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Topic : riffmaster iommi (geinspireerd door varg666) Vorige pagina
Niet de bassiste van Sigh
Usericon van Vargen666
Posted 05-06-2002 22:58 by Vargen666 Wijzig reactieProfiel van Vargen666Quote dit bericht

Aha, dus toen was Tony Martin waarschijnlijk ziek of zo.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 05-06-2002 22:59 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Op 5 juni 2002 22:58 schreef Vargen666 het volgende:
Aha, dus toen was Tony Martin waarschijnlijk ziek of zo.

Nope; Ozzy doet de laatste 4 nummers

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Niet de bassiste van Sigh
Usericon van Vargen666
Posted 05-06-2002 23:00 by Vargen666 Wijzig reactieProfiel van Vargen666Quote dit bericht

Hmm, was dat dan een benefiet concert of zo?

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 05-06-2002 23:05 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Op 5 juni 2002 23:00 schreef Vargen666 het volgende:
Hmm, was dat dan een benefiet concert of zo?

Volgens mij niet; ja of voor Rob omdattie net uit Priest was gestapt

't is een hele vreemde gig, want toen was Tony Martin eruit getrapt omdat Ozzy terugkwam, dus waarom dan Halford er ook nog bij?

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 06-06-2002 18:26 by attila_de_hun Wijzig reactieProfiel van attila_de_hunQuote dit bericht

Op 5 juni 2002 21:59 schreef Vargen666 het volgende:

Alle Sabbath is goed, ook met Dio. Heaven & Hell is een enorm gaaf nummer. Trouwens, ik vind het spul met Tony Martin op zang ook wel goed. Check Headless Cross, vet duister album!

Ik was vroeger echt helemaal weg van Sabbath, luisterde er alleen maar naar. Met het gevolg dat ik nu nu een belachelijk lijst platen heb van ze.

Inderdaad, zelfs "Born again" met Ian Gillan is goed uit te houden. vooral "Zero the hero"is een vet nummer.

hou je ook van de oude "trouble"??

Niet de bassiste van Sigh
Usericon van Vargen666
Posted 06-06-2002 18:34 by Vargen666 Wijzig reactieProfiel van Vargen666Quote dit bericht

Hmm, Trouble ken ik helaas niet. Moet ik toch maar eens gaan luisteren. De naam klinkt alleen zo ongelovelijk gay.

Maar Born Again is idd het slechtste album, heb hem destijds ook vrij weinig gedraaid. Alhoewel, een nummer als Disturbing the Priest is toch wel cool.

good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 06-06-2002 18:45 by attila_de_hun Wijzig reactieProfiel van attila_de_hunQuote dit bericht

[quote]Op 6 juni 2002 18:34 schreef Vargen666 het volgende:
Hmm, Trouble ken ik helaas niet. Moet ik toch maar eens gaan luisteren. De naam klinkt alleen zo ongelovelijk gay.


echt doen varg. "Psalm 9" en "The skull" zijn echt erg goede bijna-sabbath albums. en misschien is de bandnaam gay, de muziek is het echt niet!!!

Niet de bassiste van Sigh
Usericon van Vargen666
Posted 06-06-2002 19:31 by Vargen666 Wijzig reactieProfiel van Vargen666Quote dit bericht

Ik zal eens kijken...

Beli Mawr
Great god Cernunnos, return to Earth again!
Usericon van Beli Mawr
Posted 06-06-2002 19:38 by Beli Mawr (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van Beli MawrQuote dit bericht

Black sabbath in het algemeen rond het jaar zeventig heerst vet door, stond eens als enige te bangen op warpigs op een fuif in Diksmuide , de dansvloer was dan tenminste eens gevuld met één man

Black sabbath is idd een mijlpaal in de muziekgeschiedenis, Ozzy Osbourne zelf al, die gast is niet te doen en het gitaarwerk van Tony is schitterend

Having heard the voice of Morrigan I am uilleannpiping my way through this world, powered by Guinness SLÁINTE

good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 06-06-2002 19:54 by attila_de_hun Wijzig reactieProfiel van attila_de_hunQuote dit bericht

Hier een berichtje van Ozzy zelf over het huidige Black sabbath (van blabbermouth, naar mij mailt hij niet)

"I talked with Tony Iommi about a month ago and we would sure like to make plans [for the band to become active again]. We have a lot of songs or partial songs that we did in the early part of winter and spring of 2001. We wrote a lot of music then. We were back in Great Britain and we went to our rehearsal studios in Wales. The idea was to gather up enough information to possibly release a brand new BLACK SABBATH album. We moved ahead with that but what happened was that Ozzfest came along. We put the tapes away and closed down the writing shop. We went out on tour as BLACK SABBATH. We ended touring in August and no one was sure if we were going to take up another writing session or not. We knew that Ozzy was going to be really busy. We have nothing that I am aware of scheduled and planned but everything is on the back burner and could go if there was an opportunity to move forward. It depends a lot on where everything and everyone is at -- especially Ozzy. He is so busy right now.

