Creepieboy |
"Vrienden" betekenen NIETS!!!!! |
Posted 19-08-2001 16:59 by Creepieboy |
Ik vond op een website dit stuk text over, wanneer je al als een satanist wordt beschouwd, en dat is dus: als je gewoon je leven lijdt... zie hieronder wat dat verhaal inhoudt:::
Dit verhaal is meer tegen de mensen bedoelt die sterk in de kerk geloven volgens mij, om ff flink uit te leggen wat een satanist nou eigenlijk is...volgens mij dan...
As opposed to what many people think, Satanism is NOT a religion that worships the
devil, and the true Satanist does not sacrifice young children, animals, virgins or any
other living creature. Nor does a Satanist participate in group orgies or anything like
that, so if you are interested in Satanism because of any of these points you should
find another religion.
It is not so that a Satanist does not believe in God. The way God is seen has always
varied throughout the years and differs in each religion. The Satanist just chooses
the definition of God that best suits his own beliefs. In my case this is as a balancing
factor in nature, but not a deity that cares about any or all of the billions of living
creatures personally.
The true Satanist knows that there is no Deity that controls our lives and our lives are
not lived by a pre-set course. There is only one thing that controls the way your life
goes, and that is your own actions. If you do not like the way your live is going then
there is no use in praying to some God to turn it around, instead you should take
control of your own actions and make your life better yourself, for the only true god
The Christian Church would have everybody belief that if you become interested in
Satanism then you would surely go to Hell as a sinner. If there were such a place
where sinners go after their earthly life is over then would not each Christian
believer go there too, because they have all probably indulged themselves in the
original sin of the Christian Church: Fornication.
When a Satanist does something wrong he knows that it will do no good whatsoever
to pray or ask for forgiveness. He just realizes he made a mistake, and if he is
genuinely sorry he will make sure he doesn’t make that mistake twice. If somebody
makes a mistake and is not truly sorry and knows he would probably make the same
mistake again then what good would it do to ask for forgiveness or pretend to be
sorry for it.
A Satanist loves only the people that deserve his affection. It is ridiculous to love
everybody, for why should one love another if that other person hates you. By only
loving the people that deserve it you also make sure that the affection those people
get is much purer then the affection they would get if you love everyone. As for
hatred, repressed hatred can lead to serious physical complaints. If you release your
hatred towards those who really deserve it you will rid yourself of these emotions so
that your loved ones will not have to suffer because of the hatred built up inside. If
your enemy hits you on one cheek: HIT HIM ON THE OTHER! The person that CAN
release his hatred towards the ones that deserve will also be able to love the people
who deserve it much more because his emotions are not obscured by hatred.
In closing I would like to say that if you are not content with the way your life is going
then do not turn to others or pray to some spiritual being you call God, but take
matters into your own hands and make something of it YOURSELF!
Zoals dit verhaal een satanist beschrijft, ben ik dan maar een satanist.
Wat denken jullie? Zijn jullie het hiermee eens?? Of wat?
[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Creepieboy op 19-08-2001 17:02]