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SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 15-12-2001 1:18 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Hey lui! Leuk nieuws voor de Megadeth fans:
Dave Mustaine zit nu in de studio met ex-lid Chris Poland (!!!) om 'Killing is my bussiness...and business is good' opnieuw op te nemen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Lainedil op 07-07-2004 19:01]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van Hirogen
Posted 15-12-2001 1:20 by Hirogen Profiel van Hirogen

Dat is zeker goed nieuws.
Ik ben een groot Megadeth fan.

Heads I win, tails you lose

Usericon van Satan
Posted 15-12-2001 2:51 by Satan Profiel van Satan

beste nummer vind ik:Holy wars op het Album :Rust in Peace
Peace sells is ook goed .

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 15-12-2001 5:08 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Ik ben zelf opgegroeid met Megadeth; na het zien van de video van Holy wars was ik 'hooked'!!!
*Killing is my business is een goed album, maar is door de barre produktie nooit echt uit de verf gekomen.
*Peace sells is een instant klassieker geworden; het herkenbare baslijntje is ook jarenlang door MTV news gebruikt; zo catchy is het!
*So far so good so what! is naar mijn mening hun meest sinistere album; vanaf het eerste nummer 'Into the lungs of hell' krijg je alleen maar topnummers te horen!!!!
*Rust in Peace is m.i. hun sterkste album, hun 'Reign in blood' zeg maar.
*Vanaf Countdown to extinction worden ze volwassen; meer trage nummers om meer dynamiek in te passen; erg goed!!!!!
*Youthanasia was in eerste instantie een teleurstellinkje, maar als je het album achterstevoren luistert komt het stukken beter tot z'n recht!!!!
*Cryptic Writings is dan weer beter; meer uitgebalanceerd en weer wat meer speed.
*Risk kunnen we kort over zijn: SUX!!!
*The world needs a hero is aan de ene kant weer een return to the roots, maar mist iets...

Eigenlijk hoop ik dat Chris Poland weer ingelijfd wordt als vast bandlid.....

In my darkest hour.....

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 15-12-2001 5:11]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 15-12-2001 8:20 by attila_de_hun Profiel van attila_de_hun

wat muziek betreft is "killing..."een van de beste cd's van megadeth. ik ben alleen niet zo voor dat opnieuw opnemen. het origineel overtreft je toch niet, kijk maar naar de twee versies van suicidal tendencies'debuur album. ik vind de eerste van megadeth echt prachtig zo. een echte underground trash/speedmetal cd met nagenoeg alleen maar klassiekers. mustain moet in plaats van oude nummers weer heropnemen maar eens wat nieuwe nummers in de zelfde stijl schrijven(met chris poland)

MONEY talks BULLSHIT walks
Usericon van linknl
Posted 15-12-2001 8:28 by linknl Profiel van linknl

Ja Megadeth is wel cool al vind ik de nieuwere cd's een tikkie minder.
Rust in peace en peace sels zijn wel mijn favo's.

Myth of Fury
Usericon van Myth of Fury
Posted 15-12-2001 14:54 by Myth of Fury Profiel van Myth of Fury

Ik weet ookniet wat ik van opnieuw opnemen moet denken. Tuurlijk zal produktie en sound beter zijn, maar dat kan ook afbreuk doen ten opzichte van het origineel.

Maar niks tegen die ex-Savatage-gitarist,wat mij betreft mogen ze Chris Poland terug halen. Zijn solo-cd's zijn erg goed !!!

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 16-12-2001 19:01 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Op 15 december 2001 14:54 schreef Myth of Fury het volgende:
wat mij betreft mogen ze Chris Poland terug halen. Zijn solo-cd's zijn erg goed !!!

Jij kent ze dus; hoe zijn die dan?

Ik hoorde iets can Damn the machine en nog 2 cd's geloof ik, maar ik heb ze nooit gehoord...

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van Paul
Posted 17-12-2001 11:07 by Paul (Administrator) Profiel van Paulhttp://

peace sells heb ik nog ergens op een bandje maar heeft me nooit echt kunnen boeien. Youthanasia vond ik daarentegen wel een lekker album (Zat ook een leuke bonus cd met live opnames bij (digi-pack)).

