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quote: Ik ben hardsikke dun, ik stel niets voor en ik haat zonnebrillen Ik ga ff wat anders doen. Kun jij hier lekker verder gaan. IMA LETCHU GET A SHOT BUT IMA GO FIRRS PUT IN REVERSE LEMME SEE YUH FOOTWORK ![]() |
quote: Nagel op de kop, schat. Gave site trouwens: http://www.natan.be/ When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. ![]() |
Zou de band tussen het spammen door misschien nog tijd hebben om hun teksten 's openbaar te maken, want met die twee regels per song in het boekje kan ik niet veel. When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. ![]() |
Hier nog wat reviews(ik zal ze niet meer 1 per 1 posten)... ![]() Review Zero Tolerance issue 26/nov-dec 2008 by Sam Crowley: Yet another pagan black metal band but before you begin thinking about the generic formula of black metal fused with tunes that would be at home in the 2nd series of black adder, Natan are here to give the genre back a much needed hammerblow! With a harder delivery then most of their contemporaries can muster. Natan are not afraid to blast when needed and the savagery they create will appeal to many that would usually shy away from this genre. The inherent aggression in their music and vocal delivery works well when they bring in the more traditional elements and clean vocal section. "Velden van Bloed" works very well as a song starting out with gentle acoustic guitar laced with female vocals and a folk feel before the more traditional black metal stylings begin. The band seem to work the two sides of their music into an adjacent complementary style rather then trying to fuse the two together at every given opportunity. This band definately puts the metal back into pagan metal. 4/6 Metalstorm.ee review: Rating: 8.2 Natan - Het Zicht Van De Dood 2008 01. Grauwbaard's Lied 02. Volkskracht 03. Eenzaam 04. Velden Van Bloed 05. De Hoge 06. Mijn Lot 07. Het Zicht Van De Dood 08. Ondergang 09. Doodsfeest Although not totally unknown either, the Belgian metal scene isn't exactly known for being one of the biggest, yet this origin isn't what makes Natan special. What makes them stand out from most bands in the same style is that this sextet sings in their native language; Flemish. Apart from this the band isn't very original though, more about that later on. While they're being marketed 'atmospheric pagan/black metal' I'd say this is only half true. Personally I'd rather describe them as melodic black metal with a few folk moments in between. I'm sure Emperor must have had a big influence on these Belgians, who play the cold, antiseptic Scandinavian style of black metal. Most of the time it's rather on the faster side of things, yet there are also some slower parts in their black metal and also a lot of solos throughout the album which clocks in at a bit over an hour. The very atmospheric folk parts are usually played with synths, violin and (I think) acoustic guitar and are sometimes accompanied by female vocals. With their absolute tranquillity they form a great contrast to the faster and heavier parts; a good example of this is the track "Velden Van Bloed" (Fields Of Blood). However the black metal and folk parts are only seldomly played simultaneously. And even though these calm folk elements are much less prominent than the black metal parts, they do a lot to add depth to the music as a whole. All of this has been hundreds of times before, we all know that, but on the other hand most bands who play this kind of music aren't nearly half as good as Natan at it. The guitarists really know how their job should be done and the cold atmosphere throughout the whole album is just great. I should also give special credit to Natan's drummer. It's nothing special for a black metal drummer to be fast, but this guy does a lot more than that. Literally; as what makes him stand out from the rest of the drummers in this style is the amount of variation he uses on every track. The production is flawless for this music as well So my final words on Het Zicht Van De Dood (The Sight Of Death) are these; who needs originality if you can have quality instead? I can definitely recommend this CD to all fans of melodic black