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Topic : Spawn of Possession Vorige pagina | Volgende pagina
Usericon van aerodis
Posted 01-09-2006 12:03 by aerodis Wijzig reactieProfiel van aerodisQuote dit bericht

Heersende shit, vreemd alleen dat ik in Zweden _nergens_ een CD ofzo van ze kon vinden.

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 01-09-2006 12:03 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht

Op 1 september 2006 12:01 schreef Snoodaerdt het volgende:
De hele nieuwe plaat heerscht als een tiet!!! Tot nu toe nog niet dezelfde impact op me als cabinet, maar ik denk dat enkel kwestie van tijd en veel plaatje draaien is

Ja ik moet em nog aanschaffen. 'k Heb Cabinet destijds al helemaal grijs gedraaid, dikke heersch

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door FRNK op 01-09-2006 12:04]

Usericon van spectre
Posted 01-09-2006 12:04 by spectre Wijzig reactieProfiel van spectreQuote dit bericht

Is dat nieuwe spul erg anders, die cabinet meuk vond ik niet echt geweldig

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 01-09-2006 12:05 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht

'k Vond het live wat catchier overkomen.

Hier staan 2 nieuwe nrs :

the Nekromaniak
Usericon van Spearhead
Posted 20-12-2007 20:05 by Spearhead Wijzig reactieProfiel van SpearheadQuote dit bericht

Iemand enig idee waar dit intro van het nummer Church of Defiance vandaan komt ?

Girl : Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
I have done terrible things.
Priest : We all stray from the path of the Lord sometimes, child,
But with repentance, you will find your way again.
Girl : Will you help me, Father?
Priest : Yes.
Girl : Will you pray for me?
Priest : Yes.
Girl, in demonic voice : Will you... fuck me?

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Spearhead op 20-12-2007 20:06]

the Nekromaniak
Usericon van Spearhead
Posted 20-12-2007 20:05 by Spearhead Wijzig reactieProfiel van SpearheadQuote dit bericht


[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Spearhead op 20-12-2007 20:06]

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 29-08-2008 21:08 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Op 1 september 2006 12:04 schreef spectre het volgende:
Is dat nieuwe spul erg anders, die cabinet meuk vond ik niet echt geweldig

Veeeel beter; Cabinet pakte mij ook niet, maar hoe anders is dat met Noctambulant; minimaal een luisterpoging waard !!!

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 29-08-2008 21:08]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 29-08-2008 21:22 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht

Yes, zijn nu meer liedjes geworden. Zit erg goed in mekaar! Nog steeds een van mn favoriete DM-bands

Cainam Ladicius
Usericon van Cainam Ladicius
Posted 30-08-2008 2:51 by Cainam Ladicius Wijzig reactieProfiel van Cainam LadiciusQuote dit bericht

Absoluut, één van de beste deathbands die ik ken.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 23-05-2009 23:15 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

SPAWN OF POSSESSION: New Pre-Production 'Teaser' Available For Download - May 21, 2009

Swedish technical death metal outfit SPAWN OF POSSESSION has issued the following update:

"The songwriting process has been going quite well these last few months and five new songs are now complete. Seven other songs are in the works.

"We recorded a little pre-production teaser to finally break the silence. Download it here.

"Additional lineup changes will be announced soon."

SPAWN OF POSSESSION last year announced the addition of drummer Richard Schill (SHINING, VILE SCAR, LEVEL ABOVE HUMAN), and bassist Erlend Caspersen (BLOOD RED THRONE, THE ALLSEEING I, DEEDS OF FLESH, VILE, INCINERATE, EMETH) to the group's ranks.

SPAWN OF POSSESSION's sophomore album, "Noctambulant", was released in 2006 via Neurotic Records. The CD was recorded at Pama Studios in Kristianopel, Sweden with producer Magnus Sedenberg

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 21-06-2009 19:25 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht


SPAWN OF POSSESSION Vocalist Quits - June 10, 2009

Vocalist Mordechai Von Renvaktar (a.k.a. Jonas Renvaktar) has announced his departure from the Swedish technical death metal outfit SPAWN OF POSSESSION. He explains, "I have been forced to leave my duties in SPAWN OF POSSESSION to fully concentrate on the ongoing war against the sun-worshippers and to intensify my fight for eternal winter together with my brothers in ISTAPP. The war is expanding and I'm needed for the battle same as you. Our horde grows stronger by the minute and you all have to choose side. You are with us or you are not at all."

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 30-06-2009 1:10 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht


SPAWN OF POSSESSION Announces New Lineup - June 29, 2009

Swedish technical death metal outfit SPAWN OF POSSESSION has issued the following update:

"Two very talented and competent musicians has recently joined SPAWN OF POSSESSION. Matthew Chalk (ex-PSYCROPTIC) is going to handle the vocal and lyric writing. Christian Münzner (OBSCURA, ex-NECROPHAGIST) is going to do the lead guitar part and unleash his madness into the multicolored and distorted universe of SPAWN OF POSSESSION.

