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Topic : Die lui van MoM bent vet lelluk!!!!
Life...don't talk to me about life...
Usericon van Ratman
Posted 30-09-2006 21:20 by Ratman Profiel van Ratman /

En die van My own Mess helemaal!!!

Maar het bier smaakt goed!!!

"Wetenschappers en scientists hebben het bewezen..
Usericon van drdennuz
Posted 30-09-2006 21:22 by drdennuz Profiel van drdennuz

agh jong!

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 30-09-2006 21:22 by Mutilator (Moderator) Profiel van Mutilator

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

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