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Sunday, March 11, 2001 news from Tim Spear: Heads up from Tony Teegarden: "Hi tim. Tony teegarden here. writing from tampa fl. I have a new project that will be debuting on a motion picture soundtrack and movie score. The name is to be determined at the moment but we are heading into the studio this friday through sunday to record. The lineup is to consist of kevin astl (drums,programming and vocals)formerly of epitaph,ressurection. Wayne Burgess (guitar) fomerly of roadkill,epitaph. And Mark Good (bass) formerly of incubus,epitaph. And myself on guitar,programming,and vocals. The sound will be new and on the heavy side but somewhat commercial as well. The movie is by Tom Savini. (for you horror buffs..Dawn of the Dead, Creepshow, Day of the Dead...to name a few) This is his second movie that he will actually produce. I will update you on the "title" of the movie and it's release date." The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
This was posted on the aghora message board by sean malone: "Hello Everyone, some news that may interest you: 1. In a few days, www.seanmalone.net will be the address to go to for GK news etc. There's much more space there which means I can finally host larger and more numerous samples etc. 2. Gordian Knot - "Emergent" members: core trio: Sean Malone, Jason Göbel, Bill Bruford support: Sean Reinert, Paul Masvidal, Steve Hackett 3. Mixing in December (when I can get a break from work), released in Japan first with 2 bonus tracks, then the rest of the world sometime around March. thanks, Sean The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
quote: Ach, hier en daar zitten er toch wel vrij Cynic-achtige riffjes in. Alleen ben ik niet zo kapot van hardcore.... Verder; MUTILTOR bedankt voor alle info ![]() ![]() |
quote: Ja, ik vind de zang wel oké maar sluit me toch enigzins bij u aan. 1. De zang is echt niet altijd zuiver 2. de zanglijnen zijn ook niet bijster spannend. Konstant lange tonen.. Maar wel goed aan te horen en de muziek is ![]() ![]() |
Nog een tip voor de mensen die interesse hebben in de andere bands-na-Cynic: Bij onderstaande link valt een mp3 van PORTAL te downloaden. http://www.angelfire.com/band2/myriad/cynic.html The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
Weet iemand iets over de band DRAGONLORD? Op de site van Steve diGiorgio prijst hij het album 'Rapture' aan als zijnde hard & snel. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 26-12-2001 2:38] The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
Ik zou zeggen check de site ![]() http://www.spitfirerecords.com/Dragonlord.htm Portal klinkt goed. Tnx again..... MP3 Dragonlord is idd lekker stevig (ben nog aan 't luisteren) ![]() |
Yeah! De Gordian Knot - Emergent cd is eindelijk af! Nu maar wachten op de release. Een trailer is alvast te downloaden op: www.seanmalone.net The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
Aghora vind ik bij vlagen boeiend, goed spel en goede songs, alleen jammer van de demo achtige productie, gitaristen vind ik af en toe irritant (veelal tremolo truukjes die me na 3 songs toch echt gaan storen), zelfde met de zang, mooie oosterse zanglijnen maar af en toe tegen t randje van zuiverheid. Basspel is gewoon goddelijk op die cd, sean malone regeert gewoon, ik heb ook zijn solo-CD (cortlandt) is gewoon jazz, en dan ook nog eens heel goed gespeeld en erg gaaf gedaan ![]() Marcel ![]() |
Helemaal met Marcel eens. Eiegenlijk moeten ze de cd remixen waarop je dan alleen bas en drums hoort ![]() Ik kan niet w8en tot de nieuwe Gordian Knot uit is. op http://www.seanmalone.net kan je al een teaser downloaden. MEGA gewoon. ![]() |
release date: Gordian Knot - Emergent (Spring 2002) The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
"07.22.2002 - The new Aeon Spoke EP is available for sale now! Click the cover below for details..." (Aeon Spoke = Masvidal en Reinert) Op http://www.aeonspoke.com/ kun je 2 nummers downloaden... WAARSCHUWING: 'tis nie bepaald metal..dus.... ![]() |
Aghora: goeie band maar wel ERG afhankelijk van zn muzikanten (wat zou Aghora zijn geweest zonder Reinert en Malone??) maar die zang he..... gewoon de hele tijd ietsje ernaast... en soms gewoon hartstikke vals! En inderdaad... dat tremelo gedoe (fluttering) komt ook de strot uit na 3 solo's. Andy LaRocque gebruik die techniek overigens wel erg mooi! Trouwens... jullie moeten ook eens de CD van de nederlandse Anomaly beluisteren! Soort van Liquid Tension Experiment maar dan wat jazzier en veel coolere (Holdsworthy) solo's! www.anomaly.nl Cheers, Tymon ![]() |