"The songwriting process has been going quite well these last few months
and five new songs are now complete. Seven other songs are in the works."

SPAWN OF POSSESSION's current lineup:

Vocals - Matthew Chalk (PSYCROPTIC)
Drums - Richard Schill
Guitar - Christian Münzner (OBSCURA, NECROPHAGIST)
Guitar - Jonas Bryssling

SPAWN OF POSSESSION recently posted a two-minute pre-production teaser of a new song at this location.

SPAWN OF POSSESSION's sophomore album, "Noctambulant", was released in 2006 via Neurotic Records. The CD was recorded at Pama Studios in Kristianopel, Sweden with producer Magnus Sedenberg

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Cainam Ladicius
Usericon van Cainam Ladicius
Posted 30-06-2009 1:38 by Cainam Ladicius Wijzig reactieProfiel van Cainam LadiciusQuote dit bericht

"Two very talented and competent musicians has recently joined SPAWN OF POSSESSION. Matthew Chalk (ex-PSYCROPTIC) is going to handle the vocal and lyric writing. Christian Münzner (OBSCURA, ex-NECROPHAGIST) is going to do the lead guitar part and unleash his madness into the multicolored and distorted universe of SPAWN OF POSSESSION."

Fucking wauw. De vocalen van Chalk op Scepter of the Ancients horen bij de beste die ik ook heb gehoord op een death-plaat. En Munzer is gewoon een sicko; inventief en technisch. Kortom, precies wat SoP nog beter kan maken, kijk nu nog meer uit naar die nieuwe plaat.

Thin out the numbers!
Usericon van FRNK
Posted 30-06-2009 9:55 by FRNK Wijzig reactieProfiel van FRNKQuote dit bericht

Wow! Gaaf ja, ben benieuwd! Respect @ Christian, dat ook nog es doen naast Obscura

Judge M.
Lord of Metal
Usericon van Judge M.
Posted 30-06-2009 10:00 by Judge M. Wijzig reactieProfiel van Judge M.Quote dit bericht

Nooit geweten dat Erlend er ook bij zat maar dit is wel even een mooie line-up zo ja

Usericon van Helvete
Posted 30-06-2009 13:30 by Helvete Wijzig reactieProfiel van HelveteQuote dit bericht

Op 30 juni 2009 1:10 schreef Mutilator het volgende:
"Two very talented and competent musicians has recently joined SPAWN OF POSSESSION. Matthew Chalk (ex-PSYCROPTIC) is going to handle the vocal and lyric writing. Christian Münzner (OBSCURA, ex-NECROPHAGIST) is going to do the lead guitar part and unleash his madness into the multicolored and distorted universe of SPAWN OF POSSESSION.
Goed nieuws.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 03-06-2010 22:28 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Er is een nieuwe demo track beluisterbaar:

Låt 02 Demo
Just breaking the silence a little bit.

Låt 02 Demo

This is a preprod recorded at home in n-track and cubase with digital drums. So the production is pretty bad and muddy. But the production for a preprod is not very important anyway. We record preprods so we can work with the arrangements and etc. Since we cant rehearse together, we do this instead.

This is the first version of the song. so its not perfect.

Some stuff which gonna be different on the album version are:

* The bass intro
* some guitar stuff in the middle of the song
* the vocals patterns gonna be pollished
* new/pollished drum patterns
* A guitar solo in the end before the verse starts again.


Eight songs are now complete, so there are four songs left to finish up, and the song writing process has been quite good latley.
The new songs are more massive (epic), detailed, faster, melodic, brutal, catchier and energic than the old ones. And so far im(we) are happy with the result.
It sounds really close to the vision I got right after the recording of Noctambulant. Which was to take everything one step further.
To me personally the third album will be the ultimate SoP album. Because this time I finally got the time to sit down and write down those visions which has been haunting me for years. This would never have been possible with the old members. They where pretty much exhausted and done after Noctambulant. Cant blame them for that, It was a difficult period with a lot of stress and hard work. I was pretty fucked up myself after being isolated for one year of songwriting and practicing.
I will never forget when I told Dennis about my new visions after Noctambulant, and how he sighed just to think about the amount of work that it would take to write such an album, to practise and to record it. So Im very greatful for the new members and their positive approach and energy they have put in to SoP. Making a third album possible.

We have no dates for the new album yet. Its going slow I know that. But we have other obligations in life besides SoP. But we are getting closer and closer now.


