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Beli Mawr
Great god Cernunnos, return to Earth again!
Usericon van Beli Mawr
Posted 24-03-2006 20:17 by Beli Mawr (Moderator) Profiel van Beli Mawr

New Order - Blue monday

Having heard the voice of Morrigan I am uilleannpiping my way through this world, powered by Guinness SLÁINTE

dé aandachtshoer
Usericon van Aeon
Posted 24-03-2006 20:22 by Aeon Profiel van Aeon

Azaghal - Inhimillisyyden Tuollapuolen

ZM Dominee
Usericon van Audiophile
Posted 24-03-2006 20:29 by Audiophile Profiel van Audiophile

Necrophagia - Cannibal Holocaust

as "The Chief"
Usericon van RrroooaaarrR
Posted 24-03-2006 21:13 by RrroooaaarrR Profiel van RrroooaaarrR

Ewiges Reich - Krieg, Hass, Tod

Een beetje vreemd ...
Usericon van Carnagath
Posted 24-03-2006 23:11 by Carnagath Profiel van Carnagath

Crionics - Disconnected minds

Beli Mawr
Great god Cernunnos, return to Earth again!
Usericon van Beli Mawr
Posted 24-03-2006 23:11 by Beli Mawr (Moderator) Profiel van Beli Mawr

REM - Nightswimming

Having heard the voice of Morrigan I am uilleannpiping my way through this world, powered by Guinness SLÁINTE

Usericon van Sargatanas
Posted 24-03-2006 23:26 by Sargatanas Profiel van Sargatanas

Mr. Big-Take cover

Usericon van aerodis
Posted 24-03-2006 23:48 by aerodis Profiel van aerodis

Dissection- Nights Blood

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door aerodis op 24-03-2006 23:48]

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 24-03-2006 23:57 by mental Profiel van mental

blood for blood - serenity

Fuck the world and fuck you

screw you
Usericon van Sneeuwwitje
Posted 25-03-2006 0:06 by Sneeuwwitje Profiel van Sneeuwwitje

Free falling- Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

Our fate is written in the web. Woven by the Norns
Usericon van Argus
Posted 25-03-2006 0:07 by Argus Profiel van Argus

Sisters of Mercy - Body and Soul

Born to bleed. Fighting to succeed. Build to endure what this world throws at me.. Mag ik u verder een boeketje haagsche bloemen aanbieden?

screw you
Usericon van Sneeuwwitje
Posted 25-03-2006 0:10 by Sneeuwwitje Profiel van Sneeuwwitje

Never let me down again- Depeche Mode

cataclysm child
Usericon van cataclysm child
Posted 25-03-2006 1:57 by cataclysm child Profiel van cataclysm child

Kraftwerk - Tour De France

Faustian Spirit of the Earth

Usericon van Mikeee
Posted 25-03-2006 2:19 by Mikeee Profiel van Mikeee

Infernal Majesty - Overlord

cataclysm child
Usericon van cataclysm child
Posted 25-03-2006 3:14 by cataclysm child Profiel van cataclysm child

Amorphis - Alone

Faustian Spirit of the Earth

Usericon van Hexegot
Posted 25-03-2006 8:26 by Hexegot Profiel van Hexegot

Guano Apes - Counting The Days

Usericon van Leviathanica
Posted 25-03-2006 10:33 by Leviathanica Profiel van Leviathanica

Ensemble Pittoresque - Maitre Satori

Iedereen heeft recht op mijn mening.

Usericon van Metalhead22
Posted 25-03-2006 11:23 by Metalhead22 Profiel van Metalhead22

1349 - Buried by time and dust (Cover Mayhem)

...the thin texture between wrong and right, mostly broken by those who saw the light...

Usericon van skullfuck
Posted 25-03-2006 12:46 by skullfuck Profiel van skullfuckhttp://


Suck my piss

Usericon van Burzum
Posted 25-03-2006 12:48 by Burzum Profiel van Burzum

Behemoth - Demigod

1,2,3,4... Rugmergtering!
Usericon van Snoodaerdt
Posted 25-03-2006 12:48 by Snoodaerdt Profiel van Snoodaerdt

Aeternus - Hexaeon

Member of the iso-betawuste crew!!

Usericon van skullfuck
Posted 25-03-2006 12:57 by skullfuck Profiel van skullfuckhttp://

Explosions In The Sky - Six Days At The Bottom Of The Ocean

Suck my piss

Usericon van spectre
Posted 25-03-2006 13:03 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Op 25 maart 2006 12:48 schreef Snoodaerdt het volgende:
Aeternus - Hexaeon
die is best gaaf, dit is het eerste album van ze wat ik hoor na 'Shadows of Old' en het bevalt me goed

en de ladyboys
Usericon van kwelgeest
Posted 25-03-2006 13:59 by kwelgeest Profiel van kwelgeest

Absurd - Germanien uber Alles

Niet gehinderd door kennis over daklozen, alleenstaande moeders, minderheden en sociale achterstand.

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 25-03-2006 14:00 by mental Profiel van mental

radio white

Fuck the world and fuck you

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