Hypnos |
Godmadeself |
Posted 01-08-2006 18:59 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) |
This is black metal! - 93%
Written by judasiscariot on August 26th, 2004
This is one of those cd's that I got and just listened to over and over again. The guitar has a very unique but doesn't fall outside the black metal genre. The guitar has a very distorted, grim, evil, dirty sound however it is well produced and sounds big. The guitar has a fair bit of mid-range and bass but still the treble is uncompromised. I would compare the sound to Mayhem- De Mystrius... but more distortion etc.
The drums also sound similar however, they are programmed which sounds disappointing. The drums have a pretty natural sound although they are pretty loud and faultless (which may make it more obvious). The drums are also repetitive similar to Transilvanian Hunger (Darkthrone). I don't have a problem with this, infact I enjoy it for that very reason. I think the music flows a lot better with less 'cut and paste' changes or changes in general. The changes that are on this album are very good and flow excellantly. Some of the riffs are similar to Burzum, fans of this will probably be impressed. The riffs often paint a very grim picture. The sound creates an excellant atmosphere despite the drum programming. The re-release will have shithammer on drums which I only hope he sticks to simplistic black metal the way this cd is suppose to be.
voilĂ , ik heb smaak