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cataclysm child
Usericon van cataclysm child
Posted 29-01-2009 2:57 by cataclysm child Profiel van cataclysm child

Moonspell - Handmade God

Faustian Spirit of the Earth

Man Is But a Worm
Usericon van ElitE
Posted 29-01-2009 3:11 by ElitE Profiel van ElitE

Kittie - Safe

♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((><
♀<o(((>< <o(((><

Usericon van SQT
Posted 29-01-2009 3:44 by SQT Profiel van SQT

Kankerwolf met je grappen
Ze zijn slecht
Ze zijn flauw
Ik zou je dood moeten trappen
Wolf, fock jou.

Dat dus.

Usericon van SQT
Posted 29-01-2009 5:06 by SQT Profiel van SQT

En dat dus op repeat.

Usericon van Staalman
Posted 29-01-2009 8:39 by Staalman Profiel van Staalman

The Quill - The Quill

"Life Is Much More Beautiful, When It Means Nothing At All"

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 29-01-2009 12:53 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 29-01-2009 13:34 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Hel jawel!
Usericon van Aaargh
Posted 29-01-2009 13:47 by Aaargh Profiel van Aaargh

Paradise Lost - Shades of God

Gewoon, had ik effe zin in.

“Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work.”

Usericon van MetalJan
Posted 29-01-2009 13:52 by MetalJan Profiel van MetalJan

Primordial - Heathen Tribes

|"| |''| |"| >')
Usericon van Lionheart
Posted 29-01-2009 13:53 by Lionheart Profiel van Lionheart

Op 29 januari 2009 12:53 schreef Metalhead22 het volgende:

Super plaat.

Usericon van Cadaveria
Posted 29-01-2009 14:22 by Cadaveria Profiel van Cadaveria

ik begin mijn Ipod er zwaar van te verdenken dat het ook een groot Vortex zwak heeft Ipod op shuffel
eerst oude Borknagar, toen Dimmu, toen laatste arcturus toen Lamented souls
ookee nu blodsrit dan

Op 9 december 2008 16:54 schreef Illusione het volgende: Lies, Verwoester van Edele Porseleinen Tronen!

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 29-01-2009 14:24 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

Antaeus - Gates To The Outside

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 29-01-2009 14:27 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

Deathspell Omega - Mass Grave Aesthetics

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 29-01-2009 14:46 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Usericon van spectre
Posted 29-01-2009 14:52 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 29-01-2009 16:18 by Rotzak Profiel van Rotzak

DJ Promo - Escape from the hostile

Against God and Government

Deze zin is niet waar
Usericon van Alterprince
Posted 29-01-2009 17:03 by Alterprince (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Alterprince

"Most people say that they are thinking while they are merely rearranging their prejudices"

Usericon van ZelThoR
Posted 29-01-2009 17:06 by ZelThoR Profiel van ZelThoR

Op 29 januari 2009 16:18 schreef Rotzak het volgende:
DJ Promo - Escape from the hostile


Deze account is precies 8 jaar gebruikt, om precies 20.000 posts te maken en (uiteindelijk) precies 1 ban te krijgen.

5 o'clock, bitch raping time.
Usericon van Verval
Posted 29-01-2009 17:11 by Verval Profiel van Verval

Megadeth - Anarchy in the UK

Ende dat ook gy, waard meedemensch, van deezen les leeren mag. Begeeft ge onder geen beding op den duystere hey by nacht!

Zotte ros!
Usericon van 6sic6
Posted 29-01-2009 17:14 by 6sic6 Profiel van 6sic6

Usericon van Svartekunst
Posted 29-01-2009 17:23 by Svartekunst Profiel van Svartekunst

Beli Mawr
Great god Cernunnos, return to Earth again!
Usericon van Beli Mawr
Posted 29-01-2009 17:23 by Beli Mawr (Moderator) Profiel van Beli Mawr

Led Zeppelin - Whole lotta Love

Having heard the voice of Morrigan I am uilleannpiping my way through this world, powered by Guinness SLÁINTE

Deze zin is niet waar
Usericon van Alterprince
Posted 29-01-2009 17:37 by Alterprince (Speciaal lid) Profiel van Alterprince

"Most people say that they are thinking while they are merely rearranging their prejudices"

Usericon van Svartekunst
Posted 29-01-2009 17:45 by Svartekunst Profiel van Svartekunst

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 29-01-2009 18:11 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

Op 29 januari 2009 17:23 schreef Svartekunst het volgende:

vette cd ja!

np: arrow classic rock

Je moeder.

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