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Topic : 21-11: Mondvolland (afscheid) + 'Heidevolk' + Dr Duval + Terzij de Horde @ W1, Arnhem
Usericon van Willemeen_W1
Posted 05-08-2014 20:27 by Willemeen_W1 Wijzig reactieProfiel van Willemeen_W1Quote dit bericht

vr 21 november 2014
Mondvolland (album presentatie/ afscheidsshow) + De Strijdlust is Herboren + Dr Duval + Terzij De Horde
avant garde black metal, garage punk
Zaal open: 20:00 uur | Entree: € 8 | Voorverkoop: € 6

Het afscheid van Mondvolland, tegelijkertijd ook de cd-presentatie van de laatste plaat. Voor die gelegenheid zullen oud-leden van Heidevolk op het podium staan met hun debuut De strijdlust is geboren. Vandaar de aanhalingstekens ;-) Voorprogramma is Terzij de Horde en na Mondvolland zal Dr Duval zorgen voor een afterparty.

Kaarten kopen:

Info over de bands:

MONDVOLLAND (black metal with avant garde influences) | album release/farewell show

This last show ever will be a special and extended show with both old and new material, and former and current band members sharing the stage.

When MONDVOLLAND was formed in 2006, the musical emphasis was firmly orientated towards folk, but now, with two releases behind them and the completion of their sophomore full-length album, the band has very clearly developed and expanded its sound and direction to become an atypical Black Metal band that occasionally nods in the direction of avant-garde and post metal, but whose melodies are clearly defined and whose sound is immediate and accessible. Add to that vocals that are a mix of screams, deep grunts and varying styles of clean vocals, and you have a band that moves seamlessly and expertly through a number of extreme metal genres.

The new seven-track album will be called "Kwade Vaart" and was recorded at the E-Sound Studios by Asher de Vries (FLUISTERAARS), while mixing and mastering is by MONDVOLLAND bassist/vocalist Mickeal. The title is the modern Dutch equivalent of "quade vaert", which translated means "wicked" or "evil" journey, and is inspired by local folk stories that explore the subjects of poisoning, death in battle, fratricide and witch hunts. The band's name itself is taken from the Dutch "mond vol land", meaning "mouth full of earth", and comes from a local folk story that recounts how giants created the hills of Montferland in the Gelderland region of the Netherlands, the home of the band's original founders.

"Kwade Vaart" will be released on CD by Heidens Hart on 19 September 2014.

As well as taking part in a project titled "Elemental Nightmares", MONDVOLLAND also features on an international musical project initiated by SEASON OF MIST. The split vinyl release contains experimental works from eight bands in all, including DRUDKH, PRIMORDIAL, KAMPFAR and WINTERFYLLETH amongst others. Each of the bands have written a piece about their own individual country and heritage.

DE STRIJDLUST IS HERBOREN (folk metal) | exclusive, one live show only

When MONDVOLLAND was formed in 2006, the musical emphasis was firmly orientated towards folk. MONDVOLLAND lyric wise always stayed true to their roots. This is the reason that we present a special short show with a selection of songs of the debut album of HEIDEVOLK (De Strijdlust Is Geboren, 2005): an album that has inspired us to write our debut album.

The songs will be performed by old members of HEIDEVOLK (including both original singers), along with members of Dr. DUVAL, WEDERGANGER and MONDVOLLAND.

Dr. DUVAL (garage punk)

Dr. DUVAL, recently named in a review as “the best garage band on earth at this moment, which comes from Bennekom” (Veluwe area), are longtime friends of MONDVOLLAND. Catchy riffs, a true 60’s sound, wild boars, sweaty cheese, tonics, madness on stage. And all DIY. Dr. DUVAL will play a special after party show.

TERZIJ DE HORDE (post black metal)

TERZIJ DE HORDE combine an amalgam of progressive black and doom metal with a rawness and live presence reminiscent of extreme hardcore or chaotic screamo. Terzij de Horde is old Dutch for “set apart from the horde”. It is a line from the poem “Einde” (ending) by legendary Dutch poet Hendrik Marsman. Marsman is an inspiration to the band, as are many other authors and philosophers in the same dark, vitalistic vein.