Paranoid gespeeld door megadeth is ook

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Paul op 17-12-2001 11:08]

It is goed toe bie ievel...zo fuk it al!
Usericon van SilenoZ
Posted 17-12-2001 11:14 by SilenoZ Profiel van SilenoZ

Mijn persoonlijke favoriete Megadeth nummer is nog altijd de 'Duke Nukem Theme'...echt die maar ergens

Lifeform 009
Usericon van FireFox
Posted 17-12-2001 11:52 by FireFox Profiel van FireFox

Mijn Megadeth favo album is So Far So Good So What !, lekkers schel en snel

Our song begins to play. It's notes so light and free they dance in my ears and blind my sight. I think of when we danced and laughed when we kissed under the stars and held our hands in the mist.

Fetus Eater
Usericon van Infaustus
Posted 17-12-2001 21:23 by Infaustus Profiel van Infaustus

megadeth sucks

No meat is sweater

Myth of Fury
Usericon van Myth of Fury
Posted 17-12-2001 23:22 by Myth of Fury Profiel van Myth of Fury

Op 16 december 2001 19:01 schreef Mutilator het volgende:
Jij kent ze dus; hoe zijn die dan?

Ik hoorde iets can Damn the machine en nog 2 cd's geloof ik, maar ik heb ze nooit gehoord...

Ik wist dat 'ie in Damn the Machine zit/zat, maar daar ken ik niks van.

Wel heb ik Return to Metalopolis en Chasing the Sun gehoord. Ik heb het echter niet, dus omschrijven lijkt me niet zo verstandig.
Ik kan wel zeggen dat het lekker melodies klinkt en toch ook met power (of het werk van een topgitarist is ??....zou ik het beter moeten kennen).

Maar je kunt als je RealPlayer hebt ook ff luisteren:
*edit* Of Mp3's op

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Myth of Fury op 17-12-2001 23:40]

Niet de bassiste van Sigh
Usericon van Vargen666
Posted 17-12-2001 23:26 by Vargen666 Profiel van Vargen666

Ben niet een enorme Megadeth-fan, maar Countdown to Extinction is wel een eeeerg strak album...

Usericon van Hirogen
Posted 05-01-2002 16:40 by Hirogen Profiel van Hirogen

Dit is de cover het geremixte en geremasterde "Killing is my business" album van Megadeth dat op 2 februari uit zal komen:

En dit de tracklist :

1. Last Rites/Loved To Death
2. Killing Is My Business...And Business Is Good!
3. The Skull Beneath The Skin
4. Rattlehead
5. Chosen Ones
6. Looking Down The Cross
7. Mechanix
8. These Boots
9. Last Rites/Loved To Deth (Demo)
10. Mechanix (Demo)
11. The Skull Beneath The Skin (Demo)

Heads I win, tails you lose

Lord Morgoth
Fear me...
Usericon van Lord Morgoth
Posted 09-01-2002 19:09 by Lord Morgoth Profiel van Lord Morgoth

Ik had begrepen dat 'ie op die datum in Amerika zou worden uitgegeven... Da's voor ons dus nog ff wat langer wachten

Valar Morghulis! All men must die -- Jaqen H’ghar

Spirit Soldier
Usericon van Spirit Soldier
Posted 10-01-2002 21:05 by Spirit Soldier Profiel van Spirit Soldier

Ben echt een megadeth fan. Vindt dat nieuwe album the worlds needs a hero echt klote. Zit niet echt meer die megadeth agressie in.
(zoals bij rest in peace en sommige nummers op cryptic writings

We`re not dead we`ve never lived

Usericon van HagratH
Posted 10-01-2002 23:54 by HagratH Profiel van HagratH

Op 17 december 2001 11:07 schreef Paul het volgende:
Paranoid gespeeld door megadeth is ook

ARGH de zang in dat nummer vind ik echt niet om aan te horen

Verder heeft Megadeth hier en daar wel leuke nummertjes, maarja... niet echt aan mij uitbesteed geloof ik

Please give blood. Vampires are an endangered species!

Usericon van ghoulliette
Posted 15-06-2003 23:57 by ghoulliette Profiel van ghoulliette

megadeth is super cool en had al een eigen topic, meerdere zelfs.
ik heb zelf alle megadeth cd's en drie shirts en wat patches

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 18-01-2004 0:17 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

"New Year updates:

"Well, it's been a while. And there has been a lot that has happened since last year.

