Wanhoop |
Posted 09-05-2006 10:14 by Wanhoop |
1917 -Neo-Ritual (great old school blackdeath from Argentinia)
AGATHOCLES -Black clouds determinate
AGATHOCLES -Superiority overdose
AGRESSOR -The merciless onslaught demo recordings 1986-'89 (great old school death metal)
APOCALYPTIC RAIDS -The third storm (great & very very old school Hellhammer-alike)
ARALLU -The demon from the ancient world (Great melodic old school black from Israel)
AVE SATHANAS -Religion of pity (Dissection meets Dark Funeral)
BESTIAL DEVASTATION -Splatter mania (deathgrind)
BEYOND THE NINTH WAVE -same title (sick Burzumèsque black metal)
BLODULV -Diatribe (ultra raw depressive old school bm)
BLOODSTAINED DUSK -Dirge of death's silence (great black, sounds like old Emperor)
BOUND IN HUMAN FLESH -Sick lust for revenge (fast american blackdeath)
BRUMALIS -Furore Normannorum (American underground black influenced by Burzum & Satyricon)
CONTURA IGNEM FATUUM: Detritus (depressive slow raw black metal)
DAEMONHEIM -Schlachtfeld (raw yet melodic old school black metal)
DARKNESS ETERNAL -Misanthrophic annihilation (brutal death metal à la old Vader)
DEATHSPAWNED DESTROYER -War blood massace (underground war black with thrash/death influences like Occult)
DEVILISH ERA -The Deiphobic Syndrome (destructive anti human black metal)
DIMHYN -Djävulens tid är kommen (Darkthrone-style)
DIMHYN -Fördärvets maskineri (Darkthrone-style)
EMPIRE OF SOULS -Revenge circle (Brazilian melodic blackdeath)
ERESHKIGAL -Under the chains of hell (Mexican underground up-tempo black metal)
FOLKEARTH -A nordic poem (great melodic atmospheric pagan folk metal)
FUNERAL MOON -Luciferian symphonies of destruction (satanic underground black metal from australia. necro!)
GALLHAMMER -Gloomy nights (old school black metal infl. by Hellhammer)
HEADMEAT -Mass Sociogenic illness (brutal death metal)
HIDDEN -Spectral magnitude (old school blackdeath metal)
INGRAVED -Hatred from outside (brutal
INSTINCT (ALBION) -same title (ultra raw pagan black metal)
ISTIDRAJ -Singa kult black metal cd-r, (necro black, SMR)
KRIEGSMASCHINE -Altered states of divinity (great old school black metal)
KRODA -Towards the firmaments verge of life (Great atmospheric pagan folk 'black' metal with good production)
LUCIFERIANO -A face do cão (old school thrashy melodic black metal)
MALEFICIA -Songs of the nightbird (great melodic old style black metal, Opthalamia)
MALKUTH -Fourth empire (great underground black metal!)
MALVEILLANCE -Insignifiance (a rawer version of Carpathian Forest)
MASOKISMI -Häpeällinen Siveneysoppi (necro undeground noisy black metal)
MEPHISTO -Metal of death (underground black infl. by old Ancient, Mayhem)
MOONTOWER - In the shadow of the wolf (good fast underground war black metal)
NACHTMYSTIUM -Demise (raw sounding depressive black metal)
NASHEIM -Evighet/Undergäng (fast underground black metal in the vein of old Satyricon and old Behemoth)
NIHILISTIC KAOS -Les homélies du vice (insane raw black metal)
NIRNAETH ARNOEDIAD -1997-2001(depressive necro-black metal)
NOMAD -Demonic verses (great Polish brutal death metal)
OCTAGON -Artisans of cruelty (great raw old school black metal)
ODELEGGER -The end of tides (Raw Darkthrone-alike black metal)
OTARGOS -Codex 666-Infernal Legions strike (great up-tempo black metal, old Dark Funeral)
PANTHEON I -Atrocity divine digipack (Great Norwegian infernal atmospheric bm feat. members of 1349 & Sarkom)
PARA TU ETERNO -m.m.j.p.g.a. (Brazilian underground raw up tempo black metal)
PEST -Hail the black metal wolves of Belial (great black-thrash in the vein of Nocturnal Breed)
POGROM -Black Metal Complete (Polish underground raw black metal)
POLYMORPH -Disgraceful supper (brutal deathgrind)
PREJUDICE -Dominion of chaos (Belgian brutal technical death metal)
STURMFRONT -Behind the gate of darkness (old school depressive ns black metal)
SUPERCHRIST -South of Hell (great Motörhead-alike band)
THE GIALLOS FLAME (murder music)
THE STONE -Zakon Velesa
TRIUMPH -Triumph (fast extreme black metal)BLACKMASS -Gloria Diaboli (underground black metal from Brazil)
VINLAND ANTI CHRISTIAN KOMMANDO -Haine eternelle (underground necro black metal)
VINTERRIKET -Landschaftsmalerische Klangwelten synthetischer Tonkunst 1996-2002 (greatest pagan sounds)