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quote: idd. behalve dan het drumgeluid. Verder zijn alle Sodom albums gewoon ![]() Kirkjur Skola Brenna --- http://www.xs4all.nl/~kmachine/ http://www.urdland.com http://twitter.com/gavinspearhead ![]() |
hmmm To Death .... is anders niet zo ![]() Mezelf tegen friet! en spotten en al ut andere kansloos gedoe weest wel !? ![]() |
jammer zou ze erg graag weer eens zien, anders maar naar Duitsland ![]() |
quote: ja idd noorwegen.jammer anders had ik erbij moeten zijn SODOM!! ![]() ![]() |
Het lijkt erop dat er hier op zwaremetalen heel wat meer thrash fans zitten dan op metalfan.nl, of vergis ik me nu? In ieder geval, zou Sodom ook geen mooie band zijn voor een X-mass of No mercy tourtje? Exodus voor X-mass dit jaar, Sodom voor No mercy ![]() ![]() |
Dat zou een verdomd fijne afwisseling zijn na al die jaren van de "oh-zo-verrassende" Xmass en No Mercy line-ups hehe. Tenminste weer eens een goede rede dan om er heen te gaan dan ![]() ![]() |
Incest!!! Aggro-sief www.aggro.nl ![]() |
Metalglory: Tom you are out on tour promoting your new DVD, 4 days, 4 gigs? Tom: Well it’s not really a tour, the DVD should have been out by now. Unfortunately it has been delayed for the second time. It due now half October. At the gigs we can show a little bit of it though on a big screen with a beamer. All who have seen it seemed very positive about the trailer. Metalglory: Has something funny been happened sofar so our readers will have something to laugh? Tom: This tour? No nothing, yeah I had to take a half our shit before the gig because of the good food here! Metalglory: In the hall or in the tourbus? Tom: It’s prohibited in the tourbus, though……I did that too. Normally you can only piss in the tourbus but hell when I sat down it just came you know, what should I have done? Metalglory: Is it still important for you guys to play live? Tom: It’s still fun, but it’s also a job. Nobody likes to play for free, recording CD’s and playing live go hand in hand, the one is not possible without the other. Of course such long tours as in the past, Let me just say 8 weeks with Sepultura or something, are a thing of the past. It’s just not like that anymore, but we play as often as we can…. Metalglory: I read that in 2006 there will be a USA tour. Tom: True, actually it’s the first time we can actually do a small tour over there. Six, seven shows on the East Coast, New York to Canada. We should have played there a long time ago but something always went wrong. Our first try to do a USA tour was actually in 1987. We already packed our bags when our manager called us and told us the tour would not take place for whatever reason. Now we tried to find a good promoter in the USA while there are many who don’t do a very good job. I don’t really feel like working with unprofessional promoters who only try to raise funds for themselves, the band should also make a little money from the gigs. Metalglory: How does one find a good promoter overseas? Tom: Just inquiring with other bands, I have spoken with the guys in DESTRUCTION and KREATOR and one hears with which promoters to work and not to work. Just look at our recent South America tour we did it with a guy named Eduardo, he was unknown without any references but he did a helluva job. Things like this go from mouth to mouth and other bands will now be inclined to work with a guy like that. If a promoter is unprofessional without a doubt you’ll hear it. Metalglory: Please tell me something about the upcoming Lords of Depravity DVD, what can the fans expect? Tom: First we have part 1, which has been divided over two discs which covers the complete history from 1982 to 1995 and also contains a recent concert film. Total playing time for this part is almost 5 hours. I don’t want to call names now but they way in which some bands deal with their history is not too stimulating to me. We on the other hand have something to say, we interviewed all ex-members, we have scanned thousands of old photo’s and digitalized tons of old videotapes. Every year in the history of SODOM now has 20 full minutes on the DVD. Metalglory: That’s a evening filling program then? So you can get a case of beer, get a few friends and watch the movie? Tom: Absolutely, though SODOM has to be of interest to you. The movie is set up so it is also interesting to non-SODOM fans so they can at leats say “wow, these guys did a good job”. One discovers the background how things started in the early eighties and stuff, or in general how the scene was back then simply because everybody tells their story. This is what makes the scene so great! Metalglory: That must have been an insane job? Tom: I think you can hardly imagine, we have shifted tons of old videotapes, catalogized and digitalized em all. Without Ronald (Matthes, Roax Films), who produced it all, it would never have happened. He did it for a relative small amount. With the money we got from the record company we would have been able to record just one show and a bonus interview. Initially the Wacken 2001 show and a small backstage interview were planned for the DVD, and that would have been basically it. But I said to them they should kiss my ass. When we have a medium like a DVD one should exploit all of it’s benefits. Ronald then said to me: “No worries Tom, we will make a SODOM DVD with everything attached, no matter what the record company pays!”. He believed in us and wanted to make it with us, now we have the final product, a DVD which other bands can just dream about, let me just say MOTORHEAD…. Metalglory: Have you seen the new MOTORHEAD DVD? Tom: Yeah shure, but the history part is next to nothing, the concert is just like any other MOTORHEAD concert. Of course with better production and modern technology. I would love to see a history DVD from MOTORHEAD with rare material and outtakes for collectors, now that would be totally killer! I am glad we did take the DVD that far. Next year the part 2 DVD will come out it will focus on the history from 1995 to 2005 and will also include a tour documentary, which will show you all what it’s really like on tour. Metalglory: Which tour? Tom: We filmed the South America tour, but Ronald will also come with us on the North America tour in January. Of course we also want to film some backstage footage there. Everybody always say to us “Cool, you guys go on tour, that must be awesome” but let me tell you it’s NOT! I think it’s cool to give you a view of the real life on a tour. Touring is pretty