"First off, there is a huge campaign ahead for 2004 and rather than confirm things that are verbal until they materialize, I wanted to wait until the first stage of this project had started and I had something to report that was completed.

"I have been in the studio since January 5th, 2004, remixing 'Peace Sells, But Who's Buying', as part of a re-release campaign that Capitol Records is planning for this year. In two weeks, once the studio is finished with overdubs for what I am currently working on, I will start on 'So Far, So Good, So What'.

" 'Peace Sells' was finished last Friday, January 10th, 2004, and is now being shipped off for mastering. This is the first of the entire MEGADETH catalogue to be remixed for Capitol Records. The previous 5.1 surround sound re-release was not remixed, although I wanted it done prior to the record being put into 5.1 format. Unfortunately, DTS, the company that financed the project had limited funds and could not afford a remix, as well as mixing the record into 5.1 surround sound.

"Other Releases:

"Capitol also intends on re-releasing the MD.45 record featuring Lee Ving on vocals from the punk rock band FEAR.

"I am also working on other material that everyone seems to know about, so I will confirm this:

"1) Yes, I am in the studio working on MEGADETH material old and new.
2) Yes, I did contact previous MEGADETH band members Marty Friedman, Nick Menza, and David Ellefson about making a new record.
3) I was unable to accommodate Friedman and Ellefson, and sadly Nick, who was the most gracious and ready to rock, will not be playing on this new record I am doing.
4) Any talk of a reunion is wishful thinking.

"There was a book deal offered to me by Sanctuary three years ago to put all of my lyrics from MEGADETH into a book and to describe them. I completed that last year and submitted it to Sanctuary this year for editing and eventual release.

"New MEGADETH Record:

"I started last year in October working on a new record and was unsure if it was going to be a MEGADETH record or the first record of my career-post MEGADETH.

"But there was too much good music that was written during the MEGADETH era that was left incomplete and unreleased that I had written and I decided to assemble that music first. It is frikkin' heavy and most people that have been around are surprised it was never released.

"Regardless of being unable to come to an agreement with the ['Rust In Peace'] line-up, I am excited to say that Chris Poland is in the studio with me in Arizona, working on this new record. Vinnie Colaiuta and Jimmy Sloas played drums and bass with me on this record and I should be done somewhere around the end of March. Don't worry, they rip!

"I have heard the rumors and I don't pay them any mind I know that the people who are saying they are 'insiders' or have 'inside info' are talking out their asses, and that some of them have been right by way of 'a guess,' but that's it. If these people say they are friends of mine and are disclosing private information about me, then I can tell you they are not considered a friend by me.


"I will be at NAMM Saturday, January 17th, with my new ESP DV8s and LTD DV8Rs and I expect I will meet some of you there.

"Some kind of bullshit:

"I am aware of the METALLICA movie. I noticed how much footage they used and to whom it benefited, too. "This is about relationships," huh? Yeah, right.


"I did go to Knoxville, Tennessee, to write a song and play with the band PILLAR. Not because of their faith, but because they are a good band. But since this is a MEGADETH site and that is not related to anything MEGADETH, you can look for info on my trip at the PILLAR site or on

"Life Changes:

"Yes, my life has changed and what was once just saying what my religious beliefs were with my lips, I now have acknowledged in my heart. Again, this will be discussed at my personal site. My personal beliefs are not going to be pushed on anyone and if you don't like it, go somewhere else.

"Arm Injury:

"My arm got injured when I fell asleep on it January 7th, 2002, not from the false reports that state anything to the contrary, and I was told that I would not gain full use of my arm ever again that I would be lucky if I even got 80%.

"Well, through a lot of physical therapy, and a lot of the prayer that everyone seems to be mocking me for, I am completely healed and playing better than before I got hurt, because I had to relearn to play.

"In closing:

"I will tell you more as it arises, or you can go to the gossip sites and get yer info from the liars and the pukes that have nothing good to say about anyone.

"Gossips: even the name hisses. Kinda like the words 'assholes,' or 'pussies,' huh?

"Mustaine sez,

"Goodbye Droogies!"

