Judge M. |
Lord of Metal |
Posted 22-07-2007 11:30 by Judge M. |
Ze leven nog:
quote: Hello friends!
Kristian..s here to tell you what..s happening at the moment:
- The writing for the new album is going quite well....it will crush. Of course. Imagine a 100 ton block of concrete falling on your nutsack (or head, if you..re a girl)....that..s how much it will crush!!!!!!!!
(Now if you don..t have: a) a nutsack, nor b) a head, well then.....you just have to take my word for it!)
- In a few weeks we..ll be launching our website, update this here Myspace page and at the same time announce the name of The New Singer. Yes folks, that..s right! I think you will all agree it..s a PRETTY GOOD choice! We..re very fortunate to have him. In fact, I wet myself every night just thinking about it. The man, the myth, the legend.....
So there you have it!
Thanks for listening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!