irritante klootzak |
Posted 23-02-2005 16:18 by irritante klootzak |
DEAD LIKE FLIES zal 26/02/05 NIET doorgaan. Herr Morbid schreef het volgende:
”Christ, I can't come there on Saturday. Last night I collapsed for still
unkwown bodily reasons, and today I can barely stand on my feet and I have
fever getting worse. Please apologize for me to all the people who were coming to see the show, and I hope you can still save the gig playing with Planet AIDS.
You know I never missed any gig we planned in the past years, but this time
I really can't help it.
I'm fucking sorry, life sucks-
Herr Morbid”
PLANET AIDS zal (Helaas voor jullie) WEL DOORGAAN en naar een juiste vervanger voor DEAD LIKE FLIES zal worden gezocht.
Herr Morbid heeft inmiddels wel aangegeven later in het Jaar naar Nederland te willen komen om alsnog met DEAD LIKE FLIES en PLANET AIDS wat optredens te doen…
Share the Needle – Get Infected
Collectively the Village People have sold 85 million albums and singles, and they regularly tour Australia.