TMDC wordfuhrer |
Posted 15-09-2003 10:38 by TMDC wordfuhrer |
03.09.2003 MONOLITH Statement zu Gerüchten
Seit ihrer Tour mit SKINLESS kursieren diverse Gerüchte über die holländischen Death-Metaller von MONOLITH DEATHCULT, die meist mit angeblich rechten Statements zu tun haben. Da jede Geschichte zwei Seiten hat, hier mal das Statement der Band dazu:
"That's total bullshit. All our songs are based on historical facts like Attilla the Hun, The Roman Colosseum, Cortez the Conquerer, The Witchunt and warlord Vlad Tepesch Dracula. I think the rumours came from Germany. We have once a disscusion in Germany with a guy after the show about the war on Iraq. He get's mad and threaten us with a boycot and het started to talk bad about us in the media. The Monolith Deathcult have no statement, we are NOT a political band."
- Michiel-Monolith D.C. Headquarters