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* [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Gorath op 13-07-2010 12:54] ![]() |
NEW GUITARIST Zahrim got replaced by B. Put on guitars, formerly known from Ill Fares the Land. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Gorath op 13-07-2010 12:55] ![]() |
Wat releaseshow pics online op http://gorath.blackmetal.be en http://www.myspace.com/gorathblackmetal [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Gorath op 13-07-2010 12:55] ![]() |
Eisenwald (Drudkh, Angantyr, Infaust, Loits, Vinterriket,...) will release MISOTHEISM on 12" LP at the end of 2008. More info will follow later. Related links: http://www.eisenton.de http://www.myspace.com/eisenwald http://gorath.blackmetal.be http://www.myspace.com/gorathblackmetal [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Gorath op 13-07-2010 12:55] ![]() |
Blackfuel (NL) Gorath is het geesteskind van de Vlaming Filip Dupont. Hiermee gaat de multi-instrumentalist al ruim tien jaar op avontuurlijke wijze het black metalgenre te lijf. Zo ook op het nieuwe 'Misotheism', studioplaat nummer drie. Net als voorganger 'The Fourth Era' een conceptalbum. Dit keer staat de rol die ketterij door de jaren heeft gespeeld centraal. Muzikaal wordt hoofdzakelijk uit black metal geput, waar echter wel een eigen progressieve draai aan is gegeven. Op 'Misotheism' presenteert Gorath zich voor het eerst als een volledige band, die naast Dupont op zang en bas nog drie leden telt. Dit heeft echter geen muzikale consequenties gehad, want stilistisch is Gorath nog altijd een en dezelfde. Een progressieve, avontuurlijke metalband die verder kijkt dan z'n black metalneus lang is. Met een geluid dat zowaar als vrij origineel betiteld kan worden. 'Misotheism' voorziet in ruim drie kwartier diverse kwaliteitsmetal. 80/100 (Gerco Zwiers) Lords Of Metal (NL) 'Misotheism' is a wonderful record, which is the proper start for this review. This album has an immensely international appeal: it is rugged and raw but wonderfully melodious black metal with engaging leads and excellent guitar, bass and drum work; everything about this release oozes the fact that every aspect of the compositions has gotten the attention it deserverd. 'Misotheism' opens with a dominant and sharp riff that is broken off by a Gregorian choir, only to revert back to, with the aid of some good acoustic harmonics, streaming and punishing black metal. And basically the entire album follows this pattern: there is a load of tension all the time and to top it all off all elements interact with each other properly. The comparison to Satyricon still applies on account of the musical surprises and the heavily controlled chaos. Watain could also be mentioned based on the impression the music makes, even though Gorath sounds more interesting. Gorath has a very mature sound, maybe that's the most important thing. Rating: 85/100 (Roel F.) Aardschok (NL) Nadat in 2006 voorganger 'The Fourth Era' uitkwam, begon Goraths mastermind F. Dupont ook langzaam aan optredens te denken. Aangezien Gorath op dat moment nog een eenmansproject was, had hij daar sessieleden voor nodig, die hij onder andere vond bij Panchrysia. Uiteindelijk heeft dit ertoe geleid dat het Belgische Gorath een viermansband is geworden en dat is te horen aan dit derde album. Niet dat het nieuwe werk minder eigenzinnig is dan de voorgaande albums, maar de black metal heeft nu wel meer gelaagdheid. Tijdens de epische momenten heeft de muziek raakvlakken met Enslaved, terwijl de hardere gitaarstukken wel eens aan Satyricon refereren. Wat dan vooral goed nieuws is: Gorath doet niet onder voor de bands die we hier noemen! Over het algemeen bevat de muziek meer venijn dan het (gelikte) laatste werk van Satyricon, dus de old school-liefhebbers moeten Gorath zeker een kans geven. Onze zuiderburen zijn goed bezig de laatste tijd, het uitstekende album van Panchrysia is pas een maand of drie oud. Viva la Belgique! 80/100 (Leon van Rijnsbergen) ![]() |
Verdomme wat is dat nieuwe album lekker geworden! Alleen het nummer Sicarii al. Om je vingers bij af te likken. I know it’s cold, but I will keep us warm with all the hate I radiate. We’ll be walking hand in hand in hell. ![]() |
Ik heb Misotheism vrijdag officieel aangeschaft en ik ben erg onder de indruk. Het is een erg sterk album geworden dat stevig aan de roots van de black metal blijft vasthouden en tegelijkertijd ook progressief durft te zijn. Ik lees overal dat de invloeden van Satyricon er zo dik op liggen maar dat vind ik persoonlijk nog wel meevallen. Goed, er zitten zeker Satyricon invloeden in. En dan zowel van het oude als van het nieuwere werk van die band. Maar ik hoor ook Enslaved binnen de muziek en zelfs Blut aus nord. Nee, dit album bevalt mij wel. Ook de tekstuele inhoud is iets om je tanden in te zetten. I know it’s cold, but I will keep us warm with all the hate I radiate. We’ll be walking hand in hand in hell. ![]() |
