Wanhoop |
Posted 20-02-2006 10:23 by Wanhoop |
from trading...
1917 –Neo ritual great old school black/death metal (Old Samael)
Act of God –The place of worship great brutal death metal with high female vocals!
Aeternus –Ascension of terror black death metal
Aeternus –Shadows of old great death metal
Ampütator –same title raw american black metal
Anal Bleeding –Two cocks in the same hole deathgrind
Ancient –God loves the dead epic black metal
Ancient –God loves the dead great atmospheric black metal
Ancient –Proxima centaure great atmospheric black metal
Ancient –Proxima centauri
Apkona –Bo3p0xaenne great folky pagan metal
Arallu –The demon from the ancient world underground black metal with slayer influences
Arkona –Revival pagan ‘power’ black metal
Azeroth –Live in Polygon Emperor-like black metal
Barbarity –Hell is here great brutal death metal
Black Countess –Carnivorous romance atmospheric black metal
Blood of Christ –Anthology I …a dream to remember death metal Hypocriy/Brutality
Conqueror –Hammer of antichrist (history of annihilation) insane antichristian death-black
Corporal Raid / Bredor split grind
Cryfemal –Escucha a los muertos underground black metal Burzum…
Cryfemal –With the help of the devil extreme underground old style black metal
Dark Inversion –The land of the dead warriors great underground Russian black metal with folk parts (satyricon, dissection, dark funeral)
Datura –Impulse 80 brutal death metal
Death Reality –Blasphemous bleeding brutal death metal
Deathless –The time tob e immortal death metal in the vein of Edge of Sanity
Deinonychus –Insomnia doom metal
Démence –Total démembrement –brutal grinding death metal
Demiurg –Bastinado great atmospheric thrashy power black with clean parts
Depraved –Censored artwork –explicit band –grinding death metal
Devastator & Blasphemer –Nuclear war / race of the cursed seeds raw underground black metal
Drama –Winds choir opera influenced by Dissection & Dark Funeral
Dryados – l’ Amour n’enleve pas vraiment la depression atmospheric black doom
Dusk –Carpathian darkness underground black metal judas iscariot
Embers of life – Dark conspiracy Atmospheric black metal
Entropia –Takte Morbid grind
Ereshkigal –Under the chains of hell underground black metal
Excoriating abdominal amanation split cd grind
Exventer –Procedrum finic brutal death metal
Fearer- Confession to hate deathgrind
Fermento –Insignia deathgrind
Fleshless –Abhorrence of cadaveric deathgrind
Folkearth – A nordic poem Atmospheric melodic pagan black metal
Forgotten Silence- Bya bamatie neem great doom-death
Forgotten Silence –The nameless forever, the last remembrance… great mix of death and doom metal
Fuck shit up –Generation of defecation grind
Grindfather / Ebanath split cd grind
Grom –We are true, we are hate!!! Great old style black like destroyer666
Hellveto –Shadow of the blue & my eternal hegemony… great epic underground black metal
Holy Blood – ‘green cd’ Great russian folky pagan/viking black metal
Horrid –Evils rebirth 1989-2002 götheborg death metal
Hoth –Rites of the black godess underground satanic black metal
Ildhur –The wandering underground black metal old ancient / darkthrone
Inexist –Am I senseless? (re-release) great deathcore
Infestum –Last day before the endless night underground black metal
Ingrowing –Cyberspace brutal death metal
Jungle Rot –Dead and buried
Jungle Rot –Fueled by hate
Jungle Rot Fueled by hate death grind
Kamaedzitca –Dzeni Neca Russian death with doom influences
Kuturlat –Necroritual underground black metal
Lay Down Rotten –cold constructed brutal death metal
Lay Down Rotten –Paralyzed by fear brutal death metal
Lüger –Kill, worship, die raw underground black metal
Meslamtaea –New era melodic dutch pagan metal
Mixomatosis / Tu Carne / Voice of Hate split cd grind
Mortifilia –Redemption Götheborg death metal
Myrk –Icons of the dark old style black metal
Necrocannibalistic vomitorium / RHPP/ Necrokillgraveterror / Cranium split grind
Neformat –Breathe with hatred technical death metal influenced by cannibal corpse, deicide, sufffocation
Nitberg –Nitsanger nsbm
Pagan Reign – ‘blue cd’ great russian folky pagan black metal
Resurrecturis –the cuckoo clocks of hell great thrashy death metal
Rossomahaar – Imperium tenebrarum great old style black/death metal with atmospheric parts
Rossomahaar –Live and die in Moscow
Rossomahaar –Quarite lux in tenebris
Rossomahaar –Regnum somni
Sanctification –Misanthrophic salvation brutal death metal
Satarial –And the flame will take the temples of christ atmospheric experimental black metal
Satarial –Heidenlarm modern atmospheric experimental black metal
Satarial –Larm atmospheric experimental black metal
Satarial –The queen of the elves land atmospheric experimental black metal
Signs of Darkness –The 17th floor belgian black death
Sinful –Omyt great atmospheric black metal
Stagnatus –Ultima thule spacy atmospheric black metal
Temnozor –Sorcery of fragments nsbm
Thy Flesh Consumed –End of blind obedience deathgrind
Velimor –For the glory of our kin/ Rujan extreme nsbm