metal. ..tr>..table> Performance: 9 Songwriting: 8 Originality: 5 Production: 9 Powermetal.de review: Natan - Het Zicht Van De Dood Promotion: info@ironagerecords.com Unkorrigierte und noch nicht freigegebene Fassung - die endgültige Version gibt's später hier: http://www.powermetal.de/review/review-13561.html Die Mischung aus Black Metal der alten Schule, folkloristischem Schwermetall und Pagan Metal der dunkelsten Version ist zumindest europaweit momentan schwer angesagt und dementsprechend stammen auch die Bands, die sich jener Machart verschrieben haben aus aller Herren Länder. Aus Genk in Belgien, oder genauer gesagt aus Flandern, stammen die Jungs von NATAN, die uns mit "Het Zicht Van De Dood" ihr erstes Album in eben jenem Stil präsentieren. Die Truppe existiert zwar erst seit 2002, kann jedoch bereits auf einige Demos, eine EP und eine Split-CD zusammen mit AUGURY aus Jordanien zurückblicken. Ein recht umtriebiger und aktiver Haufen also, mit dem wir es hier zu tun haben. Wie der Titel zu erkennen gibt, haben sich die Jungs dazu entscheiden in flämisch vorzutragen, wodurch die Chose zwar in der Theorie einen exotischen Hauch erhält, dieser kommt jedoch nicht wirklich zur Wirkung, da NATAN keineswegs exotisch, sondern viel mehr eindeutig nordisch unterkühlt loslegen. Immer wieder wechseln die Musiker von einer extremen und harten Black Metal-Gangart auf atmosphärischen und getragene Passagen, lassen jedoch auch dabei immerzu eine dicke "Eisschicht" entstehen. Soll heißen, man "fröstelt" sich quasi durch die Tracks, egal in welcher Heftigkeit die Formation auch loslegt. Als Basis und Inspiration muss man hier wohl unbedingt sämtliche norwegische Großmeister des Black Metals nennen, aus deren Essenz NATAN ihren ureigenen Stil entwickelt haben. Durch das geschickte Integrieren von dezenten Progressive Metal-Versatzstücken, aber auch klassisch anmutenden Elementen wissen die Jungs ihre Intensität noch eine Spur anzuheben, bringen ihre musikalische Eisdecke aber auch dadurch keineswegs zum Schmelzen, sondern belassen es dabei die Wirkung ihrer harschen Tracks zu unterstützen. Auch die teilweise regelrecht romantisch wirkenden folkloristischen Zutaten konnten gewieft in die brettharten Strukturen eingearbeitet werden. Dadurch wird für zusätzlich Gänsehaut-Atmosphäre gesorgt und die aggressiven Momente können noch besser zur Geltung kommen. Der verwaschen klingende, ebenso für klirrende Kälte sorgende Sound tut sein Übrigens zum beeindruckenden Gesamterscheinungsbildes dieses Albums, das NATAN zu einem empfehlenswerten Act für die "norwegische" Abteilung der Leserschaft macht. Anspieltipps: Volkskracht, In Het Zicht Van De Dood, Doodsfeest ![]() |
quote: ![]() [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Count Usher op 03-12-2008 6:26] When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. ![]() |
mail info@natanhorde.be voor teksten. ![]() |
Hier wederom enkele reviews... MetalItalia.com review: Recensione di Fabio Galli: I Natan, attivi sin dal 2001, sono una giovane formazione che ha dato alle stampe due MCD ('Akeldama' e 'Nevel') e capace di attirare l'attenzione della Iron Age Records che li ha scritturati per la realizzazione del loro debut 'Et Zicht Van De Dood'. Come si evince dal titolo dell'album, tutti i testi sono stati scritti in Flemish, una versione dialettale del Danese parlata in Belgio, terra natia della formazione. I sei propongono un black metal ragionato e tecnico in cui svetta la coppia di talentuosi axeman Dries e Daniel, capaci di donare dinamicità e potenza al suono della band con riff e lick doppiati che creano una solida base ritmica che compensa la totale mancanza di assoli. Le influenze del sestetto non sono limitate al solo black metal, e durante i quaranta minuti fanno capolino elementi atipici come il violino e le chitarre acustiche dal forte sapore folkloristico: elementi che diventano protagonisti assoluti in tracce come 'Velden Van Bloed', arricchita dalla voce femminile di Claudia, ex bassista del gruppo o nella traccia strumentale 'Mijn Lot', dove le parti di violino si intrecciano perfettamente al caldo suono classicheggiante delle chitarre. Buona la prova vocale di Jonathan, che riesce nel difficile intento di