Op 14 april 2002 14:18 schreef Dwaallicht het volgende:
Maar goed Elend beantwoordt prima aan alle makkelijke neo-classicismen, verhaaltje over gevallen engelen erbij en weer een tragisch plaatje waarbij we met z'n allen kunnen meesnotteren is geboren. Ga filmmuziek maken!
De muziek van Elend zit eigenlijk een bestwel uitgebreid verhaal achter. De lyrics van "Lecons de Tenebres" zijn gehaald uit of gebaseerd op Paradise Lost (noem het maar een "verhaaltje over engelen"). Verder zijn de drie cd´s gebaseerd op een Theologische gebeurtenis...
In Christian liturgy the Officium Tenebrarum was a group of three masses held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the Holy Week preceding Easter Sunday. Originally, the texts of Jeremiah used therein were psalms on the destruction of Jerusalem appearing in the New Testament. Practiced in Roman Catholic liturgy since the 8th Century, they became quite popular as masses in 17th century France under the name of Leçons de Ténèbres (lectures or lessons of darkness) or simply Tenebrae, and can be considered as an independent genre in French Baroque music. The whole sequence was called Offices des Ténèbres. Its ceremony involved the extinguishing of all lights, with the exception of a single candle left alight and concealed behind the altar. At the end of the office the silence of the officiant was answered by the audience with screams and tumult, thus representing the disorder and confusion that appeared at the death of Christ. The last candle was then shown as evidence of the saviour’s resurrection. This welcoming of light was inverted in ELEND’s own Officium by being reshaped as a descent into utter darkness.
Their decision to frame their Officium by dramatic and epic effects was completed by refering to the Christian theme of the first Archangel’s rebellion and fall and to the symbolic process of denomination in Catholic theology.
...noem het maar een "verhaaltje over engelen".
Je mag er niet van houden, maar de muziek is wel one of a kind ... geen cliche...
Death Metal heerscht! Check de nieuwe Suffocation en Prostitute Disfigurement!!!

(Veel beter dan Doom Metal