Starting out as Liar Liar Cross On Fire in 2007, the band grew away from its sonic roots in grindcore and crusty hardcore, and toward more dark atmospherics. Throughout their existence, the band has been described as a mix between Khanate, Wolves in the Throne Room, Deathspell Omega and Neil Perry.

Usericon van Willemeen_W1
Posted 13-09-2014 14:26 by Willemeen_W1 Wijzig reactieProfiel van Willemeen_W1Quote dit bericht

Komende vrijdag komt Kwade Vaart uit via Heidens Hart!

Usericon van Hypnos
Posted 13-09-2014 14:46 by Hypnos (Hoofdredacteur) Wijzig reactieProfiel van HypnosQuote dit bericht

gehoord en goedgekeurd


Inverted Church
Usericon van Inverted Church
Posted 15-11-2014 11:34 by Inverted Church Wijzig reactieProfiel van Inverted ChurchQuote dit bericht

Volgende week vrijdag!

Dionysos Akbar!
Usericon van Sisyphos
Posted 15-11-2014 11:48 by Sisyphos Wijzig reactieProfiel van SisyphosQuote dit bericht

Hard present

Inverted Church
Usericon van Inverted Church
Posted 15-11-2014 11:50 by Inverted Church Wijzig reactieProfiel van Inverted ChurchQuote dit bericht

Neem je mijn jas mee? Ruilen tegen tapes?

Dionysos Akbar!
Usericon van Sisyphos
Posted 15-11-2014 12:46 by Sisyphos Wijzig reactieProfiel van SisyphosQuote dit bericht

Op 15 november 2014 11:50 schreef Inverted Church het volgende:
Neem je mijn jas mee? Ruilen tegen tapes?

No way man, die gast is m'n ticket into nietsvermoedende chicks bang maken.

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Sisyphos op 15-11-2014 12:46]

Heidens Hart
Usericon van Heidens Hart
Posted 17-11-2014 14:22 by Heidens Hart Wijzig reactieProfiel van Heidens HartQuote dit bericht

tomcat ha
Is een poepchinees
Usericon van tomcat ha
Posted 18-11-2014 0:57 by tomcat ha Wijzig reactieProfiel van tomcat haQuote dit bericht


Usericon van Willemeen_W1
Posted 20-11-2014 11:38 by Willemeen_W1 Wijzig reactieProfiel van Willemeen_W1Quote dit bericht

Usericon van omglucky
Posted 20-11-2014 17:30 by omglucky Wijzig reactieProfiel van omgluckyQuote dit bericht

Weet iemand hoe laat Mondvolland begint/tot hoe laat ze spelen?

Dionysos Akbar!
Usericon van Sisyphos
Posted 20-11-2014 17:45 by Sisyphos Wijzig reactieProfiel van SisyphosQuote dit bericht

Op 20 november 2014 17:30 schreef omglucky het volgende:
Weet iemand hoe laat Mondvolland begint/tot hoe laat ze spelen?

20:00 Zaal open
20:25 - 21:05 Terzij de Horde
21:25 - 21:55 De Strijdlust Is Herboren
22:15 - 23:35 Mondvolland
23:50 - 00:35 Dr. DUVAL

Usericon van Rotzak
Posted 20-11-2014 18:07 by Rotzak Wijzig reactieProfiel van RotzakQuote dit bericht

Op 5 augustus 2014 20:27 schreef Willemeen_W1 het volgende:
vr 21 november 2014
Mondvolland (album presentatie/ afscheidsshow) + De Strijdlust is Herboren + Dr Duval + Terzij De Horde
avant garde black metal, garage punk
Zaal open: 20:00 uur | Entree: € 8 | Voorverkoop: € 6

Het afscheid van Mondvolland, tegelijkertijd ook de cd-presentatie van de laatste plaat. Voor die gelegenheid zullen oud-leden van Heidevolk op het podium staan met hun debuut De strijdlust is geboren. Vandaar de aanhalingstekens ;-) Voorprogramma is Terzij de Horde en na Mondvolland zal Dr Duval zorgen voor een afterparty.

