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Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 14-02-2006 1:18 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Saxon - To hell and back again!!!!!!

Against God and Government

Usericon van Schaep
Posted 14-02-2006 1:21 by Schaep Profiel van Schaep

Tim Dog - Maddog

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 14-02-2006 1:34 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

Van Halen - ain't talking about love

Against God and Government

madeline usher
The sow is mine!!
Usericon van madeline usher
Posted 14-02-2006 10:41 by madeline usher Profiel van madeline usher

Eerst Mötörhead: We are Mötörhead

Nu The Damned: Video nasty

Hello-hooray-let the show begin-I've been ready

Usericon van skullfuck
Posted 14-02-2006 10:43 by skullfuck Profiel van skullfuckhttp://

Ornette Coleman - Complete Science Fiction Sess

Suck my piss

Usericon van Burzum
Posted 14-02-2006 11:08 by Burzum Profiel van Burzum

The Berzerker - World of Lies

Usericon van slome
Posted 14-02-2006 11:09 by slome Profiel van slome

Nuclear Assault - Fractured Minds

Usericon van Schaep
Posted 14-02-2006 11:12 by Schaep Profiel van Schaep

The Pogues

madeline usher
The sow is mine!!
Usericon van madeline usher
Posted 14-02-2006 11:27 by madeline usher Profiel van madeline usher

The Misfits: Death comes ripping

Hello-hooray-let the show begin-I've been ready

Usericon van spectre
Posted 14-02-2006 11:31 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Eibon - Mirror Soul Jesus

Fenriz op de trommels!

Usericon van Leviathanica
Posted 14-02-2006 11:33 by Leviathanica Profiel van Leviathanica

Mediengruppe Telekommander - Trend

Iedereen heeft recht op mijn mening.

Usericon van Sargatanas
Posted 14-02-2006 11:45 by Sargatanas Profiel van Sargatanas

NP: Drudkh-Summoning the Rain

Usericon van Leviathanica
Posted 14-02-2006 12:21 by Leviathanica Profiel van Leviathanica

Chaosbringer - Black Desire

Iedereen heeft recht op mijn mening.

Usericon van spectre
Posted 14-02-2006 12:36 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Thorns - You that Mingle May!!

Usericon van Jebes
Posted 14-02-2006 12:38 by Jebes Profiel van Jebes

Neal Morse - The Creation

Hobsbawm: 'However strong and sincere the belief that magic would turn machine-gun bullets aside, it worked too rarely to make much difference' - -

Usericon van Leviathanica
Posted 14-02-2006 12:38 by Leviathanica Profiel van Leviathanica

Endymion & Nosferatu - Drunk with a Gun

Iedereen heeft recht op mijn mening.

Tormented soul
Usericon van Tormented soul
Posted 14-02-2006 12:51 by Tormented soul Profiel van Tormented soul

Op 14 februari 2006 12:38 schreef Jebes het volgende:
Neal Morse - The Creation

al zijn 'creations':

np: Chroma Key - You go Now

Usericon van Leviathanica
Posted 14-02-2006 13:15 by Leviathanica Profiel van Leviathanica

Dj Skinhead - At War (Promo remix)

Iedereen heeft recht op mijn mening.

Het leven is...... Naar de kloten gaan.
Usericon van Rensykdom
Posted 14-02-2006 13:22 by Rensykdom Profiel van Rensykdom

The Outside Agency - Screaming Phoenix

Phantom Lord
Usericon van Phantom Lord
Posted 14-02-2006 13:50 by Phantom Lord Profiel van Phantom Lord

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (hele album he?! )


Usericon van Heiden
Posted 14-02-2006 13:55 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

Autopsy - Mental Funeral

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

venom rules
Usericon van venom rules
Posted 14-02-2006 14:08 by venom rules Profiel van venom ruleshttp://..

Camel - Rhayader


Usericon van Heiden
Posted 14-02-2006 14:35 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

Usericon van Jebes
Posted 14-02-2006 14:36 by Jebes Profiel van Jebes

Klimt1918 - They were wed by the sea

Hobsbawm: 'However strong and sincere the belief that magic would turn machine-gun bullets aside, it worked too rarely to make much difference' - -

Usericon van spectre
Posted 14-02-2006 14:50 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Buck Rogers Theme

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