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Topic : Luister hier Misty Mourning! [Now Playing] Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
Usericon van Erbrechen
Posted 15-04-2007 19:20 by Erbrechen Profiel van Erbrechen

Tuatha de Dannan - An Pinga Ra Tan

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 15-04-2007 19:21 by mental Profiel van mental

Op 15 april 2007 18:55 schreef Erbrechen het volgende:
Skid Row - In a darkened room

Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van Erbrechen
Posted 15-04-2007 19:23 by Erbrechen Profiel van Erbrechen

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 15-04-2007 19:24 by mental Profiel van mental

Op 15 april 2007 19:23 schreef Erbrechen het volgende:

Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van Kimmey
Posted 15-04-2007 19:30 by Kimmey Profiel van Kimmey

Vesperian Sorrow - Twilight of Azreal

Het is de lichtinval ;')

Beli Mawr
Great god Cernunnos, return to Earth again!
Usericon van Beli Mawr
Posted 15-04-2007 19:49 by Beli Mawr (Moderator) Profiel van Beli Mawr

Op 15 april 2007 15:58 schreef Kimmey het volgende:
Qntal - Ecce Gratum (club mix)

Waarom ze hier nou een club mix van hebben weet ik ook niet

de club mix versie vind ik veel dansbaarder dan het orrigineel maar het orrigineel is wel mooier

Having heard the voice of Morrigan I am uilleannpiping my way through this world, powered by Guinness SLÁINTE

Usericon van Digerdoden
Posted 15-04-2007 19:50 by Digerdoden Profiel van Digerdoden

Jethro - Think of me

"Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability. " Arthur Schopenhauer

Usericon van Erbrechen
Posted 15-04-2007 19:52 by Erbrechen Profiel van Erbrechen

Virgin Black - Black Corsage

Usericon van skullfuck
Posted 15-04-2007 19:53 by skullfuck Profiel van skullfuckhttp://

Suck my piss

Usericon van Mies
Posted 15-04-2007 19:53 by Mies Profiel van Mies

Marco V - Godd

Beli Mawr
Great god Cernunnos, return to Earth again!
Usericon van Beli Mawr
Posted 15-04-2007 19:54 by Beli Mawr (Moderator) Profiel van Beli Mawr

The Mamas and the Papas - California Dreamin'

Having heard the voice of Morrigan I am uilleannpiping my way through this world, powered by Guinness SLÁINTE

Usericon van Tenderstrike
Posted 15-04-2007 19:55 by Tenderstrike Profiel van Tenderstrike

After Forever - Evoke

Usericon van Erbrechen
Posted 15-04-2007 20:14 by Erbrechen Profiel van Erbrechen

Whispering gallery - Beyonf the light

Usericon van Aaaarco
Posted 15-04-2007 20:17 by Aaaarco Profiel van Aaaarco

confessor - sour times

In black metal maakt men grapjes over religie... aldus pindakaasruud

Usericon van Erbrechen
Posted 15-04-2007 20:21 by Erbrechen Profiel van Erbrechen

Wheatus - Little respect(live)

Usericon van Digerdoden
Posted 15-04-2007 20:25 by Digerdoden Profiel van Digerdoden

Desolation Triumphalis - The eternal revolution

"Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability. " Arthur Schopenhauer

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 15-04-2007 20:25 by mental Profiel van mental

Skrewdriver : Voice of britain

Fuck the world and fuck you

ZM Dominee
Usericon van Audiophile
Posted 15-04-2007 20:27 by Audiophile Profiel van Audiophile

Born From Pain - Rise Or Die

Usericon van Aaaarco
Posted 15-04-2007 20:30 by Aaaarco Profiel van Aaaarco

mayhem - and the funeral seemed to be endless [tape]

In black metal maakt men grapjes over religie... aldus pindakaasruud

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 15-04-2007 20:32 by mental Profiel van mental

Skrewdriver : tearing down the wall

Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van Arasazi
Posted 15-04-2007 20:33 by Arasazi Profiel van Arasazi

After Forever - De-Energized

"We like timeless themes, so there isn't gonna be songs about fancy cars and sexy girls. Well that last one is quite timeless, I'll take it back" (Tomi Koivusaari , Amorphis)

Usericon van Aaaarco
Posted 15-04-2007 20:40 by Aaaarco Profiel van Aaaarco

nieuwe slayerrrr

In black metal maakt men grapjes over religie... aldus pindakaasruud

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 15-04-2007 20:44 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

Keep Of Kalessin - The Black Uncharted

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Usericon van Digerdoden
Posted 15-04-2007 20:50 by Digerdoden Profiel van Digerdoden

Eternity - Each night

"Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability. " Arthur Schopenhauer

Usericon van Erbrechen
Posted 15-04-2007 20:59 by Erbrechen Profiel van Erbrechen

Metal Church - Helloween

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