Written by Filip Dupont on Monday 03 March, 2008. Last updated on Monday 03 March, 2008
I confess! Four years ago Kludde didn't convince me with their split release with Wanhoop. The standard black metal dealing about local folklore couldn't grab my attention for more than the average band. But now Kludde instantly put a big explanation mark behind their debut full album! "In den Vergetelheid" wipes away the grey-zoned past and introduces the band to a higher level. Instead of trendy black metal Kludde now give an own face and own interpretation to each song individually, going from black metal to rock to stoner. "Branden in d'Helle" pretty much sounds like Shining as on "Halmstad". A more rock orientated approach is set on the groovy "Ignis Fatuus". And perhaps one of the best songs is "Metamorphosis", starting up tempo and ending quite original with a long stretched (semi-) acoustic post-rock part with great atmospheric vocal lines. I'm not really sure whether Uglúk has got a good throat or not – His screams are rather low in the crystal clear mix, but they are more like an instrument part of the total ambience. Just like before Kludde take the path of local myths and legends – Sometimes in their local language and sometimes in plain Flemish/Dutch. The lyrics are quite amusing as well and aren't about the usual black metal crap. The band isn't afraid to write dirty and ugly texts with an artistic humorous undertone – Something which should be done more often in this dead serious scene. "In den Vergetelheid" is an excellent release which definitely appeals to a large crowd. They have my support!
review by Terreur @ Mon 14-04-08, 15:59
After having released a split cd with Wanhoop, Kludde now thought it was about time for the next step in their musical career and they decided to record their first debut album to be called "In den vergetelheid".
In all honesty; I wasn't waiting for this to happen. The split was a nice try, but it never really touched me in any way.
For the new release, Kludde kept some of the old ingredients. To name a few: the Dutch tongue and the folklore aspects concerning their local legends.
Big surprise this time is that they've stepped off the straight Black metal path to make a detour to Stoner and Black 'n roll, creating an own sound, and isn't this what every band tries to reach?
Kludde has succeeded in putting their own musical stamp on what they do.
The song "Metamorphosis" – my personal favourite - is the living proof that the mixture of these genres works. The long-stretched post rock-filled outro, with the vocals used as an instrument to enhance the overall sphere, gives a nice snapshot of what Kludde is capable off, compared to their demo-era.
The overall picture of the release is rocking Black Metal like the new Satyricon, but without trying to copy this band, they add a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The black 'n roll itself is not to be called of the same level as Satyricon's music, but the fact that Kludde has added the other genres to their music, gives them - in my opinion - an open road to the European/international scene.
The recording quality is excellent and they've chosen to take the clean(er) approach. You can call them sell outs, but I'd prefer to call it a chance to get to see Kludde at Tien om te zien this summer! Groovy!
Score: 9 out of 10