Auteur: |
WELKIN (Brutal deathband from Gent - Belgium) is looking for a motivated rythmguitarplayer . We are looking for someone that is really strong in rythm (no solo-monsters ) is 213% motivated has own material can attend rehearsels in gent (wondelgem) every friday think he can handle and understand the music heheh no rockstarattitudes..we have qw fot that job :p :p feel like you would fit that description? mail us at info@welkin.be HELLDOZER - "here comes the helldozer" demo coming soon! |
Kramy zoekt gratis pijpslet Teloorgang! --> https://youtu.be/fDebPivKw00 |
quote:Phatom Lord is niet voor niks "zo druk" tegenwoordig ... |
I generally avoid temptation...unless I can't resist it. |
Nee Nix, daar vind Kramy geen pijpsletjes. Maybe op tmf chat? |
quote: Ik wil wel een pijpslet van niveau he! Teloorgang! --> https://youtu.be/fDebPivKw00 |
Waarom kijkt hij niet bij msn dating of bij tina.nl ? of zoiets van http://www.ikbenwanhopigenikzoekeenpijpsletje.nu I generally avoid temptation...unless I can't resist it. |
quote:Sorry .. www.k3.be |
quote:Hmm, ja dat wordt moeilijk... "...it's all about change and evolution individually as well as universally. It's also about unity..." |
Ik denk dat die 3 wijffies te oud voor hem zijn. ik adviseer hem toch tina.nl I generally avoid temptation...unless I can't resist it. |
Hou op jongens, ik wordt hier veels te geil van this user is dead |
quote: Jongens? bobo.nl voor jou dan maar? I generally avoid temptation...unless I can't resist it. |
Jongens en Nixen dan... this user is dead |
quote: geen meervoud I generally avoid temptation...unless I can't resist it. |
quote: Zeg, zou jij misschien niet.. ehmz... Teloorgang! --> https://youtu.be/fDebPivKw00 |
quote:Iiiieehhh! Hoe laag kun je zakken? "...it's all about change and evolution individually as well as universally. It's also about unity..." |
.. tot Kramy niveau... [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Nix op 27-09-2003 17:54] I generally avoid temptation...unless I can't resist it. |
Tot zijn gulp.... "...it's all about change and evolution individually as well as universally. It's also about unity..." |
quote: |
Index / Heavy Metal |