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Hier mijn nieuwe distrolijst...prijzen variëren van 5 tot max. 10 euro, behalve voor enkele dubbels 12 euro. Als je iets interessants vindt, kan je me best contacteren via mail op info@nepherex.com A MIND CONFUSED -Anarchos A SWITCH BELOW -Signs of impact AARDVARKS -Conglomerate ABLAZE MY SORROW -If emotions still burns ABOMINANT -Ungodly ABOMINANT -Upon black horizons ABSORBED -Sunset bleeding ACHERON -Anti-god, anti-christ ACHERON -Those who have risen ACME -...to reduce the choir to one soloist AD INFERNA -l'empire des sens ADVENT -the dawn ADVERSARY -Forsaken AETERNUS -Ascension of terror AFTERDEATH -Backwords AGALLOCH -The mantle AGGRESSION A.D. -Forgotten skeleton AGHORA -Aghora digi AGONY -Call the rain ALASTIS -Revenge ALGAION -General Enmity ALGAION -Vox Clamentis ALGOL / SHROUD OF DESPONDENCY splitcd ALICE COOPER -The last temptation AMORTIS -Summoned by astral fire AMSVARTNER -Dreams ANTAIOS / STIGMATIC CHORUS splitcd ANTIPHRASIS -Gutsfuck ANTROPOFAGUS -No waste of flesh APHOOM ZHAH /SMIERCIESLAU splitcd APKONA -....(Russian title) ARAFEL -The way of defender ARCH RIVAL -Third degree burns ARKHAM -Chapter III, the madness form the sea ARKONA / SZRON splitcd ASGUARD -Black fireland ASHEN LIGHT - .......(Russian title) ASHES -Death has made it's final call ASTRAL -Filicetum lunare ATANATOS -Devastation-the third attack ATRITAS -Where witches burnt AVE SATHANAS -Religion of pity AZAGHAL -Kyy AZRAEL -A prayer from the lips of sin BABYLON WHORES -King fear BAPHOMET -Trust BARATHRUM -Legions of perkele BARBARITY -The wish to bleed BATHORY -Tribute (In conspiracy with satan) BETHLEHEM -Dictius te necare BIZARRE VINYLS -Bizarre vinyls BLACK FUNERAL -Vampyr, throne of the beast BLACK JADE -...of forest and fire (special extended digi edition) BLOOD RED THRONE -Monument of death BLOODCULT -Payday BLOODRAIN II -Ultimatum BLOODSHOTEYE -Without any remorse BLUT / SONNEKREUZ split NSBM BLUTTAUFE -Mein fleisch an deinen lippen... BOWEL STEW -Necrocannibal rites BRAINSTORM -Ambiguity BRANIKALD -Rausch der misantropic BRIEF RESPITE -Lullabye to the moon BROKEN EDGE -Nofamenonamenoshame BURNING INSIDE -The eve of the entities BYATIS -In dark abysses of memory CADAVEROUS CONDITION -the lesser travelled seas CAEDES -Blood war perversion digi CALEDONIAN -Acolyte CANCER -Corporations CARDINAL SIN -Resurrection CARPATHIAN FOREST -Morbid fascination of death CARPATHIAN FOREST -Over a decade of perversions CARPATHIAN FOREST -Where going to hell for this CARPE NOCTEM -Nachtgedacht CARVED IN STONE -Hear the voice CASTIGATE -Bring me the head of Jesus Christ CATAFALQUE -Awakening CATAMENIA -Catamenia shape-cd CATASTROPHIC -The cleansing CEMETARY -Godless beauty CEREMONY -The days before the death CHAINS OF FIRE -Gods of thunder CHRIST AGONY -Moonlight CITIES OF SLEEP -Fear: Suicide: Life CLAIRVOYANT -Fighter's soul COMECON -Fable frolic CONTRABANDA -100% hate CRADLE OF FILTH -From the cradle to enslave e.p. CRAWLSPACE -Enter the realm of chaos CREMATORY -Transmigration digi CRUCIFERION WOUNDS -War summoning CRUSTACEAN -Burden of our suffering CRYOGENIC -Parsifal 21 digi CRYPTIC CARNAGE -Rozelowe CYDONIA -Cydonia DAEMON -The second coming DAEMONIA -Morphi lands DAEMONLORD -The sign (key of the underworld..pt. I) DAGORLAD -The end of the dark ages digi DAHMER -The studio sessions DAMNATION ARMY -The art of the occult DAMNATION -Reborn DARGAARD -Rise