Metalfan 83/100 Het Belgische Gorath werkt zich de laatste jaren gestaag een weg naar de internationale (sub)top van de black metal scene. Sinds het in 2005 verschenen debuutalbum Elite groeide de band zowel compositorisch als in tekstueel opzicht met het prima The Fourth Era. Het derde volledige album Misotheism sluit eigenlijk naadloos bij zijn voorganger aan. De rode draad door het album is ketterij, vertaald in zeven Gnostische gospels – de zeven nummers op dit album. Ook in muzikaal opzicht is Gorath wederom gegroeid: de overduidelijke Satyricon-invloeden zijn iets meer gedoseerd en hebben ruimte gemaakt voor een meer eigen geluid, dat qua sfeer het laatste Watain-album goed weet te benaderen. De ruim acht minuten klokkende opener Gnosis laat al meteen goed horen waar Gorath anno 2008 voor staat: vrij complexe, diepzinnige black metal waarbij het experiment niet geschuwd wordt. Zoals ook al op The Fourth Era het geval is, doet ook hier de opbouw van de composities meerdere malen aan het latere werk van Enslaved denken. Het begin van Abufihamet, met zijn kabbelend akoestisch gitaarwerk, doet zelfs een moment aan Explosions In The Sky denken, maar dat is van korte duur, want na een kleine halve minuut knalt het nummer er goed op los. Ook het bijna tien minuten durende epos Abraxas verdient aparte vermelding. Dit nummer is wat mij betreft het hoogtepunt van het album en bevat heerlijke riffs, afwisselende zang en fraaie overgangen tussen akoestische en harde gedeeltes. Het zegt veel over de veelzijdigheid van de nummers dat deze ondanks een gemiddelde lengte van zeven minuten geen moment vervelen. Een klein minpuntje vind ik echter nog steeds de sporadisch opduikende cleane zang, die kracht mist. Dat is echter een kleine kanttekening bij een verder op alle fronten sterk en professioneel in elkaar zittend album. Laten we dan ook hopen dat dit album de erkenning krijgt die het verdient. Thoughts of Metal Two years ago the Belgian Black Metal formation GORATH released its second album, "The Fourth Era", which dealt with the Mayan calendar and 2012. On that album, mainman/bassist Filip Dupont created a mixture of traditional and progressive Black Metal. For the gigs he got help from his mates Zahrim (guitar) - since May replaced by Bart Put -, Geert Devenster (guitars) and Kevin De Leener (drums). This line-up (well, according to the website it was just Filip and Kevin) also created the follow-up to this highly-praised release and titled it "Misotheism". This third album is a concept about heresy throughout history, mythology, legend and lore. On this page you'll find the lyrics and liner notes about each song. Jurgen S. from THEUDHO (where Filip also used to play in) wrote the lyrics and introduction. Soundwise the famous Dan Swanö (EDGE OF SANITY, NIGHTINGALE, BLOODBATH, and many other bands) took care of the mastering. The release was set on the 16th May. With the use of real drums the songs feel of course different, fuller, rawer and more brutal. Right from the start of "Gnosis" you get instantly attacked by the blasts and slicing riffs. You can clearly hear the drums are real as Kevin sometimes has to give his all to keep up with the guitars, but that only contributes to the realness and honesty of this human input. This is the first part of the song. The second one offers a great contrast and is something totally unexpected, yet wonderfully implemented and fits in the concept without any problems: gregorian chanting introducing a very peaceful accoustic-guitar-driven interlude. This last for a few tens of second, after which the ferocious assault continues. Filip's vocals aren't as shrieking as one would expect, but he grunts more. The screaming is saved for later, when the music is flowing more. The accoustic guitar returns around 05:40 to complement the heaviness that still goes on. One minute later there's a dead part, at least the guitars and drums fall silent in favour of a creepy atmsophere, windy as if entering a new state of consciousness. It's like a passage to the midtempo heaviness that comes afterwards, where the lyrics are spoken in a grunting manner, backed by the music that leads the way towards the end. "Apophasis" is a tad different, in that the music comes over as Black 'n' Roll in a way. Filip again