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Topic : Grimfaug - "Defloration of Life's Essence"
Usericon van Norgaath
Posted 02-01-2007 2:02 by Norgaath Wijzig reactieProfiel van NorgaathQuote dit bericht

Nu uit op LP (gatefold) / CD / MC

1....As Foretold (Holocaust)
2.Solar Demise <<SAMPLE>>
3.Pest & Plague <<SAMPLE>>
4.Despoiler of Hope
5.Defloration of Life's Essence <<SAMPLE>>
6.Damnatio ad Bestia
7.Apocalypse... <<SAMPLE>>

CD:10 / LP:13 / MC:5 euro
Betaling via overschrijving / paypal / cash in brief (details via e-mail)

Shirt: 13 euro

Longsleeve: 17 euro

Nog steeds verkrijgbaar:

*Blood Upon The Face of Creation re-release: 10 euro

(2 bonustracks: Rex Draconis 2006 + Abyssic Hate's "Human Despair")

*Logo patch: 2,5 euro


[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Norgaath op 11-03-2007 17:51]

Usericon van Mikeee
Posted 02-01-2007 9:49 by Mikeee Wijzig reactieProfiel van MikeeeQuote dit bericht

Vette poep! Heel goed bezig mannen. Die halen we dus weer in huis

Usericon van Norgaath
Posted 07-01-2007 13:35 by Norgaath Wijzig reactieProfiel van NorgaathQuote dit bericht


Vampire magazine:

Here’s a rare treat. Eighteen months after inking a deal with Eerie Art Records, Grimfaug finally deliver their second full-length instalment of grim black metal – and what a fucking corker it is! On ‘Defloration of Life’s Essence’, the Belgians sound colder than an ice cube in your underwear and more primitive than a hairy forehead.

Norgaath and Crygh have crafted a raw yet deceptively ambient work of dark art, showcasing much of what can be so exclusively special about this subgenre. The three standard instruments smash away at breakneck speed for the most part, with blastbeats aplenty and little regard for sensitivity or human weakness. Here’s the rub: Grimfaug also succeed in somehow injecting an air of mysticism into their ire – no more so than on sublime intermission ‘Despoiler of Hope’, a moody excerpt that breaks up the violence long enough to allow a sharp intake of breath.

Hateful, malefic and misanthropic, ‘DoLE’ sends a spiteful barbed fist into the face of humanity, peeling skin from faces and flesh from bone, as crushing drums and entrenched vocals vie for prominence amid the torrent of disdain (the drums edge it…). This is controlled chaos at its best; a slightly ropey production succeeds only in enhancing the overall effect. If you are a genuine black metal fan, then Grimfaug’s sophomore album falls into the category of essential purchase/steal. Pure and simple.

With so many once-black purveyors paring their teeth rather than baring them, it’s refreshing to note that we still have bands like Grimfaug to uphold the tradition of true northern black metal, the way it was always supposed to be. Handbrake on, seven-minute closer ‘Apocalypse…’ ebbs and flows, proving that its corpse-painted creators have more than one arrow to their bow. Sure to leave the scene forefathers either smiling benignly or cumming in their graves.

Usericon van Norgaath
Posted 07-01-2007 13:36 by Norgaath Wijzig reactieProfiel van NorgaathQuote dit bericht

At first they were smiled at when their first demo came out, but Grimfaug grew constantly: Certainly, their debut had some great ideas, but when seen as a unit, it couldn't really convince - too unbalanced and full of unnecessary parts, it disappeared without a word in the depths of the abandoned. In these days, the trio returns and proves that it can be done differently. And how!
The Belgians cleared out big style, everything that just even slightly would have spread the decent smell of boredom was thrown into the trash and - above all that - they broadened their skills. The result is now listenable on "Defloration of Life's Essence" - an album whose title impressed me before I even got to listen to it... If such an aura goes out from a record like this one, you automatically HAVE TO expect that this can only be an absolute hit. As expected, last doubts about a great, 37 minutes long journey through old sound-landscapes disappear with the first seconds of the opener; especially the wonderful guitar-sound makes the album easy for the listener to like it. The string-showers drizzle down one's back in a hot and cold way, while the very down-to-earth, richly echoing drums are backing up strongly, whips through the songs viciously and are played unbelievably powerful. I'd only have wished more precision and fatality in the fast parts but this little flaw gets generously levelled by the imploring, grim vocals and the partly very strong bass-lines. In that very condition, Grimfaug build up marvellous song-towers which still are tight enough to produce some tension. While the title-track for example switches back and forth between morbidly dissonant and enlightening, "melodic" passages, the rest of the songs start off with a quite slow intro which gets replaced later by a rapid inferno - that might sound like stencil drawing but in reality, this scheme is filled out with awesomely merciless ideas, so that one's disgust at it quickly disappears. CONCLUSION: No comparison to the old deeds, Grimfaug have improved themselves massively. "DoLE" is more precisely, mangier, just way more better than everything which has been released under the banner of this horde! Buy it!