Goede band, enkel de stem irriteert me vrij snel. En dat ene lange nummer, die imrovisatie ofzo, die is er teveel aan (Die heb ik dan ook van mijn disc gezwierd, lol). Voor de rest vind ik het vrij goed, met momenten beter dan Gordian knot. "I think he looks like a bird who swallowed a plate, Mylord" ![]() |
quote: De demo nummers van een flinke tijd terug leken wel grunge muziek...best vaag terwijl Portal de spirituele kant van Cynic is zeg maar compleet met cynische zangeres. Anomaly lijkt op Fates Warning...alleen Clockwork voldoet. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 17-08-2002 1:40] The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
quote: Bij Anomaly vind ik de synthesizer veel te soft klinken. Alsof een bruiloftkeyboardman de partijen heeft ingespeeld. Jammer, zeker omdat Ivar een hele aardige gast is. De composities zijn goed en de gitarist is ook getalenteerd. ![]() |
quote: Kun je Ivar meteen ff lief doch dringend verzoeken de tweede cd uit te gaan brengen waarvan ze de nummers als zo'n beetje af hadden toen het debuut uitkwam? The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
Hij wilde dit najaar de studio ingaan. De laatste keer dat ik hem sprak keken ze naar andere platencontracten...maar ik heb hem al heel lang niet meer gesproken. ![]() |
[off topic]Mutilator, zit jij nog niet in een band?? Lijkt me erg interessant om te horen nl.[off topic] ![]() |
quote:Yep, Aeon Spoke klinkt redelijk "Alto", Portal vinnik op het eerste gehoor ook boeiender klinken ![]() Anomaly mot ik nog eens tjekkuh ![]() Maar Fates Warning vinnik ook ![]() ![]() |
quote: Heb ooit als grunter in een band gezeten, maar da's niet echt aanhoorbaar. Ik wil eens een gitaarleraar vinden en dan flink gaan bekwamen, want ik krijg steeds vrij veel ideeen en weet precies hoe ik het een en ander wil laten klinken maar ik kan ze nog niet uitvoeren. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 17-08-2002 4:06] The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
quote: Zeker niets tegen Fates Warning!! Ik vind het oude én het nieuwe werk zeker z'n charmes hebben. Overigens lijkt Ray Alder een voorbeeld van de zanger van Sun Caged. Wat ik meer bedoelde is dat je van muzikanten als Sean Malone meer hightech muziek zou kunnen verwachten dan Fates Warning; in Clockwork voldoet hij wél aan die verwachtingen die ik had. ![]() ![]() ![]() The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
AGHORA DVD IN DISCUSSION..... For those of you who are not signed up to the newsletter, I thought I should include the latest news on the home page - that way you will know what is going on and what the recent developments are..... Greetings all! I thought I'd break the long silence by announcing that discussions are now underway with Santiago regarding a full Aghora DVD. At this moment, the DVD is under the working title of "Aghora Official Bootleg" and (subject to releases from all concerned) will include... 1. Footage shot on camcorder of the recording of the DEBUT CD 2. Candid shots of the band including interview footage 3. Either ALL of the gigs that were filmed last year in ENTIRETY, or.... 4. A cross section of all gigs bringing a full set list comprising tracks from various performances. 5. New interview footage This content is subject to change, but that's the way that we're HOPING to put it out!! The package will be released as a DOUBLE DVD SET in a double case and will ONLY be available through this site and DoblesProd. TWO different artworks will be available - set 1 will comprise of different DVD cover art, labels and menu screens and will be limited to only 1000 INDIVIDUALLY NUMBERED COPIES. Once this 1000 is sold, the other DVDs to follow will have completely different artwork throughout. At this stage, I would like everyone to leave their mark in the messageboard in the "Ask The Band" section under the "DVD Suggestions" message. Give us YOUR idea of what you would like on the DVD, and also include any questions that you would like the band to answer and get YOUR name mentioned on the DVD!!! All suggestions will be noted and discussed and we will keep you up to date with