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Topic : Synkletos
Usericon van Gmykh
Posted 19-11-2012 17:03 by Gmykh Wijzig reactieProfiel van GmykhQuote dit bericht

The debut album of Russian two-man melodic doom / death metal band SYNKLETOS, containing plenty of heavy guitar riffs, long-winded solos, atmospheric keys, guttural growls and deep clean vocals, generously blended with some beautiful new age interludes.
The ideological basis of this piece is the concept of ‘Enlightened Doom’ inspired by the images of Daniil Andreev’s metaphilosophical treatise ‘Rose of the World’. Contemplation, Endless Road and Reincarnation – these are the basic drivers of the whole project.
The album is aimed not only at old school doom metal fans, but as well at those who are simply in love with beautiful and soul-inspired melodies, which are abundant in this 42-minute release.
The sound quality is guaranteed by the renowned Russian metal sound producer Igor ‘KIV’ Korolyov, who has worked with such titans of domestic metal-scene as Butterfly Temple, Nevid’, Ashen Light, Stigmatic Chorus, Izmoroz’, Kartikeya, Everlost, Mafia, Molecul, Put’ Solntsa and many others.
The album offers a wide range of musical tones – from light sadness to primordial aggression, from quiet serenity and contemplation to cries of despair. The band invites the listener on a journey into their own world of emotions, spiritual search and silent wisdom.

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 19-11-2012 17:17 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van HypnosQuote dit bericht

Kartikeya ruuulz


Usericon van Argh
Posted 20-11-2012 2:08 by Argh Wijzig reactieProfiel van ArghQuote dit bericht

Ik las "Synteklos" / Sintekloas / Sinterklaas.


Over Pagan/Viking metal en aanverwanten: "Kan je wel janken over je voorvaderen die draaien zich 2x om in het graf als ze die tyfus fluit horen" - © Burzum 2010

Dirge for november
Ik zeg: Doom!
Usericon van Dirge for november
Posted 20-11-2012 8:44 by Dirge for november (Redacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van Dirge for novemberQuote dit bericht

Seriously, ik ook al!

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