Count Usher |
"The Beige Sisters of Premenstrual Agony." |
Posted 20-02-2007 16:07 by Count Usher (Redacteur) |
Nog fans deze black-thrashers uit Philadelphia (USA)? Lekker vette old school black/thrash. Niet meteen vergelijkbaar met bijvoorbeeld Auro Noir of Nocturnal Breed en daarom redelijk uniek.
* "Iron Flames Of Battle" Demo 1 1995 Dragon Spell
* "Death By The Storm Wizard" Demo 2 1996 Dragon Spell
* "The Atlantean Wardragon" Cacophonous Records 1997
* "Death By The Stormwizard / IronFlames Of Battle" (re-release on CD) Nightfall Records 1998
* "In Howls Of Pain And Fury" (Live cassette release) Chanatholop Creations 1998
* "An Attack Of Sonic Torment" (Split release w/Moria) 12" Vinyl HellFlame Prod. 1999
* "Pestilence From The Dragonstar" SoulSold Records 1999
* "In The Sign Of the Horns" (Venom tribute) Dwell Records 2000
* "American Black Metal Assault" (Compilation) Infinite darkness Records 2000
* "Visions Of the Soothsayer" (Official video release) Metal War Productions 2001
* "Ancient Wraith Of KU" Metal War Productions 2001
* "Sirian Storm" Necroharmonic Records 2005
* "Qliphothic Necromancy" (band compilation) MCB Entertainment 2005
Nog fans?
When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.