Zenial |
Posted 05-06-2002 9:31 by Zenial |
Kreeg gister dit berichtje op mijn homepage:
"I've been a mortician for years now, and i've been working at the same morgue for most of my career. this just happens to be the same morgue where layne stanley's body was brought in. the body was badly decomposed, enough so, that I did'nt even recognize who it was. I'm a big metal-head, and i've been a fan of alice in chains for many years, basically since they started. with the exception of the compilations and bootlegs, I have almost all of the albums listed on your page. it was'nt until after dental-record identification that my partner, and I discovered who it was, and I was very upset. after performing a toxicology on him, we found that the cause of death was from a mixture of heroin, and alchohol. This particularly form of overdose has been attributed to the phrase "speed-balling".
unfortunately "speedballing" has been very popular for a long time. other celebrities such as jim belushi, and river phoenix have also died from this alchohol/heroin mixture as well. "speedballing" is the second largest form of drug-related fatalities in america. the largest percentage of drug-related fatalities is from overdoses of heroin, by itself."