SiQDiZ |
bier zuipen & kut roepen |
Posted 15-12-2007 21:24 by SiQDiZ |
quote: Gargamel (RIP 1991-2005) is the True Grim Norwegian Cult Black Metal Band started by True Black Metal veterans Lord Dolohov Mulciber and Count Draco Horcrux. There were many other session musicians, but Dolohov and Draco killed them all. Lord Dolohov was arrested for one of these murders and spent five years in jail. Count Draco was also arrested, for burning toadstool houses. Due to the imprisonment of its leading members, this Grim Anti-Smurfian Black Metal-band recorded only two legendary releases: The 'Jeg Hater Smurfene'-demo and the full-length debut 'True Smurficidal Smurfantropic Anti-Smurfian Black Metal Smurfocalypse', which set a new standard for extreme Metal music. In 2005, Lord Dolohov and Count Draco decided to split up, and started a new True Metal band centered around another powerful magician, Voldemort.
[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door SiQDiZ op 15-12-2007 21:24]