Uruz |
Posted 25-04-2009 18:24 by Uruz |
Wegens dringend nood aan geld doe ik met pijn in het hart een deel van mijn collectie weg. Indien een item u interesseert, gelieve me een PM te sturen. Vele items zijn uiterst zeldzaam dus doe aub geen belachelijk onrealistische voorstellen. Geen trades!
Aäkon Këëtrëh - Dans La Forêt (1996)
Aguynguerran - Hordes of the Antichrist (2000)
Antaeus - Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan (2001, In Coffin Productions)
Asgard - Into War (1997)
Belketre - Twilight of the Black Holocaust (1994)
Belketre - Ambre Zuerkl Vuordhrevarhtre (1996)
Brenoritvrezorkre - Vasagraèbe éakr vatrè brenoritvrezorkre (1996)
Botulistum - Hongerend Vuur (1998)
Botulistum - Wederopstanding Der Veenlijken (1999)
Cultus - A Seat in Valhalla (2004, Heidens Hart)
Cultus - De Zwaarden Spreken (2001, Heidens Hart)
Donar's Krieg - Hymnen Aan Het Teutoons Kruis (1998)
Ecliptica - Mistige Morge (1997)
Eljudnir - Terugkeer Van Het Zonnewiel (1998)
Fluisterwoud - Een Sinister Schouwspel... (1998)
Forgotten Woods - Sjel Av Natten (1995, Pagan Records)
Galgeras - Magdestein (2000)
Garmenhord - Chronicles of Arcane Wastelands (2002)
Gotmoor - Dicht Bi Den Heerd (1997)
Gotmoor - Uit Den Donkeren Grond Gerezen (1998)
Grimfaug - Rex Draconis (2002)
Haatstrijd - Zwart Bloed (2003, Staalhart)
Hekel - Doodskou (1998)
Infernal Legion - Hymns of a Blackend Beauty (1998)
Kristallnacht - Soldiers of Triumphant Sun (2000, Warspirit)
Moonblood - Siegfried (Die Sage vom Helden) (1995)
Moonblood - Rehearsal 7 (1996)
Moonblood/Evil - Fuck Peace! We're at War! (1999, Southern Records)
Moonblood - Dusk Woerot (2003, Ataud y Muerte Syndicate)
Moribund - Eternity In The Dark (1996)
Natrach - Regaining What Was Once Ours (1998)
Pentacle - Winds Of The Fall (1993)
Poseydon - Demo 1998
Sammath - Zwaardbroeders bij de bergengte (1996)
Satyrus - War in the Underground (1998)
Skerft - De Kille Nachtwake (2003)
Torgeist - Devoted to Satan (1994)
Vazal - Uit Haat herrezen (2003, Staalhart Productions)
Verloren/Odium/Haatstrijd - Suicide Campaign (2003)
Vlad Tepes - Celtic Poetry (1994)
Vlad Tepes - The Black Legions (1998)
Walpurgisnacht - Moerasghesomp (2003)
Worthless - Mass World Suicide (Christcrusher Productions, 2003)
Ancient Rites/Renaissance - split (1992, After Dark Records)
Ancient Rites/Enthroned - split (1994, After Dark Records)
Baptism - Wisdom & Hate (2004, Northern Heritage)
Haatstrijd – Satansplaag (2004, Sadolust)
Kriegsmaschine - A Thousand Voices (2005, GoatowaRex)
Kristallnacht - Adversary (2002, Sombre Records)
Kristallnacht - Warspirit (1999, Darker Than Black)
Moribund - Phantom der Nacht (1999, Painkiller Records)
Nargaroth - Rasluka Part II (2002, No Colours Records)
Paragon Impure - In Commemoration Of Ish Kerioth (2004, Painiac Records)
Paragon Impure - Key To The Void / Where The Laughter Of Angels Is Inaudible (2005, Painiac Records)
Absurd - Asgardsrei (1999, IG Farben Produktion)
Acid - Acid (1982, Giant)
Acid - Maniac (1983, Megaton)
Ancient Rites - The Diabolic Serenades (1994, After Dark Records)
Bathory - Blood Fire Death (1988, Black Mark)
Crossfire - Sharpshooter (1986, Mausoleum)
Graveland - Thousand Swords (2001, No Colours Records)
Inquisition - Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan (2002, Iron Pegasus)
Killer/Ostrogoth/Crossfire - If It's Loud, We're Proud (1983, Mausoleum)
Kristallnacht - Blooddrenched Memorial 1994-2002 (2006, Grievantee Productions)
Moonblood - Blut und Krieg (1998, Sombre Records)
Nartvind - Until Their Ruin (2002, Painkiller Records)
Nunslaughter - Hell's Unholy Fire (2000, Ordealis Records) PICTURE LP
Nunslaughter - Goat (2003, Hell’s Headbangers)
Ostrogoth - Full Moon's Eyes (1983, Mausoleum)
Seigneur Voland - Final Stand (2003, Aura Mystique)
Spear of Longinus - Domni Satnasi (1997, Burznazg Productions)
Spear of Longinus - The Yoga Of National Socialism (2002, Vinland Winds)
Urfaust - Geist ist Teufel (Christcrusher Productions)
Absu - The Third Storm of Cythraul (1997, Osmose Productions)
Absu - Tara (2001, Osmose Productions)
Absurd - Totenlieder (2003, Nebelfee Klangwerke)
Absurd - Werwolfthron (2001, Nebelfee Klangwerke)
Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions (2000, No Colours)
Ancient Rites - Fatherland (1998, Mascot Records)
Ancient Rites - Dim Carcosa (2001, Hammerheart Records)
Autopsy - Severed Survival (1989, Peaceville Records)
