Dirge for november |
Ik zeg: Doom! |
Posted 02-03-2017 10:52 by Dirge for november (Redacteur) |
Zojuist ontdekt via forumbaas Zodiac Lung.
Prachtige review van Metal-archives:
quote: I found revbiz profoundly underwhelming (you know it's not a good sign if you can't make it more than 10 minutes into a 2 disc album) but well, this doesn't feature the entire RevBiz lineup, the band name/album name/weird song names are all pretty legitimate, I love my doom metal, so on and so forth. I've always been a real keen believer that good band name = good band (there's a few exception, but it's generally true, as is the inverse), so, in that fascinating, childlike world of Caspian logic, I expected this to be a pretty good album.
But it's not good, in fact it's quite mediocre, in fact maybe it's even really bad. The reasons are simple: the riffs are boring. We could end the review right there and to be honest I think continuing the review is a bit redundant, because that's the long and the short of it.
Vocals are alright, the production's good, but the riffs are really bad, really boring, and they plod and repeat all the freakin' time. With the exception of "It is your decision to respect life" (which is still rather boring, but has effective use of lead guitar) every track here is full of similarly boring, dull, lifeless riffs that just plod around on a few chords, repeat far too many time, and then end. The sound? Well, it's just a more boring RevBiz. It's not really sabbath-y, not very Sleep-ish, there's maybe a bit of Candlemass. Yeah, I guess they're unique in their own way, but that doesn't change that they're still really boring? There's no bite to 'em, they're just doom for the sake of being doom. And fuck that shit homes. Oh, and the drums are about as uncreative as you can get; switching from a slow and boring doom plod to just not playing at all. I guess the drummer didn't really have much to add to the ruthlessly boring chord progressions/riffs; I don't blame him.
...That's pretty much it! If you're a really boring dude you may enjoy these riffs as they're really boring, dude. But yeah, this is just a straight out bad, incredibly boring bit of plodding Rev doom that has no reason to exist. That's all!
Wat ik hoor is lomp. De essentie van doom. Heel gaaf. Ik moet er nog wat uitgebreider voor gaan zitten, maar tot nu toe word ik hier heel blij van. Meer liefhebbers?
[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Dirge for november op 02-03-2017 10:56]