Ja, het is een combinatie van hard(metal)/grindcore met death metal, maar ja, sommigen vinden die hardcore die erin zit gewoon kut. Volgens mij zijn dat trouwens voornamelijk lui uit de V.S. Daar is de hele dag metalcore op de tv en dat hangt metalfans daar de keel uit. Dus elke plaat die maar iets met metalcore te maken heeft vinden ze kut.
Maar ja, hier is metalcore minder (lees:niet) op de tv, dus hier leeft die gedachte niet zo sterk. Bijvoorbeeld die BTBAM die jij ook te gek vindt (en vorig jaar mijn plaat van het jaar was) vinden metalfans in de VS kut, gewoon omdat het metalcore is.
Negatieve geluiden over Clients:
"Each part is written well, but the songs aren't cohesive and have a poor flow. It's difficult to figure out how they decided what goes where, or if they just transcribed them on notation and threw them into a hat. Every song has at least one snippet of material where you perk up and say, "oh, that was sort of cool," but you're left wondering how the entire song passed you by without you even realizing it." (Metalreview)
"Indeed, "Fixation," as well as songs such as "Black Santa," "Clients," and "Upper Decker" is where The Red Chord excels the most, thanks to its fast chaotic frenzy of noisy grind-metal, with hardcore and metalcore riffs/passages scattered within to serve as a contrast. Conversely, when the hardcore/metalcore element is more prevalent, such as in "Lay The Tarp," "Antman," or "Love On The Concrete," and the tempo begins to drag, I found my attention waning" (Lambgoat)