[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 03-06-2010 22:33]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

De Tegenpartij
Usericon van De Tegenpartij
Posted 03-06-2010 22:38 by De Tegenpartij Wijzig reactieProfiel van De TegenpartijQuote dit bericht

Kelere. Goed gespeeld en enzo, maar wat een zenuwenmuziek, zeg. Niets voor mij.

En dat, als ik 'em dan in m'n mond stop en ik bijt, doorbijt, dattie dan zo ineens bwehlehlee whe. Zo loopt, in m'n mond. Dus dat het nat wordt en zoet, in m'n mond. Dát wil ik.

Splattermaniac Gore
Usericon van meatgrinder
Posted 04-06-2010 0:33 by meatgrinder Wijzig reactieProfiel van meatgrinderQuote dit bericht

Beetje hectisch. Hoop trouwens niet dat de productie van het album zo gaat klinken.

Usericon van MetalJan
Posted 05-06-2010 14:14 by MetalJan Wijzig reactieProfiel van MetalJanQuote dit bericht

Op 3 juni 2010 22:38 schreef De Tegenpartij het volgende:
Kelere. Goed gespeeld en enzo, maar wat een zenuwenmuziek, zeg. Niets voor mij.

Idd, dat gaat ten koste van de 'bruutheid' imo.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 05-06-2010 21:22 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Dat vond ik tijdens de Noctambulant tour niet, het optreden dat ik van ze zag in de Goudvishal was teringbruut!

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 24-09-2010 22:00 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

Line-up & Other updates

-Line-up Update-
"I’ve been quite disconnected from the band for a long time now so when Bryssling got in touch with me it felt kind of surreal. But none the less amazing when he started to describe his visions for the next Spawn of Possession record and that he wanted me to handle the vocals for it. Now, mind you, it’s been over four years of silence between us and we parted on a somewhat bad note but that’s in the past. The focus is now on the new material, which Bryssling has invited me to get involved with and after listening to the temp tracks, all I can say is that I’m in for a serious ride. Although my presence have been lacking in the scene I’ve been busy writing and recording with my new band. It’s still all under wraps but hopefully I’ll be able to share it with you in a not too distant future. With that said, I’m really excited to be back in the SoP camp and I can’t wait to join the others to complete what I believe will be a masterpiece of unparalleled proportions.

Yes, Dennis is back in the band, where he belongs.
We would like to thank Chalky for the time he was a part of the band, He helped us bringing SoP back to life for a moment and without him we could not have done the Australian tour.
So we are thankfull for everything he did for us and whish him the best of luck.
Line-Up: Jonas Bryssling, Dennis Röndum, Erlend Caspersen, Richard Schill, Christian Muenzner.
-Songwriting process-
We have too many songs, and some of them are a tad bit long, 7-10 min each. So we have decided to cut down the amount of tracks from twelve songs to ten.
We are now finishing up the last songs, polishing the arrangements and practicing the material.
Spawn of Possession can now bew found on spotify.
-Label & Studio-
We are in the process of signing to a new label and booking a studio.
More info about that when we have worked out the details.

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 24-09-2010 22:00]

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Cainam Ladicius
Usericon van Cainam Ladicius
Posted 20-05-2011 22:20 by Cainam Ladicius Wijzig reactieProfiel van Cainam LadiciusQuote dit bericht

Het blijft bij updates:

Relapse Records is proud to announce the signing of Swedish technical death metallers Spawn Of Possession.

Spawn Of Possession (Jonas Bryssling: guitar, Dennis Röndum: vocals, Erlend Casperson: bass, Henrik Schönström: drums, Christian Münzner: guitar) formed in 1997 and has previously released two full-length albums. The band's latest album, Noctambulant, received international critical acclaim for its blend of musical chops and unfettered extremity. Spawn Of Possession is currently writing for its Relapse debut and long-awaited follow-up to Noctambulant to be released this fall.

Spawn Of Possession's Bryssling commented on the signing and upcoming release: “We are very exited to have become part of the Relapse family and their amazing roster. The new album will contain nine tracks plus an instrumental intro which we'll be recording throughout the summer starting in June. Once again we'll be teaming up with producer Mankan Sedenberg at Pama Studios in Sweden. Right now we're prepping the recording and straightening out the last details of the material. More good news is on the way so keep your eyes open for a brand new Spawn Of Possession website which will be launched soon. As usual we like to keep what is coming under wraps, but rest assured this record will be quite a slab of imaginative brutality for you guys to sink your teeth into."

SPILL YER GUTS !!!!!! (Extra gore mod)
Usericon van Mutilator
Posted 26-08-2011 1:12 by Mutilator (Moderator) Wijzig reactieProfiel van MutilatorQuote dit bericht

The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world.

Usericon van Trey
Posted 03-12-2011 10:44 by Trey Wijzig reactieProfiel van TreyQuote dit bericht

Het nieuwe album gaat Incurso heten en het verschijnt in het voorjaar van 2012.

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