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 18-01-2004 0:20 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Die topics over Mustaine uit Megadeth mogen wel dicht

Die drummer Vinnie Colaiuta is trouwens een jazzfusion grootheid

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 18-01-2004 0:31]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

opa lives!
Usericon van bazzio
Posted 18-01-2004 0:33 by bazzio Profiel van bazzio

"I am also working on other material that everyone seems to know about, so I will confirm this:

"1) Yes, I am in the studio working on MEGADETH material old and new.
2) Yes, I did contact previous MEGADETH band members Marty Friedman, Nick Menza, and David Ellefson about making a new record.
3) I was unable to accommodate Friedman and Ellefson, and sadly Nick, who was the most gracious and ready to rock, will not be playing on this new record I am doing.
4) Any talk of a reunion is wishful thinking.

Wat is het nu wel of niet (ben niet echt helder meer ), Megadeth zonder de rest is geen Megadeth meer.

Bazzio Attacks!!!

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 18-01-2004 1:05 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

Op 18 januari 2004 0:33 schreef bazzio het volgende:
Wat is het nu wel of niet (ben niet echt helder meer ), Megadeth zonder de rest is geen Megadeth meer.

Het is idd nog wat vaag, maar Marty & Dave wordn dus niet uitgesloten, maar zal nog een flinke tijd duren, in ieder geval nog wachten na het nieuwe album als de nieuwe line up uit elkaar valt, maar wat de drummer betreft hoef je je in ieder geval geen zorgen te maken; ik ben zelf een fan van Nick Menza, maar Vinnie zit bij de absolute wereldtop!

Overigens is Chris Poland de gitarist op Peace sells...

Op 15 december 2001 14:54 schreef Myth of Fury het volgende:
Maar niks tegen die ex-Savatage-gitarist,wat mij betreft mogen ze Chris Poland terug halen. Zijn solo-cd's zijn erg goed !!!

...dus jouw gebeden zijn verhoord!

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 18-01-2004 1:10]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 18-01-2004 1:13 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

nog wat background info:

"My Arm Injury
In December of 2001 I was at the La Hacienda Rehabilitation Center in Hunt, Texas. This happened because after the towers were hit, (besides all the other stuff going on at the time internally with Megadeth) I numbed out, like most of us did. After five years of being sober, I started using pain medication. I lost control and went out to Texas to get cleaned up. While I was sobering up in Texas, on January 7th, 2002, I was sitting up in a chair at the hospital, and I fell asleep with my arm over the back of a chair I was in.

This cut off the circulation to the radial ulnar nerve, around the humerus, on the inside of my left bicep, compressing it. This is called Saturday Night Palsy (see the link provided ). Many claim that I hurt my arm "shooting up". People do not inject drugs in the inside of their arm above the elbow, into the bicep, so the shooting up bit is false.

The Doctor in Texas said that I was probably not going to be able to use my arm any more than 80%, "if I was lucky". And he also said I "would probably not play again".

This was not acceptable to me. So I went back from Texas to Scottsdale, Arizona, because I wanted to go to see my Doctor, Raj Singh, about my arm. After I got evaluated I returned to Texas to finish my treatment and started off on what took four months of grueling physical therapy at the Spire Institute in Scottsdale with Nathan Koch, acupuncture with Doctor Vance Inouye, chiropractic adjustments from Doctor William Tikey - the founder of Spire Institute, weight training for over a year, and loads of prayers.

Dr. Singh pronounced that I had completely recovered and that my arm was 100% healed after that time. Following this good news I started playing again and located a guitar teacher to help my re-learn my craft named Ric Flauding.

If there could possibly be any better news than this, it was that prior to injuring my arm, I had started to develop damage to my left hand from playing every night for two hours anyway, specifically in the little finger. The nerve injury, the time off from playing, the rehab (both La Ha and the physical therapy), and learning to play again has made me play much better.

I hope to have something for you to listen to soon, so that you can judge for yourself."

Dat beloofd over de kwaliteit van het komende materiaal!

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van Mies
Posted 18-01-2004 1:40 by Mies Profiel van Mies

Yeah, Megadeth

Voice Of Doom
kotsende chaoot
Usericon van Voice Of Doom
Posted 18-01-2004 1:43 by Voice Of Doom Profiel van Voice Of Doom

Op 17 december 2001 11:07 schreef Paul het volgende:
...Youthanasia vond ik daarentegen wel een lekker album (Zat ook een leuke bonus cd met live opnames bij...

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Voice Of Doom op 18-01-2004 1:44]

I've got no trust to give, I've got no heart to break, Nothing for me to fucking lose, because I never had a fucking thing

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