Kaarten kopen:

Info over de bands:

MONDVOLLAND (black metal with avant garde influences) | album release/farewell show

This last show ever will be a special and extended show with both old and new material, and former and current band members sharing the stage.

When MONDVOLLAND was formed in 2006, the musical emphasis was firmly orientated towards folk, but now, with two releases behind them and the completion of their sophomore full-length album, the band has very clearly developed and expanded its sound and direction to become an atypical Black Metal band that occasionally nods in the direction of avant-garde and post metal, but whose melodies are clearly defined and whose sound is immediate and accessible. Add to that vocals that are a mix of screams, deep grunts and varying styles of clean vocals, and you have a band that moves seamlessly and expertly through a number of extreme metal genres.

The new seven-track album will be called "Kwade Vaart" and was recorded at the E-Sound Studios by Asher de Vries (FLUISTERAARS), while mixing and mastering is by MONDVOLLAND bassist/vocalist Mickeal. The title is the modern Dutch equivalent of "quade vaert", which translated means "wicked" or "evil" journey, and is inspired by local folk stories that explore the subjects of poisoning, death in battle, fratricide and witch hunts. The band's name itself is taken from the Dutch "mond vol land", meaning "mouth full of earth", and comes from a local folk story that recounts how giants created the hills of Montferland in the Gelderland region of the Netherlands, the home of the band's original founders.

"Kwade Vaart" will be released on CD by Heidens Hart on 19 September 2014.

As well as taking part in a project titled "Elemental Nightmares", MONDVOLLAND also features on an international musical project initiated by SEASON OF MIST. The split vinyl release contains experimental works from eight bands in all, including DRUDKH, PRIMORDIAL, KAMPFAR and WINTERFYLLETH amongst others. Each of the bands have written a piece about their own individual country and heritage.

DE STRIJDLUST IS HERBOREN (folk metal) | exclusive, one live show only

When MONDVOLLAND was formed in 2006, the musical emphasis was firmly orientated towards folk. MONDVOLLAND lyric wise always stayed true to their roots. This is the reason that we present a special short show with a selection of songs of the debut album of HEIDEVOLK (De Strijdlust Is Geboren, 2005): an album that has inspired us to write our debut album.

The songs will be performed by old members of HEIDEVOLK (including both original singers), along with members of Dr. DUVAL, WEDERGANGER and MONDVOLLAND.

Dr. DUVAL (garage punk)

Dr. DUVAL, recently named in a review as “the best garage band on earth at this moment, which comes from Bennekom” (Veluwe area), are longtime friends of MONDVOLLAND. Catchy riffs, a true 60’s sound, wild boars, sweaty cheese, tonics, madness on stage. And all DIY. Dr. DUVAL will play a special after party show.

TERZIJ DE HORDE (post black metal)

TERZIJ DE HORDE combine an amalgam of progressive black and doom metal with a rawness and live presence reminiscent of extreme hardcore or chaotic screamo. Terzij de Horde is old Dutch for “set apart from the horde”. It is a line from the poem “Einde” (ending) by legendary Dutch poet Hendrik Marsman. Marsman is an inspiration to the band, as are many other authors and philosophers in the same dark, vitalistic vein.

Starting out as Liar Liar Cross On Fire in 2007, the band grew away from its sonic roots in grindcore and crusty hardcore, and toward more dark atmospherics. Throughout their existence, the band has been described as a mix between Khanate, Wolves in the Throne Room, Deathspell Omega and Neil Perry.

Dat is een beste mond vol!

Against God and Government

Dionysos Akbar!
Usericon van Sisyphos
Posted 22-11-2014 20:26 by Sisyphos Wijzig reactieProfiel van SisyphosQuote dit bericht

Het was genieten.

tomcat ha
Is een poepchinees
Usericon van tomcat ha
Posted 22-11-2014 20:34 by tomcat ha Wijzig reactieProfiel van tomcat haQuote dit bericht

het leuk ja.
Kon merken dat Mondvolland het een beetje had gezien want de nummer dat niet af was klonk een beetje geforceerd en ongeinspireerd.

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