and fall DARK ANGEL -The best of, decade of chaos DARKENED SKIES -Dawn of dreams digi DARKSIDE -Melancholia of a dying world DAWN OF DREAMS -Amber DAWN OF DREAMS -Darklight awakening DEAD EMOTIONS -The genesis behind DEAD INFECTION -The greatest shits DEAD JESUS -...let them suffer DEADEN -Hymns of the sick DEAF & DUMB /IMPERIAL FOETICIDE split DEATH DIES -Product of hate DEATH OF MILLIONS -Frozen digi DECAYED REMAINS -One man's fate DEEPRED -Prophetic luster DEFLECTED SENSE -Commentaries at the edge of abyss DELIRIUM TREMENS -Thrashings Warthogs DER GEWELT / NARGATHROND splitcd DESASTER -Hellfire's dominion DESCEND INTO NOTHINGNESS -Darkened reality DESECRATED DREAMS - Feelings of guilt DESECRATION -Murder in mind DESENSITISED -Thriving on carnage mcd DESTROYED BY ANGER -Destroyed by anger DESTRUCTION -Release from agony DESULTORY -Swallow the snake DETRIMENTUM -A monument to the suffering DEVIOUS -Acts of rage DEVISER -Running sore DIA PSALMA -Gryningstid DIABOLICAL BREED -Compendium infernus DIALECTIC SOUL -Dialectic soul DIE SAAT -Der schlachten tribut DIMMU BORGIR -Puritanical Euphoric misanthropia DISCERN -Revive and rebuke DISMAL -Bewitched by the moon DISPATCHED -Terrorizer DOMINE -Stormbringer ruler digi DOMINUS -Godfallos DRACONIS SANGUIS -Between insanity and brilliance DRAKKAR -X-rated DREAM THEATER -Live at the marquee DYSANCHELY -Secrets of the sun EIKIND -Vargtime EP ELFFOR -From teh throne of hate EMANCER -Invisible EMBRACING -Dreams left behind EMBRACING -I bear the burden of time EMINENZ -The heretic digi ENCHANTMENT -Dance the marble naked ENCRYPTION -Nosferamor digi ENCRYPTION -Secrecy ENFORCE -Campfire night ENTIRETY -The moth of hate ENTOMBED -Same difference ESSENCE OF EXISTENCE -Ephemeris sun ETERNAL SILENCE -between the unseen EVEN VAST -Where the trees still speak EVIL INCARNATE -Blackest hymns of god's disgrace EVOLUTION -Empire over time EWIGES REICH -zeit der erwachens EXHUMED -Gore metal EXTERMINATOR -Forgotten souls EXTREME -Live bootleg FAFNER / NOMINON splitcd FATES WARNING -Disconnected FORGOTTEN DARKNESS -Nacht aus blut FUNEBRE -Children of the corn FUNERAL RITES -Necroeater GAMMARAY -Sigh no more GAMMARAY -Somewhere out in space GARDENS OF GEHENNA -Dead body music GLACIAL FEAR -Frames GLENN HUGHES -Addicition GLORIA MORTI -lifestream corrosion digi GOAT HORNS / THE TRUE ENDLESS splitcd GOAT HORNS -Magician of black chaos GODLESS NORTH -Summon the age of supremacy GOREFEST -Soul survivor GOTMOOR -Pain provider GRAVE -You'll never see... GRIMFORCE -circulation to conclusion HALGADOM -Sein und werden digi HALGADOM -Verdunkelung des gottlichen HARE -Proud to be loud HATE BEYOND -Perpetual pain HECATE ENTHRONED -Kings of chaos HECATE ENTHRONED -Upon promeathean shores HEIMDAL -Fall from grace HEIMDAL -Fall from grace HELHEIM -Nidr ok nordr liggr helvegr HELLFIRE -Birth of the nuclear age HELLIAS -Closed in the fate coffin HELLOWEEN -If I could fly HELLRAGE -Eclipse of time digi HELLVETO -Medieval stream HELLVETO -Phorcys forestdome HIDDEN -Spectral magnitude HOLOCAUSTO CANIBAL / MIXOMATOSIS split HOLY DEATH -Apocalyptic war HOLY DEATH -Forever burning ashes HORRID -Reborn in sin HYPNOS -Hypnos mcd ICONOCLASM -Iconoclastic warfare ILLNATH -Castinto fields of evil pleasure IMMORTAL RITES -Art of devolution digi IMMORTAL RITES -Beyond the gates of pain IMPEDIGON -As desires fade... IMPURE -In disrespect to mankind INANNA UNVEILED -Inanna unveiled INCRIMINATED / BLOODHAMMER split INFER -In cold being INFERIA -Spawned at the dawn INFERNAL / EXCELSUS DIABOLI -The reapers of god INFERNAL BEAUTY –Drakensquar digi INFERNAL BEAUTY -Midnartiis INFERNAL GATES -From the mist of dark waters INFERNAL -The infernal compendium IN-QUEST -Destination pyroclasm INSANITY REIGNS SUPREME -...And darkness drowned the land divine INSANITY REIGNS SUPREME -Prophecy of doom slipcase IRON CLAD -Lost in a dream IRON MAIDEN -A tribute, A call to irons IRON MAIDEN -Out of the silent planet digi, ltd. IRON MAIDEN -Rainmaker blue version 6,00 Euro IRON MAIDEN -Rainmaker yellow version 6,00 Euro IRON MAIDEN -Roskilde festival June 27th 2003 10,00 Euro IRON MAIDEN -Run to the hills ep IRON MAIDEN -Wildest dreams ltd. 3 track cd single IRON MAIDEN -Wildest dreams ltd. DVD video JUTHOMIEL -I'mquintessence KATATONIA -Brave murder day KHOLD -Masterpiece of pain KING DIAMOND -The spider's lullabye KING DIAMOND -Voodoo KING'S EVIL -Deletion of humanoise KLUDDE / WANHOOP split cd KONKHRA -Weed out the weak KRABATHOR -Unfortunately dead -ltd. ed. box-set incl. pin & poster KRIEG -The black house KRIEG –Destruction ritual KRIEG -The church KRISIUN -Ageless venomous KROHM -A world through dead eyes digi KROHM -Crown of the ancients LABYRINTH -Sons of thunder LABYRINTH -Timeless crime LEGION -Conqueror LENGTH OF TIME -Approach to the new world LETHAL PRAYER -Spiritual decay LILITH -The conquering of the eternal wisdom LIMBONIC ART -Ad noctum LION'S PRIDE -Stand and defend LONG VOYAGE BACK -Long voyage back LUGUBRUM -De vette cuecken LUGBUBRUM –De totem LUNATIC GODS -Inhuman & insensible + cuckoo LUNATIC GODS -Mythus LUNATIC GODS -Sitting by the fire LUNATIC GODS -The wilderness MACBETH -Romantic tragedy's crescendo digi MADDER MORTEM -Deadlands MAGELLAN -Hundred year flood MAGOG -MFXFX MAHLSTROM -Nordlys (demo cd-r) MALEDICTION -Whirl evoken byprayers MALEDICTIVE PIGS -Bloodshed MALEFACTOR -Death falls silent MALMSTEEN YNGWIE -The seventh sign MANGLED -Most painful ways MANGLED -Perish MANOWAR -Anthology MANOWAR -Best of -The hell of steel MANOWAR -Hell on stage live 2cd MANOWAR -Hell on wheels live 2cd MANOWAR -Live in Tilburg '87 MANOWAR -The dawn of battle 2cd MANOWAR -War of the world doubledigi MANOWAR -Warriors of the world ltd. Shape tour edition MAPLE CROSS -Next chapter MARDUK -Obedience digi MARERITT -Hymner til doden og morret MASACRE -Total death MASS PSYCHOSIS -Necroporno MASSEMORD / SVARTSKOGG split cd MASSEMORD -12 years of mass murders MASTIPHAL -For a glory of all evil spirits, rise for victory MELTING FLESH -Good addiction butchery MEMORIAL -Enter my megaron MENEGROTH -Helvetische urgewalt MERCENARY -Everblack MERCYFUL FATE -Dead again MERCYFUL FATE -In the shadows MERCYFUL FATE -Into the unknown MERCYFUL FATE -The bell witch MERCYFUL FATE -Tribute MERLIN -They must die MERRIMACK -Obsecrations to the horned MESSIAH -Underground METALLICA -Until it sleeps METHADRONE -Retrogression dvd-case MICHAEL SCHENKER -Adventures of imagination MIND ECLIPSE -Chaos chronicles MINDFIELD -Deviant MIRROR OF DECEPTION -Foregone MIRRORTHRONE -Of wind and weeping MISANTHROPE -Libertine humiliations digi MISANTHROPE -Visionnaire digi MISCREANT -Oppressive MISERY INDEX -Commit suicide MISTWEAVER -Dream's domain MONASTYR -Never dreaming MORBID DEATH -Secrets MORGAIN -Frostbitten nakedness MORGART -Die schlacht MORRIGU -Blood shall be spilled MORTIFER -Epitaph MORTIFICATION -Hammer of god