non apparire monocorde e d'infondere l'aggressività necessaria per non rendere banali e scialbe le parti più tirate e violente dell'album. Elemento trascurabile la ghost track posta a conclusione del disco: un minuto scarso di inutilità sonora che ha il solo scopo di portare il minutaggio del disco a 66 minuti e 6 secondi (altamente evitabile). Stupendo il packaging e l'artwork del booklet realizzato con grafica minimalista che ben si sposa con la proposta musicale: discutibile l'esclusione dei testi delle canzoni seppur incomprensibili ai più, data la scelta del gruppo di affidarsi alla lingua locale. Non si tratta sicuramente di un lavoro appetibile ai puristi del black metal, ma chiunque non segua il genere con i paraocchi saprà cogliere la qualità del lavoro che si rivela curato in ogni suo dettaglio e che entra con prepotenza tra le migliori uscite di questo 2008. Voto: 8.0 http://www.metalitalia.com/cds/view.php?cd_pk=6986 Metal Express review: NATAN - Het Zicht Van De Dood Iron Age Records Metal Express Rating: 8.5/10 Release Date: 2008-09-01 by: LIOR 'STEINMETAL' STEIN Email: lior@metalexpressradio.com The Belgian band Natan is one of many proofs that Black Metal has developed over the years since its arrival in the early 1990s. The blending of atmospheric elements into Black Metal really made the change and raised the level of interest in this blackened sub-genre. The year is 2002, Genk., Belgium, that's the period when Natan began their first steps in the Metal world. These six guys made, and are currently making, a huge effort in creating the best Black Metal music while mixing it with tons of melodies and minor Folk Metal elements. After releasing a couple of demos, they released their first debut EP in 2005, Nevel , which carved the way, in the same year, to a feature in a joint split with a Jordanian band named, Augury. 3 years later, under the British label – Iron Age Records, they release their first full length album, Het Zicht Van De Dood. By examining their production's quality, one will really appreciate a high level effort. This prime factor, produced by Dirk Miers and Natan, played a major role in the band's new outcome. The mixing and the mastering are perfect, making this release higher than other various attempts in this particular sub-genre. Here the guitars are played in a normal volume that doesn't choke and amazing drumming by the great Ezra and regarding the vocals, they are way on top of the other instruments but no too much above. The volume handling of the violin, keyboards and other folk components, which was not in an exaggerated way, allowed this release to receive a wonderful atmospheric shade that went well with the cold-icy melodies. Het Zicht Van De Dood offers the most evolved form of Black Metal – aggressive, melodic as hell and atmospheric. The high level performance by the boys will open various eyes towards melodic Black Metal. Natan's material, in the music section, is largely very similar to other Black Metal bands of the mid 90's, especially Emperor. Many of Natan's melodic riffs can be recognized, by some Emperor fans, as a strong influence from the band's mid 90's era with albums like: In The Night Side Eclipse and their best release, Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk. Natan's, seemingly, uncontrolled melodies will surely create deep dark feelings among many listeners and inspire thoughts about subjects that are unavoidable in Black Metal: Cold, winter, Paganism, Wars and Death. Adjoining the massive melodic rhythm sections and small solo sections, comes along the progressiveness of the drums as in the self titled track, the sweet and soft female voice in the beginning and the end of the track: 'Velden Van Bloed', the electric and acoustic violins, which are played by the lead vocalist and finally, the all around keyboards that deliver a cold sensation. If there is something that is irritating about this album it's the overly repeated melodic rhythms in a song. Natan's coordinated effort to create a melodic piece can be asserted as a success, but with too much overplaying of melodies, especially ones that are repeating themselves, can get tiresome at times. This minor aspect is part the