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Topic : Holophony
Usericon van Slechtheid
Posted 20-01-2007 12:50 by Slechtheid Wijzig reactieProfiel van SlechtheidQuote dit bericht

Holophony (or holophonic sound) is an audio recording technique, designed by Argentine researcher Hugo Zuccarelli, which operates on a similar principle to Holography, except it applies these principles to sound and audio recording. It uses a multiple exposure technique where an original recording is combined with a reference recording, and the resulting interference patterns are recorded. The result has been reported to be realistic and life-like three dimensional sounding audio recordings which have been said to exceed the realism of stereo sound.

Holophonic sound recordings should be played when the listener is wearing headphones, and played at a reasonable volume. This improves the listening experience because you can hear the true effect of the recording. Sounds are typically heard in a three dimensional fashion and by wearing headphones the noises seem almost realistic.

A famous example is the Pink Floyd album, "The Final Cut". A less famous example is "Dreams Less Sweet", a record from Psychic TV.


Ogen dicht en bibberen maar. Game-technisch kan dit keihard de bom worden!

Usericon van Ethereal
Posted 20-01-2007 18:38 by Ethereal Wijzig reactieProfiel van EtherealQuote dit bericht

Heb ik een tijdje geleden al gevonden ja, echt creepy.. Geniaal hoe je het geluid omhoog en omlaag hoort bewegen, en helemaal om je heen hoort gaan terwijl je toch echt maar 2 luidsprekertjes hebt..

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