Geniale band

Van Stone is Palmdale's number 3 rock band, right behind number 1 Skirge, and number 2 Wind Jammer. DUH! Now, the only way we're ever gonna catch Skirge is if all you Van Stoniacs pull together and help us raise money for a van... My mom said we can't borrow her Nissan Sentra anymore, 'cuz the last time we used it to haul all the ekwipment to the gig we scratched her roof with "Terry" (our six foot stainless steel lazer skull.) Now I got all you Stoniacs beggin' me to play here and there and promisin' that you'll let me skrew your sister and shit. BUT WE AIN'T GOT NO WHEELS!!... So if you want us to come to yer shit hole town then get off yer asses and buy our debut album: Van Stone I... and while yer at it pick up a t-shirt... the shipping is still the same, so you save money... and you could save a life too... Our shirts have been approved by the American Medical Response association for use as an emergency tourniquet... and that's one to grow on. LIVE STONED!

vooral het nummer 25 dollar blowjob en de clip van Springbreak forever heerschen.
[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Rensykdom op 06-11-2006 17:00]