Necrolepsy was formed in 2007. Staying true to the Brutal / Thrash Metal genre straight from San Diego CA the project is set to deliver one of the most brutal sounds with no holds barred.
In this 2009 the Beast shall rise with their debut EP “Rise of the Beast” which will hit shows & web stores in all of the American Continent.
After an 8 year run with Minusone. Chris & Pierre immediately started handling auditions after already coolaborating with Jorge Montaña as Lead Singer. They were already sounding “furious” as it was! But another guitarist and a bass player were needed to complete the sound set to be captured by Necrolepsy.
“Rise of the beast” is just the beginning of what's yet to come and Necrolepsy is currently writing new material for a full length album.
Geen logge grind zoals de naam doet vermoeden maar zeer goed in het gehoor liggende deathmetal met invloeden uit diverse andere genres, zeker een band om in de gaten te houden.