reason some songs are longer and can be just as good if they were shorter than their original length. This phenomenon has some hold on various songs around the album. Natan as a whole are a well talented group. All of them deserve praises for their roles all around this recording. All of the gang will get a small closure. The lead vocalist, Jonatan, is like any growler in Black Metal but what is most interesting rather is his secondary role as a violinist. He plays both electric and acoustic violins that can be noticed on tracks like 'Velden Van Bloed' and in the massive 'De Hodge'. His role has more than a minor effect on the band's music and elevates its performance. The synth / keyboards' man, Dario, is another major agent in the band's melodic music and he is in charge of the atmospheric dome around the band. The melodic rhythm that follows the melodic guitars makes the whole rhythm a lot richer, powerful, and in some points, evil. The drummer, Ezra: what a drummer - so versatile and an expert performer. His drumming makes this album more than just a Black Metal album. The twin axes, Daniel and Dries, are, almost, the whole story of the band. Their explosive melodies just won't go away. Like running through the ice , their melodic chill is the burning flame of this release. Aside from the fact that their riffs are equal to other Black Metal acts, their channel blending is amazing and that's what makes their riffs special. The best work of the two is definitely in the track 'De Hodge'. Last is the bass player, Jochen, who has his share of glory around this release. Natan presents a line of very good songs. What is sad is the fact that while all of them are very good and impressive, not all of them are capturing the mind and only some of them remain as the champions of this album. 'De Hodge' is the best of all in this album with undeniable speediness, melodies with no end, particularly in the mid section of the song, great vocals with the feeling of Emperor. 'Mijn Lot' is a great example for Folk Metal around this release and consists of acoustic guitars, violin and piano. 'Grauwbaard's Lied' is so devastating that it really gets you to your feet and lets you know what this release is all about. The self tilted song is another speedster with fast melodies and morbid cover of the syhth, just like on many Black Metal acts. 'Velden Van Bloed' is a well constructed track with female vocals and nice tunes. Natan's first release can be highly credited as a good one in the Metal world and especially in the extreme Metal movement. Hopefully, their next release will be as good as and even better than this one. These guys had embraced the importance of strong melodies in Black Metal. Many new and old raw Black Metal acts should follow their lead. Website: www.natanhorde.be http://www.metalexpressradio.com/menu.php?main=reviews&id=2815 .... Website: http://www.natanhorde.be Bloodchamber.de review: Belgien zum Beispiel ist auch so ein Land. Vereint unter einer Königskrone leben dort drei Bevölkerungsgruppen in einer Art ständiger Unruhe und jede hat ein eigenes nationales Bewusstsein und so entsteht ein nicht zu unterschätzendes Konfliktpotenzial, welches sich bisher noch nicht deutlich an die Oberfläche gekommen ist. Man denke nur an die heidnisch orientierten ANCIENT RITES, die mir bisher einzig bekannten Repräsentanten ihres Landes in schwermetallischen Belangen. Nun gesellen sich NATAN dazu und können mit ihrem Debüt ebenfalls einige gewichtige Geschütze auffahren. Grundsätzlich kann man NATAN in keine andere Sparte als „Black Metal“ einordnen. Die Gitarren sind flott bis schnell, der Gesang krächzend und die Rhythmussektion leistet ebenfalls gute Arbeit. Die Songs sind dadurch trotz ihrer Länge von mindestens fünf Minuten zu keinem Zeitpunkt langweilig sondern verdienen eher das Prädikat knackig und frisch. Aufgewertet (!!!) werden die Songs durch den Einsatz der Keyboards, die in der Regel Streicher imitieren und den weiblichen Gesang. Teufel noch eins, hätte man mir vor einem Jahr eine Wette angeboten, dass ich so etwas jemals schreibe, ich hätte beide meiner Hände auf’s Spiel gesetzt. Jedoch muss man eingestehen, dass der weibliche Gesang eben nicht das leider