"As far as BLACK SABBATH plans are concerned, I will continue to talk to Tony and Geezer. There are other things that we might be able to do. I don't mean forming another BLACK SABBATH with another singer because for me personally, that is out of the question. I am just looking at ideas of what Tony and I could do without compromising Oz or upsetting anything we have established with Ozzy. We have been playing around with a few ideas but there is nothing in the works as far as I know.

"I hope that things will carry on. The only thing that I wish is for everybody to have good health. I am 54 coming on 55 and it is that time when it all becomes about good heath and staying sane. I can't do that fucking crazy shit anymore. One of the beautiful things about BLACK SABBATH is that when we are backstage or in the studio or in rehearsals we will have a cup of tea at about 4:00 in the afternoon and we all sit down and we talk about what is wrong with us. We will talk about needing a new pair of glasses or we will ask 'How's your stomach?' or 'How's your shoulder? Did somebody fix it?' We talk about things like that. When we were 17 years old we would never think about things like that. The first thing on our mind was shagging somebody! Now it is about 'How's the dog? How are the kids?' and stuff like that. That is what BLACK SABBATH is like. That is what BLACK SABBATH does when they get together. We still kick-ass."

Niet de bassiste van Sigh
Usericon van Vargen666
Posted 06-06-2002 20:02 by Vargen666 Wijzig reactieProfiel van Vargen666Quote dit bericht

Lijkt mij eerder dat dat stuk ban Bill komt. Of Ozzy moet het leuk vinden over zichzelf te praten in de derde persoon.

Maar het zou ERG cool zijn als er een nieuw album kwam...

good person but bad musician....
Usericon van attila_de_hun
Posted 06-06-2002 22:25 by attila_de_hun Wijzig reactieProfiel van attila_de_hunQuote dit bericht

Op 6 juni 2002 20:02 schreef Vargen666 het volgende:
Lijkt mij eerder dat dat stuk ban Bill komt. Of Ozzy moet het leuk vinden over zichzelf te praten in de derde persoon.

Maar het zou ERG cool zijn als er een nieuw album kwam...

hahaha, ik heb me denk ik inderdaad vergist. Attila doet dat wel eens.

maar, het wordt weer tijd voor een nieuwe sabbath , en als dat met ozzy is, TE GEK!!!

webblaster wim
Usericon van webblaster wim
Posted 06-06-2002 22:50 by webblaster wim Wijzig reactieProfiel van webblaster wimQuote dit bericht

black sabbath vind ik alleen fijn met ozzy erbij. sabbath+ozzy = geweldig.
maar goed dat die iommi nog steeds aan de metal is. waar die r. blackmore van deep purple mee bezig is, kasteelmuziek

Oud Vuil.

Ja bakker...
Usericon van Blackjack
Posted 07-06-2002 16:37 by Blackjack Wijzig reactieProfiel van BlackjackQuote dit bericht

Sabbath heerscht! Met Ozzy is het gewoon zo vet als mogelijk is, met Dio is het heel wat technischer (bijv. Computer God van Dehumanizer).
BTW. Als iemand daar tabs van heeft, zou ik ze graag overnemen.

Misty morning, clouds in the sky- Without warning, the wizard walks by- Casting his shadow, weaving his spell- Funny clothes, tinkling bell. Never talking- Just keeps walking- Spreading his magic

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 28-06-2002 4:28 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Apart dat Yes-toetsenist Rick Wakeman toetsen heeft gespeeld op 'Sabbath bloody sabbath'...

Net zoals Toto's huidige drummer (onder andere) Simon Philips 'Sin after sin' van Judas Priest heeft geproduceerd.

Twee artiesten die toch uit een behoorlijk ander muzikaal klimaat komen (symfo/jazz hoek)

Zijn er nog meer vroegere kruisbestuivingen bekend?

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 08-07-2002 0:11 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Bill Ward loves "Sabbatum"

just a quick note to let you know that I have finally received
first comments on the "Sabbatum" CD from members of
the classic Black Sabbath line-up!

It has taken me some time to get the CD to the Sabbath guys,
but with much appreciated help from Joe Siegler of the world
famous , the CD was forwarded to
Ozzy, Tony Iommi and Bill Ward. Geezer Butler does not
yet have the CD but we are working on it.

According to representatives of Bill Ward, "both he and his
wife were truely floored by the CD". Tony Iommi's manager
described Tony's first impressions as "suitably baffled".

I haven't heard anything back from Ozzy as of yet, but if I
do, you'll be the first to know!

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Doomed by the living dead!
Usericon van Bub
Posted 02-08-2011 23:26 by Bub Wijzig reactieProfiel van BubQuote dit bericht

Voor diegenene die het nog niet weet.

