soulseller |
Posted 13-07-2014 11:07 by soulseller |
Dit is er bij gezet door de band in kwestie, Kozeljnik:
To whom it may not concern, please excuse and disregard this little rant, for it's about to get nasty. To my friends and serious extreme underground music aficionados, this is a warning and a must-know. Manuel Tinnemans aka Comaworx, Dutch artist, known to most of you for his collaboration with numerous brilliant and less brilliant underground bands have been hired by us in Kozeljnik to do the artwork for our latest EP, now known as "Null: The Acheron of Multiform Negation". Back in 2012, keen to support this project of ours (before receiving the payment that is), he was presented with our idea of what the cover in question should look like. Supposedly starting with the sketch immediately, he assured us he knew exactly what we wanted; we talked about the technique and so on and left the man to proceed with work. The only thing we received in first couple of months, until the payment to his account was made, was a plain sketch of not even the shape of things to come. Now to cut this shitty story short, everything after that was nothing but delay, delay, delay and then some more, always failing to come up with an update and therefore push our release date far beyond deadline. In the end, after the series of lame excuses, he completely failed to provide the artwork and we were forced to go with another artist. Fortunately, we got hooked up with this brilliant Frenchman who goes by the name Nihil and we were just lucky enough to settle with the piece he provided, the one you're now seeing on the front page of the EP. Manuel then promised to do not one but two pieces for us as a way to compensate, one to be used on a T-shirt and the other one on a future LP release. Needless to say this never happened and he just stopped communicating all the way, ignoring our e-mails, requests and all civilized ways of trying to get this matter resolved. This may come as a surprise to some, but many of his (long time) correspondents that we talked to confirmed this was not the first time they heard about him giving trouble and ripping off his customers. It came as a surprise to us nevertheless. Two years now since this "agreement" was made and 17 months since the release of our EP, Manuel never provided us with anything and refund was never made. Great artist, but a small, small man, remorseless charlatan and a RIP-OFF fuck of the worse sort. Whatever legacy he may have and the shit he's doing nowadays, he failed. Here, in our case, he failed and nothing more. You've been warned. Boycott this motherfucker.