schon übliche Elfentralala ist, sondern die Musik wirklich punktuell verstärkt. Übrigens verhält es sich mit dem männlichen Klargesang, bei dem man geneigt ist Parallelen zu FORLORN zu ziehen, sobald er erklingt, genauso. Dadurch hat der Hörer das latente Gefühl von Sehnsucht und Ferne, ohne jedoch in verklärte Wikingerromantik und fröhlichen Singsang zu verfallen. Im Gegenteil, unterschwellig macht sich eine gewisse Schwermut breit und auch die einleitenden Worte dieses Absatzes sollten Mahnung genug sein, die vereinzelt aufkommenden heidnischen Momente eben nicht über alle Maßen zu erhöhen. Am Ende einer Rezension sollte in der Regel ein Fazit oder eine ähnliche Zusammenfassung erscheinen, indes die Inspiration ist dahin. Nur soviel ist zu sagen, dass NATAN eine junge, ambitionierte Band sind, die ein starkes Album veröffentlicht haben. Reinhören lohnt in jedem Fall. Und unter uns: ich erwarte beim hoffentlich nächsten Album noch mal eine Steigerung. 8/10 ![]() |
Lees ons interview voor Metal Sound Magazine(SR ![]() http://www.metal-sound.net/interviews.php?read=natan ![]() |
Lees jullie concert verslag op Zware Metalen... ![]() http://www.zwaremetalen.com/recensie/12050/Natan-en-Always-Fallen-in-The-Lane.html ![]() |
Ja, had ik daarstraks gelezen ![]() ![]() |
Even wat van de laatste cd beluisterd en klinkt erg vet! Ga vooral zo door ![]() Grey over Kristalnacht: "Als de Joden destijds ook aanslagen hadden gepleegd dan had ik de nazi's misschien wel begrepen." ![]() |
quote: Bedankt. ![]() ![]() |
We've just put an other song on our myspace. The song is called "Grauwbaard's Lied"(means: Greybeard's Song), and it is the opening track from our debut album "Het Zicht Van De Dood"(released september 2008, Iron Age Records). www.myspace.com/natanhorde Enjoy! ![]() |
http://ashladan.be/interview/interview-met-natan Natan interview in het Nederlands, Ashladan webzine. ![]() |
kort interview... ![]() |
Ze hebben dan ook weinig te melden. ![]() When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. ![]() |
Check dit Natan interview met Metal-Observer(in het Engels), hier hebben we iets meer te melden: http://www.metal-observer.com/articles.php?lid=1&sid=4&id=15585 [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Natanist op 13-02-2009 17:05] ![]() |
Check dit interview voor Mortem Zine(CZ) in het Engels: http://www.mortemzine.net/show.php?id=1466&il=4 ![]() |
A video report from Heavy Metal Home TV (Germany)! NATAN as support act for Shining(S), Koldbrann(N) and Sarkom(N) in club Helvete in Oberhausen(NRW, Germany). At 19:53 it starts about Natan. ENJOY! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=54603960 ![]() |
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hoe is het met de "bevallige dame"? ![]() signature ![]() |
Welke bevallige dame? Die achter de merchandise, of een van de partners van een bandlid? In elk geval: goed ![]() ![]() |
"Jonatan, the lead singer/violin player has left the band due to personal reasons. He played his final show with NATAN in Hasselt( ![]() He was one of the forming bandmembers in 2002 but left the band late 2002. He returned to NATAN in july 2005. In these last four years he was a great force on stage, and his excellent contribution on the legendary debut full-length album 'Het Zicht Van De Dood' won't be forgotten. NATAN is proud to announce the new lead vocalist, Dennie. Dennie is known as the present bass player of GORATH and was the lead singer in NATAN in the period of october 2003 untill may 2005 already. He was part of the line up who recorded the 'Nevel' EP in 2004. Dennie actually always stayed close to NATAN, helping the band out as a roadie and even doing live session guitars in march and april of 2007 when Daniël was in Sweden for his studies. Dennie also contributed to the recordings of 'Het Zicht Van De Dood' with guest screams." NATAN is: Dennie (vocals) Jochen (bass) Dario (synths) Dries (guitar/clean vocals) Daniël (guitar) Ezra (drums) NATAN's latest album, "Het Zicht Van De Dood", was released september 2008 via Iron Age Records. For more info, just check the official websites: www.natanhorde.be www.myspace.com/natanhorde ![]() |
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