focuses on grunts, which are well done and fit the music quite well. Shrieks could be good, too, but the hoarse grunts just feel better. The chorus has a mix of grunts and clean singing, almost chanting, while a looped guitarmelody forms the main melody. Over halfway there's a drop in tempo, rebuilding towards something more direct, straight-forward. Kevin also tried to add some touches via the ride cymbal until all of a sudden the music stops. Just like that and there is still one good minute to go. In "Gnosis" the parts were connected and the transition was very smooth, while here you're faced with a gap of a few seconds, which could make you think that "Abufihamet" commences after that. The difference in heaviness and melody is enormous, the atmosphere has also been adapted to this tranquil and semi-accoustic minute of relaxation. But fear not, as the battle rages on, under the watchful eye of Baphomet? Just see the lyrics page to see what this song is about. It could be my hearing, but I have the impression the drums have been pushed a bit to the back, as the snare sounds a bit muffled/subdued and the kickdrums have been triggered, something that wasn't so noticeable before. Grunts in the verses, grunts and clean in the chorus. Kevin also uses his cymbals a lot (crash, ride, china, ...). Although here as well Filip tried to compose a song with fluctuations between harsh, blasting parts and slower, flowing ones, "Abufihamet" is difficult to swallow, the stay focused. You could say it's because of the music itself, but I fear the production also plays a role. There's lots of aggression and violent stuff here, but it just isn't as interesting as the previous two songs. In my opinion. "Sophia" is the shortest track, with its 2 and a half minutes. No heavy guitars, no blasting drums, no grunts or shrieks. Instead you get a dark and mysterious atmosphere with drumsamples like heartbeats, increasing in loudness. A computerized voice speaks the words of destruction, of obliteration and annihilation. You can't really say it's a song, so as listening material it doesn't have much value. In the context of "Misotheism" its role is of course clearer. Somehow this reminded me of similar interludes like GAMMA RAY's "Induction" and DRACONIAN's "Expostulation". Speaking of the battle, "Metempsychosis" is a song where this expression fits better when you read the description on GORATH's website (see link above). No specific blasting at first, but normal drumming, although Kevin does make it as diverse as possible by adding accents and playing with the tempo. The typical blasting cannot be forgotten, especially not in such a song. Filip's voice sounds as if in agony or possessed. Although the song lasts for almost six minutes, it's over before you know it. Still, this is another step in the right direction, and things improve particularly in the last two tracks. "Abraxas" is about the god of good and evil, of creation and destruction, in short, of balance. The song commences with chanting and screams to build up the tension. Midtempo Black Metal is what you get, but the elements of sadness, depression, feeling lost are definitely present. The harsh vocals also contribute to this kind of mental state. Add some cleaner vocals from someone who seems to go crazy and the picture is complete. Around 04:20 everything falls silent with just the bass guitar left. Tom accents and gentle guitarwork sets in soon after that, evolving into an accoustic Jazzy piece. Surprising, but very nice. Little by little Kevin's drumming increases in power and the whole atmosphere of devastating madness, sadness, tristesse fills the room once more. Musically I did for a moment think of NOVEMBERS DOOM "Not The Strong", off the band's "To Welcome The Fade" album. The last tale to be told is that of the "Sicarii", a political activist group operating in Judea in the first century whose task it was to get rid of the Roman occupation. The song also deals with how Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, a members of the Sicarii. This is the shortest (08:14) of the 3 long songs, which are at least 8 minutes long. The beginning is an instant blast asault. Everything about this song screams aggression, violence, hatred, betrayal and more. Think BEHEMOTH, KEEP OF KALESSIN and similar, which is nothing but pure quality. If my short-term memory doesn't fail me, then this is the fastest song on this album. Filip still grunts, but vocally also screams/yells, which justifies the comparison with KEEP OF KALESSIN even more. Samples of knights and activists fighting help bring the story to life. The