MORTIFICATION -Primitive rhythm machine MY OWN VICTIM -Burning inside MYDGARD -Decay of thy gods NARASIMHA -narasimha NARCOTIC GREED -Twicet of fate NATRON -Bedtime for mercy digi NATRON -Negative prevails digi NEBULAR MOON -Of dreams and magic NECROPHAGIA -Holocaust de la morte NECROPHAGOUS -Disgusted NECROSANCT -Desolate NEFANDUS -The nightwinds carried our names NEW RISEN THRONE -Chants for the cold and dying sun digi NIDDHOGG -Hardangervidda part I + II (NAGELFAR) NIGHT IN GALES -Thunderbeast NIGHTWISH -Oceanborn NITBERG / VOLKOTEN -Hammer Harte NITBERG -Nitsanger NITBERG -Nitsanger NSBM NOKTURNAL MORTUM -Return of the vampire lord -marble moon a5 ltd. Ed. NON SERVIAM -Between light and darkness NON SERVIAM -Necrotical NOSFERATOS -Pandemonium NUCLEAR WINTER -Nuclear winter NUNSLAUGHTER -One night in hell OBSCENE EULOGY -A portal into fire OBSCENE EULOGY -Defining hate OCCULT -Rage to revenge ltd. & handnumbered a5 edition OCCULTUS -Cosmos digi OPEN GRAVE -The heavens cry black OPERA IX -Sacro culto digi OPERATION WINTER MIST -Winter warfare II OPHIOLATRY / INFERNAL DOMINION split cd OPPROBRIUM -Discerning forces ORODRUIN -Claw tower & other tales of terror ORODRUIN -Epicurian mass PAGAN SPIRIT -The latent doctrine PAGAN WINTER -The cult of flesh PAGANIZER -Dead unburied PANCHRYSIA -In obscure depths PANCHRYSIA -Malicious parasite PANTERA -Fucking hostile cowboys from hell (bootleg) PARADISE LOST -Say just words mcd PAROXYSM -Revelation is denied PATHOLOGY STENCH -Accion mutante PAUL DI'ANNO -Killers PENETRALIA -Carpe noctem PENTAGRAM (THE) -Anatolia PHANTASMA -Jahve PLANTABISS -The color of foul thoughts POGROM -Black metal complete A5 format NSBM PORTAL -Forthcoming POSTMORTEM -The cal of the sea PROTEST -About human idols PSILOCYBE LARVAE -Stigmata PSIONIC -Nu-tech cyber sorcery PURGATORY -Bestial PURGATORY -Luciferianism PURULENT -Garavito's Pedophilia tales PURULENT -Patologia grotesca PUTRID SCUM -Putric scum RAIDEN -The killing fist RELEVANT FEW -Who are those of leadership? REMEMBRANCE OF PAIN -Beneath our shadows RESUSCITATOR -Cursed visions from his infernal realm RETALIATION -Violence spreads it's drape REVEREND BIZARRE -Slice of doom 1999-2000 RHAPSODY -Emerald sword RHAPSODY -Holy thunderforce RHAPSODY -Symphony of the enchanted lands RIGOR SARDONICOUS -Principa Sardonica ROOT -Black seal ROSSOMAHAAR -Live and die in moscow ROSSOMAHAAR -Quaerite lux in tenebris... SACRED STEEL -Bloodlust SACRED STEEL -Wargods of metal SACRIFICIO -Fin de la fé SACRIVERSUM -Beckettia SAD ORIGIN -Window of sarcasm SADUS -Chronicles of chaos SANATORIUM -Internal womb cannibalism SANTANA -Supernatural SAPTHURAN -In hatred SATARIEL -Phobos and deimos SATRIANI JOE -Crystal planet SATRIANI JOE -Dreaming #11 SATRIANI JOE -Strange beautiful music SAVATAGE -Poets and madmen ltd. Box edition SCALD -Will of the gods is great power SCEPTER -Fucking metal moherfuckers SCEPTER -I'm going to hell SCEPTIC -Pathetic being SCEPTIC -Pathetic being SCRATCHING SOIL -War experience SEA OF TRANQUILLITY -The omegan ruins SECRETUM -Happy happy killing time... SEELENWINTER -If soul turns into flesh SEELENWINTER -Seelenwinter SERPENT -In the garden of serpent SEVERE TORTURE -Feasting on blood SEVERE TORTURE -Misanthropic carnage SEXORCIST -Sexorcist SHINING OF KLIFFOTH -Twilight of sehemeah SICKENING GORE -Destructive reality SIGNS OF DYING -Desire is suffering SIGRBLOT -Blodsband (Blood religion manifest) SILENT