Manifest |
Jus ad bellum, inshallah! |
Posted 26-03-2004 12:40 by Manifest |
NEBELHEXE (formerly known as Hagalaz' Runedance) finished the recordings for her upcoming album titled Laguz - Within The Lake.
The album was enginered and mixed by Thorbjørn Akkerhaugen at the highly acclaimed Akkerhaugen Studio in Norway.
The release for "Laguz - Within The Lake" is set for May 3rd through Karmageddon Media.
The complete tracklist for Laguz - Within The Lake:
Laguz - Within the Lake
My Visual World
Celtic Crows
Wake To Wither
Bird Song
Raven Night (Nightflight mix)
Sleeping Beauty
Touch Of Morpheus
In an official statement Nebelhexe reveals the following information:
"After making three successful Hagalaz' Runedance albums, dedicated to the northern spirituality and in the style of folk/medieval music, I felt the need to move on. I longed for new inspiration and I longed for more artistic freedom in my musical and lyrical expressions. I felt the urge to explore the many possibilities of creating musical sounds and I wanted to focus more generally on my feelings, dreams, obscure experiences, parallel worlds and the magic that is surrounding me. I just want to create, express what is inside of me, being true to myself, without restricting and limiting myself to a specific genre. Being an artist, a pagan and magician I always seek to grow, to explore and to challenge. I also began working within other artistic areas; creating visual art and video concepts for example. I have revived my previous artist name Nebelhexe (meaning fog-witch), partly because I feel like going 'back to basics', but I also found new reasons to revive this name. I came across interesting magical connections, images of what I considered to be my "ghost birds" - white ravens, white crows and white owls, that started to inspire my spiritual world. And significantly, I came across a specific owl that was called "Strix Nebulosa". Strix is Latin for owl, but also a name for witch, since the Roman witch was also referred to as "the owl-like woman". Nebulosa is obviously Nebel (fog). In Germany this owl was called 'Nebelhexe'. Like I have already mentioned in my written works, it appears that the white animals mentioned in folklore, like the white horses and white cats in particular, are a link between this world and the other side.
I'm not sure how I would describe my new songs. I feel a lot of Hagalaz' Runedance is kept in the new songs, but I also think there are a lot of gothic influences, since 80's gothic, industrial and synth pop inspired me very much. As a tribute to this era I have made a cover song of Lene Lovich's Bird Song, my most influential song. I was just a kid when I saw Lene Lovich sing this song on TV. The ghostly song and her gothic appearance... and I was mesmerised. I aimed to combine my music with my other artistic expressions and the photos and paintings are images and atmospheres that speak for the songs. The two drawings are taken from two graphic stories I am working on.
I don't want to follow a path...I want to create my own and leave a trail..."
Bron: karmegedonnio media.
F*ck hippies