production is very good, leaving a very realistic sound on the instruments and especially on the drums. The flow of the music is very well composed: furious, calmer but still aggressive and back to raging as the fighting and betrayal are taking place. This is outstanding work and without any doubt one of the best, if not the best, song on "Misotheism". One of the great things about Metal is not only the music, obviously, but also the intelligence of the musicians themselves and their interests in history. There have been many bands on whose releases Metal was used to educate people (REBELLION, STORMWARRIOR, AMASEFFER, NILE, CRYSTALLION, JUDAS PRIEST, ICED EARTH, etc...). GORATH also contributed with "The Fourth Era" (Mayas and 2012), which was a very good and highly praised album. This time mastermind Filip Dupont tackled a new subject (with the help of Jurgen S.) and successfully implemented the material into the music. If you want qualitative ànd intelligent Black Metal (I'm not saying Black Metal contains no intelligence, just that it doesn't always have to be about the cliché themes), then I highly recommend "Misotheism", for this Belgian band has made another big step forward. Metalrage 80/100 Gorath used to be a Belgium one-man black metal band, but after the release of the previous album the project formed into a real band. The band has been working hard to get their name out ever since, and now the new record Misotheism sees the light of day; their third effort and their second for Descent Productions. The seven tracks on this record are all reasonably lengthy and feature quite a modern black metal sound just like the previous effort. Misotheism has a clear and aggressive production (executed by the legend Dan Swanö) and a diverse sound. While the overall gimmick of this band is to bash away with modern black metal riffs, the band doesn't just stick to one sound. Fast passed riffs are alternated with slower riffs and occasionally the band throws in a musical intermezzo that one wouldn't expect from an average black metal record. Misotheism has some great hooks and angles that keep you on your toes. For the fans of new school black metal, Gorath must surely be a worthy addition to the scene. It has enough diversity to keep the listener's attention, yet it doesn't stray too much from the path to hell. Watch out for this demon on the rise! ![]() |
al gestuurd naar ZM? signature ![]() |
We had sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. Now we have aids, crack and techno. ![]() |
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Low budget video for METEMPSYCHOSIS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flhVhem-hxQ Live clip Ireland show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxJZes2m0ko&e Some latest press quotings: Aardschok: 80/100 Blackfuel: 80/100 Digital Steel: 85/100 Disagreement: 9/10 FYU: 91/100 Lords of Metal: 85/100 Metal Crypt: 4,5/5 Metalfan: 83/100 Metalstorm: 9/10 Mindview: 5/7 Zware Metalen: 82/100 ... Next shows: 20/9/2008: Tilburg (NL) 4/10/2008: Hasselt (BE) 8/11/2008: Houten (NL) Links: http://gorath.blackmetal.be http://www.myspace.com/gorathblackmetal ![]() |
goe bezig é ![]() signature ![]() |
Die laatste CD heerst echt de pannen van het dak! Gisteren nog geluisterd. ![]() |
Saturday @ Little Devil 20:00 - 20:30 Funeral Goat 21:00 - 21:30 Gewapend Beton 22:15 - 23:00 Gorath 23:23 - 00:15 Trash Talk ![]() |
D. Grondelaers joins Gorath on bass. The remaining shows for 2008 will be performed as a three piece band. Next year Gorath is setting up a small UK tour and several other shows are in progress. Although most time will be spend in writing a successor for "Misotheism" and finding a new label host. The biggest part of the new album is already finished, so is the lyrical concept. Next year also Eisenwald Tonschmiede will release "Misotheism" on colored 12" vinyl. ![]() New line up: F. Dupont: vocals/guitars B. Put: guitars D. Grondelaers: bass K. De Leener: drums ![]() |
