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Auteur: |
Converge - Axe to fall I know it’s cold, but I will keep us warm with all the hate I radiate. We’ll be walking hand in hand in hell. |
Autumnia - O'Funeralia |
I know it’s cold, but I will keep us warm with all the hate I radiate. We’ll be walking hand in hand in hell. |
Katatonia - Tonight's Decision |
Gris - Il Etait une Forêt... |
Skitliv - Slow Pain Coming (Cold Spring mix) Geniaal. |
Never have so many sacrificed so much for so few |
Svart - Vanara, Vanmakt Och Avsmak |
Final Thoughts - Dreams of Self Defeat I didn't want any flowers, I only wanted to lie with my hands turned up and be utterly empty. How free it is, you have no idea how free. The peacefulness is so big it dazes you. - Sylvia Plath |
Taake - Part I |
Never have so many sacrificed so much for so few |
Ekove Efrits - Suicidal Rebirth. |
Marduk - Wormwood Wat een knaller dit, verdomme |
Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone |
Never have so many sacrificed so much for so few |
quote:Als het goed is maandag 2 maal op de mat |
quote: Ik heb 'm nog niet, voorlopig wel weer even genoeg cd'tjes gekocht. NP: Explosions In The Sky - The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place |
Deep Purple - Child in Time Elke dag dronken is ook een regelmatig leven. |
Never have so many sacrificed so much for so few |
Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle With You Elke dag dronken is ook een regelmatig leven. |
Op 24 november 2016 16:00 schreef F.Jacobse het volgende: Ik vind het veels te plat. |
Explosions In The Sky - Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever |
Bridge to Solace - Like Sheep Led To Slaughter |
Dodheimsgard - Regno Potiri ♂ <o((((>< <o((((>< <o((((>< ♀<o(((>< <o(((>< |
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