Tony heeft zijn biografie laten schrijven en deze komt binnenkort uit!

Van blabbercrap...en ik quote:


TONY IOMMI: More Autobiography Details Revealed - Aug. 2, 2011

According to the unofficial BLACK SABBATH web site, SABBATH guitarist Tony Iommi's memoir, "Iron Man: My Journey Through Heaven And Hell With Black Sabbath" will be released in the United States on November 1 in hardback by Perseus Books/DeCapo Press and in Europe on October 13 through Simon & Schuster.

Da Capo reportedly paid a six-figure amount at auction for the rights to the 352-page book, which was described as "'Angela's Ashes' meets 'The Ground Beneath Her Feet' meets 'Spinal Tap'" by Foundry Literary + Media co-founder Peter McGuigan, who completed the North American rights deal for the memoir.

In a recent interview with Guitar World magazine, Iommi explained how his autobiography came together. "I had a chap called TJ Lammers, who I met many, many years ago when he used to work at Phonogram Records," he said. "He later became a journalist and he had his own magazine. He lives in Holland and we've stayed in touch over the years. I've had a few people say, 'Oh, I can write a book for you,' but I wanted a different outlook to the normal music journalist, and that's what happened. He came over to England and stayed with me for a few days. Then he'd write it up, come back again and do more. The whole thing took a couple years to finish."

When asked how his book will be different to the typical rock biography, Iommi said, "I don't know. I don't read rock biographies, so it could be the same, it could be different. It's just my life, really. It's about what happened and what I grew up from, and how I've gone through life to where I am now. It's something I probably should have done a long time ago because there are so many books out now. I've been meaning to do it for many, many years but never got around to it."

The name "Tony Iommi" sends shivers down the spines of guitarists around the world. As lead guitarist and songwriter of BLACK SABBATH, Tony Iommi is considered to be one of the most influential musicians of the past four decades and the inventor of heavy metal. From working-class, Midlands roots, his unique playing style — a result of a disfiguring hand injury he suffered working in a sheet metal factory — created a dark and gothic sound unlike anything that had been heard before and which captured the mood of its time. SABBATH went on to become a superband, playing to massive audiences around the world and selling millions of records, and Iommi led the life of a rock star to the fullest — with the scars from all the drug-fuelled nights of excess and wildness to show for it.

"Iron Man" is the exclusive account of the life and adventures of one of rock's greatest heroes. It chronicles the story of both pioneering guitarist Tony Iommi and legendary band BLACK SABBATH, dubbed "THE BEATLES of heavy metal" by Rolling Stone magazine. "Iron Man" reveals the man behind the icon yet still captures Iommi's humor, intelligence, and warmth. He speaks honestly and unflinchingly about his rough-and-tumble childhood, the accident that almost ended his career, his failed marriages, personal tragedies, battles with addiction, bandmates, famous friends, newfound daughter, and the ups and downs of his life as an artist.

Everything associated with hard rock happened to BLACK SABBATH first: the drugs, the debauchery, the drinking, the dungeons, the pressure, the pain, the conquests, the company men, the contracts, the combustible drummer, the critics, the comebacks, the singers, the Stonehenge set, the music, the money, the madness, the metal.

Brian May (QUEEN): "Tony Iommi is the true father of heavy metal, a continuously creative genius riff-meister, and one of the world's great human beings."

Eddie Van Halen (VAN HALEN): "Without Tony, heavy metal wouldn't exist. He is the creator of heavy! Tony is a legend. He took rock and roll and turned it into heavy metal."

James Hetfield (METALLICA): "Mr. Iommi, aka . . . The Riffmaster. It's all his fault I am where I am."

Ozzy Osbourne (BLACK SABBATH): "Tony Iommi should be up there with the greats. He can pick up a guitar and play a riff that'd knock your fucking socks off."

US Cover:

UK cover:

Essentieel leesvoer al zeg ik hetzelf en het boek heb ik zelf inmiddels in de pre-order (€15 bij, hard cover)!


Doomed by the living dead!
Usericon van Bub
Posted 25-11-2021 19:21 by Bub Wijzig reactieProfiel van BubQuote dit bericht

De heer Iommi heeft een nieuwe instrumentaal nummer gemaakt.
En het is een tof deuntje.

Blijkbaar is het voor een of ander parfum.


Usericon van BongoBongo
Posted 03-12-2021 15:16 by BongoBongo Wijzig reactieProfiel van BongoBongoQuote dit bericht

Op 28 juni 2002 4:28 schreef Mutilator het volgende:

Net zoals Toto's huidige drummer (onder andere) Simon Philips 'Sin after sin' van Judas Priest heeft geproduceerd.

Nee, dat was Roger Glover, Simon Phillips heeft 'm ingedrumd.

(had in 2002 nog geen internet anders had ik je eerder verbeterd )

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