New song from MISOTHEISM online. Http://www.myspace.com/gorathblackmetal ABRAXAS The ancient Gospel of the Egyptians, also part of the Nag Hammadi Library, makes mention of Abraxas, one of the aeons dwelling with Sophia in the Spiritual Light of Eleleth. Other ancient sources describe Abraxas as an omni-benevolent deity that incorporated both good and evil, birth and death, creation and destruction. By medieval times, the Church had degraded Abraxas to being nothing more than a mere demon … "U aei eis aei ei O ei ei os ei Who exists as Son For ever and ever U aei eis aei ei O ei ei os ei You are what you are, you are who you are." "The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born first. Must destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas" Abraxas, the Archon. Source of the three hundred and sixty five. Emanations of the Supreme Being. In him creation becomes frightened of itself. Abraxas, you are the sun yet also. The eternally gaping abyss of emptiness. You are the bright light of day. And the deepest night of madness. Abraxas, you dwell in the light of the luminary Eleleth. The last of the spiritual lights. Counter the ignorance of the lowest heaven! Mankind, by birth blinded by stupidity. Can see the supreme good of the sun. Perhaps even the endless evil of the devil. But not Abraxas, the mother of both. To behold summum bonuum, infinum malum. But never, never indefinable life itself. This is why his powers are the greatest; man does simply not perceive them. "A thousand-armed ployp Coiled knot of winged serpents The hermaphrodite Of the earliest beginning The lord of toads and frogs, Which live in the water Abundance that seeketh Union with emptiness." Abraxas, by thou Mind was created. Then sprang the Word. You issued Providence, virtue and Wisdom Abraxas, out of these you crafted. Principalities and powers. And three hundred sixty-five angels. The number corresponding to your name. Christ, the seed of Abraham sent by Abraxas. Came in a phantasm and not in the flesh. He did not suffer on the cross as a martyr. For salvation has not been promised to bodies. To behold summum bonuum, infinum malum. But never, never indefinable life itself. This is why his powers are the greatest; man does simply not perceive them. ![]() |
New Album “MXCII” Gorath have booked the Shumcot Studio in order to record the successor for “Misotheism”. The band’s fourth album will be entitled “MXCII” and will contain seven deadly revelations. At this moment it’s undecided which label would host the upcoming release. LP release “Misotheism” Eisenwald Tonschmiede have set the release date for “Misotheism” for the first part of 2009. Besides a red/brown colour 12” the first copies will hold a limited special edition. Also note the artwork will be slightly different. Any labels interested in releasing “The Fourth Era” on LP should get in touch. ![]() Upcoming shows March 28 2009 @ De Kade, Zaandam (NL) May 21 2009 @ to be confirmed, Calais (FR) May 22 2009 @ Finns, Weymouth (UK) May 23 2009 @ The Bridgehouse, London (UK) July 09 2009 @ get in touch, TBA (DE) July 10 2009 @ Black Lights Festival, Benesov (CZ) ![]() |
Last year Descent Productions quit most of its activity as a label. At this moment the German Eisenwald Tonschmiede will take over part of the distribution network and will take care of spreading "The Fourth Era" and "Misotheism". Labels and shops interested in trades and wholesales can get in touch with Eisenwald. Next up is the special edition 12" vinyl release of "Misotheism" on Eisenwald, set for the first part of 2009. http://www.eisenton.de http://www.myspace.com/eisenwald [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Gorath op 13-07-2010 12:55] ![]() |
Just back from a festival weekend in East Germany and the Czech Republic. The Word has been spread! ![]() Also MXCII is in it's final stadium right now. All recordings are done. Reinier's Shumcot mix is done and the result is sent to Sweden. Dan Swanö will again take care of the final mastering. Watch out for artwork previews, track listing and new uploaded tracks in early August! ![]() |
Video teaser upcoming album MXCII: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=60675921 ![]() |
Ziet er goed uit. En het klinkt nog beter! Wanneer komt ie uit? I know it’s cold, but I will keep us warm with all the hate I radiate. We’ll be walking hand in hand in hell. ![]() |
Shumcot mix. ![]() [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Naturens Galleri op 18-07-2009 17:21] headphonical award for sensational quality and highest inspirational merits ![]() |
quote: Tegen oktober willen we de labelkeuze officieel maken. Dan zal het eind dit jaar/begin volgend jaar worden, veronderstel ik. Laatste shows van het jaar. In december, januari en wellicht ook februari worden geen optredens gedaan. 23.okt.2009 @ The Zoo Hasselt (BE) + Nazxul + 1 band (TBC) 30.okt.2009 @ Pand Demonium Antwerpen (BE) + Kludde 31.okt.2009 @ Negasonic Aalst (BE) + Kludde 13.nov.2009 @ Baroeg Rotterdam (NL) + Mayhem + Infinity 14.nov.2009 @ Gleis 3 Annaberg-Buchholz (DE) + Infinity + Black Horizons 28.nov.2009 @ Sodom Metal Night Groningen (NL) + Deadcell, Erebus, Mauler,... ![]() |
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