the progress. Once the footage has been collected and everything selected for inclusion, we anticipate that this website-only exclusive will be released within 28 days of finalization. Payments will be taken by PAYPAL so if you don't already have a PAYPAL account, then visit the link below to sign up. Once these DVDs are ready to go you don't want to be hanging around!!! Click HERE to sign up for PayPal Thank you once again for all your support. )) Markuz AGHORA Hard At Work On Second Album With Producer NEIL KERNON - Sep. 21, 2006 Miami, Florida-based progressive metal band AGHORA is currently recording its second album, "Formless", with producer Neil Kernon (QUEENSRŸCHE, NEVERMORE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEICIDE) for a November release. Diana Serra's vocals are being tracked in guitarist Santiago Dobles' home studio in Miami, Florida. The sessions are expected to last about a week. Mixing will be done in early October by Kernon and Dobles at Rax Trax Studios in Chicago, to be followed by the mastering at West West Side Music by Alan Douches. AGHORA's current recording lineup is: Sean Reinert - Drums Giann Rubio - Drums Alan Goldstein - Bass Santiago Dobles - Guitar Diana Serra – Vocals AGHORA released its self-titled first album in 2000, recorded in 1999 with the help of Sean Malone and Sean Reinert, both former members of CYNIC. Santiago's Chops From Hell DVD now available! http://www.chopsfromhell.com/advert_dobles_SD1_dvd.html http://www.chopsfromhell.com/advert_dobles_SD1_rom.html http://www.chopsfromhell.com/advert_dobles_SD1_vhs.html sample clip at: http://www.chopsfromhell.com/guest_dobles_SD1sampler.html "SANTIAGO DOBLES of AGHORA's first instructional release at CFH! In this 100 minute DVD / CD ROM set, AGHORA guitarist SANTIAGO DOBLES strikes a balance between technical knowledge and feeling...enabling the player to see the bigger picture of "shredding" within a musical context and without loosing a sense of feel nor the priority of the music. His teaching is more based on principles and concepts as opposed to technique alone. This is what makes him and those that study with him "unique". Topics include legato concepts, breaking common scale usage by omitting intervals, improvising over chords, phrasing, expressive playing in the contexts of heavy music, and much more. Either watch the entire 100 minute video or use the "Direct Access" menu to access individual examples. Also featured on the accompanying CD ROM is the "SD1.pdf" file containing the "SANTIAGO DOBLES - SHUT UP AND PLAY" lesson notation/tab. " Get your copy now! -aghora- [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 25-10-2006 23:01] The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
AGHORA Featuring CYNIC Members: New Song Posted Online - Dec. 3, 2006 A new song, "Atmas Heave", from Miami, Florida-based progressive metal band AGHORA's upcoming CD, "Formless", has been posted at the band's MySpace page. http://www.myspace.com/aghora AGHORA's second album, "Formless" was produced in part by Neil Kernon (QUEENSRŸCHE, NEVERMORE, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEICIDE) and is scheduled for a December 21 release. Diana Serra's vocals were tracked in guitarist Santiago Dobles' home studio in Miami, Florida. Mixing was done by Kernon and Dobles at Rax Trax Studios in Chicago, and was followed by the mastering at West West Side Music by Alan Douches. AGHORA's current recording lineup is: Sean Reinert - Drums Giann Rubio - Drums Alan Goldstein - Bass Santiago Dobles - Guitar Diana Serra – Vocals AGHORA's self-titled first album (2000) was recorded in 1999 with the help of Sean Malone and Sean Reinert, both former members of CYNIC. As previously reported, Dobles has been tapped to play guitar on the upcoming reunion tour by CYNIC, which is scheduled to kick off next spring. Santiago has been around the CYNIC camp since 1993-94 and was one of CYNIC guitarist/vocalist Paul Masvidal's guitar students in Miami back in the day. [Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Mutilator op 05-12-2006 13:55] The quality of our perceptions determines the quality of our judgement. Our judgement determines how we interact with the world. How we interact with the world changes the world. So, the quality of our perceptions changes the world. ![]() |
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