demanding. Things happen you know, like in South America we had trouble with the crew one of them pulled out a gun and we had the police over and stuff like that. Of course we always hope nothing happens on tour, that would be the best for all of us haha! Metalglory: “M-16” was a very strong album, it has been some time since though. Is the DVD the reason we haven’t heard anything new from you guys in a while? Tom: NO man, we have been in the studio like 2 years ago but we were told to stop by the record company. I have no clue for what reason, but with record companies it’s most of the time a monetary reason. Metalglory: So what’s up with the new material? Tom: Everything is ready, like I told you we were in the studio but were told to stop, but last year we recorded the drums and guitar tracks. I am occupied now recording the vocals and the bass which is actually just done. I think the complete album will be mixed and mastered in the next 4 weeks, realease date is February or March next year. Metalglory: SODOM is on SPV and the Onkel Tom stuff on Armageddon….. Tom: No only the Onkel Tom DVD was on Armageddon. We recorded the Wacken show without any record deal. I don’t gave a fuck if only the material would be released. I would never do a Onkel Tom record with Armageddon but I am glad they took the DVD while the recording and editing was awesome it just had to come out. We also want to do a new Onkel Tom Album next year but we have no record deal at the moment. We have tons of killer new songs though and we will self produce the CD. Nowadays it’s better to have a completed product when going to the record companies, then it’s either “take it or leave it!”. Metalglory: The SODOM line up has been stable now for 8 years, have you either found the perfect line up or does one just become milder with age? Tom: Yeah true, one does become milder with age right… Well all line up changes in the past had pretty concrete grounds, nothing just happened randomly. You know when Chris Witchunter started cancelling shows we all had to cancel, it just doesn’t work without a drummer. But nowadays we get along togheter again, we don’t clash anymore. Between us everything has been cleared up. Metalglory: Can you tell me what your favourite SODOM song is? Tom: No I can’t, I can tell you what my favourite album is though, it has to be “Get What You Deserve”. Metalglory: Since “Persecution Mania” you always had some german song on the records, but of late these have disappeared, any particular reason? Tom: Not really, for a German song I have to have a killer idea otherwise I rather not do it. I find it more difficult to write German lyrics as opposed to English. I also think it’s more something for Onkel Tom. Of course I can do it with SODOM too, strange enough all out German songs have become classics. On the next album there will be no German songs BTW. Metalglory: How do you see yourself, with Onkel Tom you focus on fun themes whereas with SODOM the focus is more on serious actual themes, is it hard to switch? Tom: Oh well, actually SODOM is pretty funny too, I do all these stupid talking on stage don’t I? Of course our lyrics are more serious but don’t always take it for what it is, we are by far not as “evil” as we might appear. Many bands try to create an image but when you know them privately it’s only acting in the end. The music is very important though, it’s loud and brutal. It’s all Rock ‘n Roll, that is what we do and what we like of course this also goes for the other two members. Metalglory: There used to be this trilogy SODOM, DESTRUCTION and KREATOR. Tom: Yeah nowadays we’re the only ones left right? Metalglory: Well something like that, but seriously do you still have contact with the other bands? Tom: Shure, two weeks ago I was at the DESTRUCTION release party in the Zeche in Bochum. They invited me, we tru to see each other as much as possible. Same with KREATOR. We played a few shows with them this summer, no problems at all. If there will ever be a tour with all three bands again I don’t know, I’d be all in for it but it seems as Mille has a slightly different opinion. Metalglory: Shame, that would certainly be the bomb for many thrash fans! Tom: Yeah I know, but Mille is very succesfull on his own. He had Ektomorf and Hatesphere with him on the recent tour of course that attracts people too. But I would really like to do it again, because in the end we are the three German bands from way back. Metalglory: Any recent CD’s that have your approval? Tom: Not really, I did get a few promo’s, Hatesphere was one of them. That one was cool, but apart from that there’s very little new bands that can really excite me. At home I always play the old records again. Metalglory: Are you more of a Bassplayer or a Vocalist? Tom: More of a vocalist really, you know, I am not a classical bass player. I can play the bass of course, it has to be groovy. But a true bassist in the sense of the word? No I am not but that’s really no biggie. I am more of a singer/entertainer, in some cases the bass even obstructs me in that way. Many way that Tom without a bass is unthinkable but with Onkel Tom it just works. Metalglory: You always have these killer looking basses, I used to have a poster in my room with you and your red Ibanez Destroyer bass posing in front of all these pyro’s. Tom: I still have that one with me but only as a backup. I play a Fernandez now, that one is also pretty old though. I got it for a present in Japan back in 1992. back then it was usual that you got a guitar from some Japanese company after you had played. Nowadays I just play what sounds batter. I have 3 of these old Ibanez Destroyer basses, but of course they are all a little banged up. I should have them repaired and set up properly one of these days when I have some spare money. They were always a little special, Cronos played one, and RAVEN’s John Gallagher, both of them were a huge influence on me. Metalglory: Ok this was it man, any last words? Tom: Well, I hope you will all go out and buy the DVD, if you don’t like it I will personally refund your money! ![]() |
Zit nu het nieuwe album te luisteren, en het klinkt weer heerlijk. Voor mij nu al een van de beste albums van 2006. Het begin van Bibles & Guns laat me trouwens sterk aan een ander nummer denken, maar ik heb geen idee waaraan ![]() |
The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
slotjuh duzzz The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
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