Bellator - Opaque Reveries (1998, Polar Bear Records)
Blut aus Nord - Ultima Thulée (1995, Impure Creations Records)
Blut aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age (1996, Impure Creations Records)
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal (2005, Metal Blade Records)
Bolt Thrower - War Master (1991, Earache)
Bunkur - Bludgeon (2004, Deserted Factory)
Command - Sturmangriff (2004, Totenkopf Propaganda)
Corpus Christii - Tormented Belief (2003, Nightmare Productions)
Countess - Ad Maiorem Sathanae Gloriam (1995, Nazgul's Eyrie Productions)
Countess - Heilig Vuur (2004, Barbarian Wrath)
Countess - Hell's Rock and Roll (1997, Prowler Productions)
Countess - Holocaust of the God Believers (2006, Barbarian Wrath)
Countess - The Gospel of the Horned One (1993, Thurisaz Productions)
Countess - The Shining Swords of Hate (2000, Barbarian Wrath)
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon (1993, Peaceville Records)
Der Stürmer - A Banner Greater Than Death (2006, Die Todesrune Rex)
Der Stürmer – Bloodsworn (2008, Deathsquad Rex)
Der Stürmer - The Blood Calls for W.A.R. (2001, Wolftower Records)
Enthroned - Prophecies of Pagan Fire (1995, Osmose Productions)
Enthroned - The Apocalypse Manifesto (1999, Blackened Records)
Funeral Winds - Godslayer Xul (1998, Daimonion Productions)
Funeral Winds - Koude Haat (2004, Death To Mankind Records)
Galgeras - Booswichterij (2005, Sadolust)
Galgeras - Reliekrover (2003, Pestilence Records)
Garmenhord - Langsch Boschgheckweel Ende Tronckghecraeck (2002)
Gotmoor - Vlaemsche Premitieven (2000, ISO666)
Gotmoor - Pain Provider (2005, Lugburz Productions)
Grimfaug - Blood Upon The Face Of Creation (2004, Pestilence Records)
Heimat - Erfgoed (2004)
Helheim - Jormundgand (1995, Solistitium Records)
Histoire Noire - Dood en Verderf (2003)
Iconoclasm - Preamble to Precipitate the Destruction of Religious Artefacts (1997)
Infernal Legion - Sculptured Humans (2001, LSP)
Infernal Legion - Annihilate (2004)
Inocculta - Fausseté et Demesure (2003)
Judas Iscariot - Heaven in Flames (1999, Red Stream Inc.)
Judas Iscariot - The Cold Earth Slept Below... (1996, Moribund Records)
Kludde - Langs Scheld- en Denderland (2002)
Kriegsmaschine - Altered States of Divinity (2005, Todeskult Entertainment)
Kristallnacht - Of Elitism And War (2001, Warspirit Productions)
Kristallnacht - The Funeral Years (2002, Autistiartili Records)
Kristallnacht/Blessed In Sin/Seigneur Voland - Gathered under the Banner of Concilium (2001, WarSpirit Rex)
Liar of Golgotha - Dancing Through the Palace of the Ungodly Beauty (1996, Shivadarshana)
Liar of Golgotha - Ancient Wars (2000, Mascot Music)
Lugubre - Anti-Human Black Metal (2004, Folter Records)
Maniac Butcher - Barbarians
Maniac Butcher - Cerná Krev (1998, Pussy God Records)
Marduk - Rom 5:12 (2007, Blooddawn Productions)
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood (1995, Drakkar Productions)
Nachtfalke - Hail Victory Teutonia (2001, Christhunt Productions)
Nibdem - Destroy Yourself (2004)
Nunslaughter - Nunslaughter (2002, Unisound Records)
Nyktalgia - Nyktalgia (2004, No Colours Records)
Panzer - End Of Humanity (2004)
Pentacle - ...Rides The Moonstorm (1998, Damnation)
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract (1993, Osmose Productions)
Sammath - Strijd (1999, Folter Records)
Sammath – Dodengang (2006, Folter Records)
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times (1993, Moonfog Productions)
Seigneur Voland - Seigneur Voland (2001, Aura Mystique)
Sfagnum - Duistere Nacht van de Ziel (2000)
Temnozor - Horizons... (2003)
Temnozor - Sorcery of Fragments (2003, HakenKreuz Productions)
The Darkening - Awake (1996)
Theudho - Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (2003, Avondland Productions)
Thanatos - Emerging from the Netherworlds
Thanatos (Hol) - Angelic Encounters
Thronum Vrondor - Vrondor I: Epitaph of Mass-Destruction (2007, GoatowaRex)
Urfaust/Circle of Ouroborus - Auerauege Raa Verduistering
Urzamoth - Dragonchild (2002)
Verloren - Demo 2004
Verloren - In Zalvend Onmin (2006, GoatowaRex)
Vermeth - Your Ruin... (2001, Drakkar Productions)
Vermeth - Suicide Or Be Killed! (2008, Drakkar Productions)
Walpurgisnacht - Die Derwaert Gaen En Keeren Niet (2005, Folter Records)
Watain - Casus Luciferi (2003, Drakkar Productions)
Watain - Rabid Death's Curse (2000, Drakkar Productions)