Mortis Rex |
Feed Me A Stray Cat |
Posted 08-01-2010 18:56 by Mortis Rex |
ABRUPTUM's IT Working On Book About His Life - Jan. 8, 2010
IT (a.k.a. Tony Särkkä), the founder of the long-running Swedish black metal band ABRUPTUM, has issued the following update:
"My final contribution to this 'non-extraordinary reality' will be a book about my life. For all these years I have chosen to stay silent, out of the 'spotlights' and now that I finally will vanish into shadows eternally; the time has come to let you know the truth.
"You will hardly find any material out there coming straight from my mind, as I refused interviews and contact with the 'outside.' Thus reading about me in books, on the Net, magazines or when watching various documentaries; I hope you kept in mind that not much of the information given has had any valid or real essence. There has always been so many distractions, falseness, lies, distortions to whom I have been and what I've done that the time has finally come to set things straight once and for all.
"As always, I work in my own pace and there is no deadline to this work, but material is been gathered in heaps. Also note that this book will hardly focus on my musical career, but my entire life.
"There is a time when even legends turn into myths..."
According to his official bio, "IT is considered by many as one of the most important and original songwriters that dark metal has to offer today, and is famed to go all the way with his creations, whether it be the uniqueness and poetic brilliance known as OPHTHALAMIA, torturing himself in the studio for ABRUPTUM or showing his couldn't care less humor with VONDUR. He, however, continues developing his inimitable vocals and certainly building as much detachment he could to everything. He has also written and performed for other acts, such as MARDUK and DISSECTION."
"and now that I finally will vanish into shadows eternally"
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