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Fields Of Metal III Saturday 21/04/2012 @ JOC Ieper (BE) Attention: Line-up changed a bit * Izegrim and Caducity switched as you see in the time schedule * 1 band Extra !! WOSLOM the thrashers from Brasil will play at the afterparty !! +Free Afterparty with "WOSLOM" (Thrash metal) (Brasil) 00h30-01h45 [utl=http://www.myspace.com/woslom]http://www.myspace.com/woslom[/url] Izegrim (melodic thrash/death metal - NL) 23h00-00h00 http://www.izegrim.nl Caducity (old school death metal - BE) 21h30-22h30 http://www.caducity.com The Oath (blackened death metal - FR) 20h10-21h00 http://www.theoath.org Atreus (death metal - BE) 19h00-19h40 http://www.myspace.com/atreusbelgium Morbid Desire (melodic death metal - BE) 18h00-18h30 http://www.morbiddesire.be VVK 6€ ADD 10 € Doors: 17u30 1st Band 18u00 E-tickets: info@metalmission.be Pre-sale adresesses: Ieper: JOC Ieper, Het Broodjes Huis, Solseutel Kortrijk: Metalzone (popcenter) Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/events/192453240834897/?notif_t=event_photo_change Fields Of Metal word verder gezet onder "Metal Mission VZW" http://www.metalmission.be Our website is from http://www.fieldsofmetal.be is now automatically linked to the website from http://www.metalmission.be Greetings Metal Mission [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door aaronmm op 19-02-2012 22:19] |
Caducity! Die zanger is een held. |
Nog 1 week en het is zover, Zaterdag 21 april 2012 is het Fields Of Metal 3! Online E-tickets via: info@metalmission.be (t.e.m. vrijdag 13 April 2012) Via vvk punten (tot vrijdag 20 april 2012): Ieper: JOC Ieper, Broodjeshuis, Solsleutel Geluwe: Skullpoint Kortrijk: Popcenter Greetings Metal Mission |
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