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Info over 7for4 The instrumental band 7for4 stops for nothing: Whether Funk, Jazz, Metal or Country, they pack the best elements from most different styles into extraordinary but coherent compositions and perform their music with impressive virtuosity. Catchy melodies and spherical tunes alternate with full power passages, surprising the listener again and again with complex rhythms and virtuosic playing and soloing. Wolfgang Zenk achieved a good reputation as guitarist and composer of the progressive rock band Sieges Even. In the 90ies the albums SOPHISTICATED and UNEVEN gained international attention in the progressive rock scene. He is manager and teacher of the MGI Munich (Germany's most renowned institute for professional guitarist education). His experience from teaching at the MGI for over 15 years reflects in his musical diversity: His playing shows influences by technical (Greg Howe, Steve Vai, Frank Gambale) as well as by emotional guitarists (Steve Morse, Mark Knopfler, Scott Henderson). Discography: Contact (2001) Time (2004) Diffusion (2008), release date: January 25 !!! ======================================================== Die neue 7for4 CD heisst DIFFUSION und erscheint nächste Woche. MP3 Samples der neuen Songs gibt es auf www.7for4.de Das CD Release Konzert findet am Freitag den 25. Januar im NEULAND München statt (Birketweg 5a, gleich hinter dem Backstage an der Friedenheimer Brücke), Beginn 20 Uhr. Wir freuen uns auf euch! http://www.7for4.de http://www.myspace.com/7for4 Dus, nieuwe plaat!! |
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