DEATH -Stone cold SINISTER -Aggressive measures SINS OF OMISSION -The creation SKITSYSTEM -Enkel resa till rännstenen SKOLL -11 years of mist SLAYER -Diabolus in musica SOMBER SERENITY -Singular SORCERER -Metalowa Husarya SOULLESS -Agony's lament SOULREAPER -Life erazer digi STALLAGH -Project nihil digi STENTORIAN -Gentle push to paradise STONEHENGE -Scum brigade STURMKAISER -Mors tua, vita mea NSBM SUFFER -Structures SUFFERING DOWN -Misanthropic and nihilist dharma SUICIDE -One of your neighbours SUPPOSITORY -Punching out reality SUPREMACY -Satanic reich SWEETS FOR MY SWEET chaper I SYMBEL -We drink, hymns and counsel of anglosaxon heathenry T.H.R.O.N. -Subject to damage TALES OF DARKNORD -Dismissed TARIHAN -Hohe tannen TEMNOZOR -Sorcery of fragments THALARION -Hellium THANATOSCHIZO -Insomnious nightlift THARGOS -Killfukk THE ART OF BUTCHERY -My pleasure is your pain THE BEAST -Fixed by the devil THE BLOODLINE -Opium hearts THE ENCHANTED -Trust in death and rebirth THE EVERDAWN -Poems burn the past THE GATES OF SLUMBER -The awakening THE MASS -Towards darkness THE ONE -Guardians inhuman THE SCARR -Animalenemy digi THE SEVENTH -Only blackness radiates demo cd-r THE SYRE -The syre digi THEE MALDOROR KOLLECTIVE -New era viral order THERION -Live in midgard 2cd THEUDHO -Treachery THORAZINE -Geneticide THOU SHALT SUFFER -Somnium THROES OF DAWN -Binding of the spirit (digi) THROES OF DAWN -Pakkasherra THRONDT -Throndt THRONEAEON -Neither of gods THURISAZ -Scent of a dream THY ANTICHRIST -Wicked testimonies THY ENDLESS WRATH -Next to the throne of chaos THY MAJESTY -German black metal art digi THY REPENTANCE / NUCLEAR WINTER splitcd THY SERPENT -Christcrusher TIAMAT -Clouds TIDFALL -Instinct gate TIN PAN ALLEY -Tin pan alley TO SEPERATE THE FLESH FROM THE BONES -For those about to rot TORQUE -Torque TOTENBURG -Pestpogrom TOURNIQUET -Microscopic view of a telescopic realm TRAGEDY DIVINE -Visions of power TRANSGRESSOR -Recollected limbs TSATTHOGGUA -Trans cunt whip TYRANT -Gromoires digi UHRILEHTO -Viha ja ikuinen vitutus UNDER THREAT -Hipostasis UNEXPECT -We invaders UNGOD -Circle of the seven infernal pacts UNLORD -Lord of beneath UNSILENCE -A walk through oceans URANUS -Heathendome 1999 VADER -Reign forever world VADER -Revelations digi VADER -The Beast digi VALKYRIA -Förfäders stämmor VARIOUS - Face your underground 3 -Deathmetal.be VARIOUS - In decay we trust vol. 1 VARIOUS -Beauty in darkness VARIOUS -Candlelight collection vol. 2 VARIOUS -Deaf metal sampler VARIOUS -Gods of darkness VARIOUS -Metalopolis vol. 1 VARIOUS -The death evocation imphalte compilation vol.002 a5 ed. VARIOUS -Victims of the bubonic plague VARIOUS: FACE YOUR UNDERGROUND III Deathmetal.be sampler 2cd VARIOUS: THE DEATH EVOCATION IMPHALTE COMPILATION Vol.2 dvd-case VASARIA -Vasaria VEDIOG SVAOR -In the distance VELD -Infested with rats life VELIMOR -For the glory of our kin / rujan VICIOUS RUMOURS -Cyberchrist VISION DIVINE -Send me an angel VISION OF DISORDER -From bliss to devastation VOODOOSHOCK -Voodoom ep WALL OF SLEEP -Slow but not dead WAPENSPRAAK & DRINKGELAG / GARMENHORD split cd WARHORSE -As heaven turns to ash WARKULT -Perseverance of aggression WAYD -Barriers WELTBRAND -Radiance of a thousand suns WITCHBANE -Soldiers of hell WITCHHUNT -Prophecies of a great plague WOLFSMOND -des düsterwaldes reigen XC-NN -XC-NN XENOMORPH -Baneful stealth desire ![]() |
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