the singer of longtime friends UNFOLD a damm good and heavy band from Switzerland. He's exactly the kinda person we were looking for as a singer. He's charismatic, and we could qualify him as an extreme agressive punk-rocker, but hey…he's got metal running through his veins…if you want to know a bit more about his other activities, you can check out his other rock 'n' roll band, HOUSTON SWING ENGINE.
"Ulik (bass) coming straight from Ukraine… we can say from him that he's like a brother. When we first met him we had the immediate feeling that he was one of us. He looks like us, he smells like us and he's a damm good musician with guts, heart and god bless, brains…He's experimented and we love Russian humour...priviet!
"Today, we feel like reborn, like starting to do music for the first time..
"We've been working a lot, we've been writing lots of music and we've already booked a studio in order to record our new album for the begining of October.
"Talking about the album itself, it's quite difficult to tell more at the moment… All we can say, is that this is gonna be a bit different, keeping the heavy and dirty feel from our sound, we've been experimenting more things and paths.. there's gonna be blood, teeth and the doomest atmospheres we've ever recorded…"
For more information, visit the band's MySpace page.
bron: blabbermouth
Godver, wat klinkt die shit toch ontzettend lekker nu ik het weer eens hoor sinds tijden.