Topic : Third Dynasty (Belgische Death\Thrash Metal)
Oink! Oink!
Posted 02-06-2009 19:40 by ColdheartMinor
Belgische Death\Thrash dus. Uit omgeving Maaseik. Binnekort hebben ze een gig ergens in Oostende. (Hoogstwaarschijnlijk)
Info van MySpace:
It all started in the beginning of the year 2007, when the band started to get it's form. It took about a year before the first gig. And now we exist allmost 2 years, and are still growing to our own style of music, our own lyrics, guitar riffs and drumbeats. A variation of Thrash-, Death- and Power metal. And to complete the music the band is leaded by some brutal vocals. Still cruising through rehearsals and playing at shows. In the future we will record our first EP under a name that still remains unknown.