Posted 13-04-2009 11:11 by LLCOF |
Liar Liar Cross on Fire - Exposed, Barren and Often Windswept
8 / 10
One of the most original bands in the Netherlands: this band mixes blackmetal, screamo, grindcore, hardcore and many more in a harsh wall of noise.
The first song is one of their best, "Cloak And Dagger Routine" starts of with this cool sample and after the part where you only hear "CAESAR NOW BE STILL..." it turns into pure chaos with the end of the song being more 'relaxed'. Allready grabbing the attention in this first song are the vocals, when you listen this kind of music you might expect a lot of screaming but Joost has more barking 'hardcore' vocals. Then two more songs in the same kind of chaotic style follow. The fourth song (The Kraken) of this CD showcases a different sound. A more laidback emo, almost postrock sound slowly working to an epic climax. In my opinion this is the best song on their CD. Then two song in the same style of Cloak and Dagger Routine follow and at the end of the last song a weird outro is played on cello (?).
This 6 song mini album presents a new sound, and that's rare in modern day music: so buy this!
Uitchecken die hap!
[Edit: WAT ZEG JE?!?!?  Caps verwijderd]
[Dit bericht is gemodereerd door Lainedil op 13-04-2009 11:13]