Usericon van Norgaath
Posted 08-01-2007 19:00 by Norgaath Wijzig reactieProfiel van NorgaathQuote dit bericht

Iemand die goed Italiaans kan en wil vertalen?
Review van

“Defloration Of Life’s Essence” è il secondo full length per i Grimfaug, dopo l’esordio “Blood Upon The Face Of Creation” risalente al 2004. Il gruppo è dedito ad un cold and grim black metal decisamente ancorato agli stilemi della tradizione ma estremamente efficace nella sua linearità espressiva. Il duo proveniente dal Belgio avvicenda con buona maestria momenti cadenzati, intrisi di un feeling misterioso e arcaico, a furiosi blastbeats carichi d’odio e violenza. Nella parte iniziale del disco questa alternanza è costante e dà vita a pezzi molto ben strutturati, colmi di gelida disperazione e di atmosfere maligne, rese attraverso melodie sinistre e sulfuree, ottimamente sottolineate da suoni ultra zanzarosi e soffocati in stile primi anni novanta veramente indovinati. La song meglio riuscita di questa prima parte dell’album è senza dubbio “Pest & Plague”, ricca di groove e con un riff portante di matrice burzumiana davvero marcio e nero. Dopo la parentesi ambient costituita da “Despoiler Of Hope”, seguono la title track e la tellurica “Damnatio Ad Bestia”, due brani fortemente Darkthrone oriented, primitivi e feroci, pregni di un’aura misantropica e nichilista, fino alla conclusione affidata alla magniloquente “Apocalypse…”, degno epilogo di un lavoro valido che non potrà dispiacere agli amanti delle sonorità old style. I Grimfaug sono l’ennesima testimonianza che per suonare del buon black metal non è necessario inventare chissà cosa, mentre l’attitudine e la dedizione restano le carattestiche più importanti: un altro centro per la Eerie Art, che raramente pubblica opere di scarso livello qualitativo.

recensito da 'kremathor'

Usericon van spectre
Posted 08-01-2007 19:10 by spectre Wijzig reactieProfiel van spectreQuote dit bericht

Daar kun je er enigzins leesbaar engels van maken

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 24-02-2007 11:46 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van HypnosQuote dit bericht

zeeeer geslaagde cd


Usericon van Norgaath
Posted 10-03-2007 1:54 by Norgaath Wijzig reactieProfiel van NorgaathQuote dit bericht

CD/LP/MC nu verkrijgbaar!
alsook TS/LS.

Zie update eerste post.

Usericon van Mikeee
Posted 10-03-2007 2:26 by Mikeee Wijzig reactieProfiel van MikeeeQuote dit bericht

Op 24 februari 2007 11:46 schreef Hypnos het volgende:
zeeeer geslaagde cd

Helemaal me eens.
Vind het stiekem wel vreemd dat zovelen er geen acht op slaan, lijkt het.
Heerschende schijf!

Usericon van Norgaath
Posted 19-03-2007 16:44 by Norgaath Wijzig reactieProfiel van NorgaathQuote dit bericht

Living up to the legacy of one’s forefathers can be a hit-or-miss affair, regardless of talent, status, or luck. Grimfaug’s second full-length has it all. The project manages to hail the grim daemons of 20th century black metal (particularly Mayhem) without plagiarizing.

The two warriors Norgaath and Crygh sharpened their own weapons, and offer up a consistently punishing set of blastmort. Excellent musicianship, hatred of light, and confident songwriting add up to a mist of pure, black metal vomit. It’s been a while since I heard anything so nasty and without compromise.

"Defloration of Life’s Essence also captures a raw, live performance feel sadly lacking in too many other bands. Preview tracks at, because if you like to turn stones over to see if something truly nasty — even dangerous — lurks underneath, Grimfaug is so worth seeking out. Mind your mother. (8.5/10)

Usericon van Norgaath
Posted 12-05-2007 13:12 by Norgaath Wijzig reactieProfiel van NorgaathQuote dit bericht

Review Northern Sky Prod.

The new full length opus has arrived! The band has not strayed from Blood Upon... but they have tightened their formula up. The drums provide a great foundation and just pound through the whole album. Sick sounding guitar tone that reminds of Katharsis. Dark vocals coming from the pit of a dead soul. Without a doubt the top Belgian band and one of Europes finest.

en de ladyboys
Usericon van kwelgeest
Posted 12-05-2007 13:14 by kwelgeest Wijzig reactieProfiel van kwelgeestQuote dit bericht

Stuur'es een promo.

Niet gehinderd door kennis over daklozen, alleenstaande moeders, minderheden en sociale achterstand.

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 13-05-2007 11:54 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van HypnosQuote dit bericht


kheb net jullie 2 vorige en shirt gekocht gehad


Usericon van Norgaath
Posted 20-05-2007 15:58 by Norgaath Wijzig reactieProfiel van NorgaathQuote dit bericht

Promo-materiaal moet je voor bij het label zijn:

Usericon van Norgaath
Posted 20-06-2007 0:38 by Norgaath Wijzig reactieProfiel van NorgaathQuote dit bericht

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 20-06-2007 0:41 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van HypnosQuote dit bericht

erg grimmig ja


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