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ZM Dominee
Usericon van Audiophile
Posted 29-04-2007 17:12 by Audiophile Profiel van Audiophile

Brodequin - Methods Of Execution

Usericon van Argh
Posted 29-04-2007 19:13 by Argh Profiel van Argh

Amon Tobin - Ruthless

Over Pagan/Viking metal en aanverwanten: "Kan je wel janken over je voorvaderen die draaien zich 2x om in het graf als ze die tyfus fluit horen" - © Burzum 2010

Usericon van Tenderstrike
Posted 29-04-2007 19:46 by Tenderstrike Profiel van Tenderstrike

Gojira - In The Wilderness

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 29-04-2007 21:12 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

Marduk - Cold Mouth Prayer

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Usericon van Panzerke
Posted 29-04-2007 21:14 by Panzerke Profiel van Panzerke

Nordreich - Heil'ger Brand (album)
Nu bij het nummer: Germanische Wiedergeburt

Usericon van Hexegot
Posted 29-04-2007 21:39 by Hexegot Profiel van Hexegot

Mayhem - Great Work Of Ages

Usericon van Panzerke
Posted 29-04-2007 21:49 by Panzerke Profiel van Panzerke

Nordisches Blut - Blood, Honour and Pride

Usericon van Arasazi
Posted 29-04-2007 21:53 by Arasazi Profiel van Arasazi

Dream Theater - The Mirror

"We like timeless themes, so there isn't gonna be songs about fancy cars and sexy girls. Well that last one is quite timeless, I'll take it back" (Tomi Koivusaari , Amorphis)

Say It With Jb.
Usericon van jbassist
Posted 29-04-2007 22:21 by jbassist Profiel van jbassist


"BONKE! next time you fuck in my bathroom, fucking throw the condoms into the toilet! not in or on top of the goddamn sink...."

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 29-04-2007 22:31 by mental Profiel van mental


Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van Heiden
Posted 29-04-2007 22:31 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

Xasthur - To Violate the Oblivious

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

Usericon van M.
Posted 29-04-2007 22:34 by M. Profiel van M.

Shining - V Halmstad

Fickt nicht mit dem Raketemensch!!

Usericon van Arasazi
Posted 29-04-2007 22:42 by Arasazi Profiel van Arasazi

Dream Theater - Panic Attack

"We like timeless themes, so there isn't gonna be songs about fancy cars and sexy girls. Well that last one is quite timeless, I'll take it back" (Tomi Koivusaari , Amorphis)

Usericon van Wansmaak
Posted 29-04-2007 23:23 by Wansmaak Profiel van Wansmaakhttp://www,

protector - protector of death

“Leef met vlag en wimpel, maar houd het simpel’

Usericon van Arasazi
Posted 29-04-2007 23:34 by Arasazi Profiel van Arasazi

Megadeth - You're Dead

"We like timeless themes, so there isn't gonna be songs about fancy cars and sexy girls. Well that last one is quite timeless, I'll take it back" (Tomi Koivusaari , Amorphis)

ZM Dominee
Usericon van Audiophile
Posted 29-04-2007 23:35 by Audiophile Profiel van Audiophile

Silencer - Death - Pierce Me

Usericon van Wansmaak
Posted 29-04-2007 23:50 by Wansmaak Profiel van Wansmaakhttp://www,

protector - delirium tremens

Damn, wat is dit toch een goede band.

“Leef met vlag en wimpel, maar houd het simpel’

Usericon van Lyssa
Posted 29-04-2007 23:59 by Lyssa Profiel van Lyssa

Dream Theater - Space Dye Vest.

ZM Dominee
Usericon van Audiophile
Posted 30-04-2007 0:12 by Audiophile Profiel van Audiophile

Silencer - I Shall Lead, You Shall Follow

Usericon van Arasazi
Posted 30-04-2007 0:22 by Arasazi Profiel van Arasazi

Pain of Salvation - Cribcaged

"We like timeless themes, so there isn't gonna be songs about fancy cars and sexy girls. Well that last one is quite timeless, I'll take it back" (Tomi Koivusaari , Amorphis)

Usericon van slome
Posted 30-04-2007 0:24 by slome Profiel van slome

Het is al tijden stil in huize Slome

Usericon van skullfuck
Posted 30-04-2007 0:32 by skullfuck Profiel van skullfuckhttp://

The Beatnuts-Rik's Joint

Suck my piss

Usericon van Arasazi
Posted 30-04-2007 0:36 by Arasazi Profiel van Arasazi

Pain of Salvation - Disco Queen

"We like timeless themes, so there isn't gonna be songs about fancy cars and sexy girls. Well that last one is quite timeless, I'll take it back" (Tomi Koivusaari , Amorphis)

Usericon van skullfuck
Posted 30-04-2007 0:53 by skullfuck Profiel van skullfuckhttp://

\The Beatnuts-Psycho Dwarf

Suck my piss

cataclysm child
Usericon van cataclysm child
Posted 30-04-2007 0:55 by cataclysm child Profiel van cataclysm child

Gurthang - Thine Hour Hast Come

Faustian Spirit of the Earth

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