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Usericon van Heiden
Posted 04-05-2006 3:36 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

Odins Law - Battle Legions of Wotan

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 04-05-2006 3:38 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

pl4c3b0 - 0nc3 m0r3 w1th f33l1ng

Je moeder.

Usericon van Heiden
Posted 04-05-2006 3:58 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

Before God - Under the Blood Banner

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 04-05-2006 4:02 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

Sucker love is heaven sent.
You pucker up, our passion's spent.
My hearts a tart, your body's rent.
My body's broken, yours is bent.

Carve your name into my arm.
Instead of stressed, I lie here charmed.
Cuz there's nothing else to do,
Every me and every you.

Sucker love, a box I choose.
No other box I choose to use.
Another love I would abuse,
No circumstances could excuse.

In the shape of things to come.
Too much poison come undone.
Cuz there's nothing else to do,
Every me and every you.
Every me and every you,
Every Me...he

Sucker love is known to swing.
Prone to cling and waste these things.
Pucker up for heavens sake.
There's never been so much at stake.

I serve my head up on a plate.
It's only comfort, calling late.
Cuz there's nothing else to do,
Every me and every you.
Every me and every you,
Every Me...he

Every me and every you,
Every Me...he

Like the naked leads the blind.
I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind.
Sucker love I always find,
Someone to bruise and leave behind.

All alone in space and time.
There's nothing here but what here's mine.
Something borrowed, something blue.
Every me and every you.
Every me and every you,
Every Me...he

Every me and every you,
Every Me...he [x4]

Je moeder.

Usericon van karnivoor
Posted 04-05-2006 4:04 by karnivoor Profiel van karnivoor

I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderlining schizo
And guaranteed to cause a fuss
I was never loyal
Except to my own pleasure zone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home

I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderline bipolar
Forever biting on your nuts
I was never grateful
That's why I spend my days alone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home (Broken home)
Black-eyed [repeat]

I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderlining schizo
And guaranteed to cause a fuss
I was never loyal
Except to my own pleasure zone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home (Broken home)
Black-eyed [repeat]

Je moeder.

Usericon van Heiden
Posted 04-05-2006 4:55 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

A Chorus of Disapproval - The Truth Gives Wings to Strength

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

Farðu í rassgat andskotans auminginn þinn!
Usericon van Vikingblood
Posted 04-05-2006 6:19 by Vikingblood Profiel van Vikingblood


Some people are like clouds! It will be a glorious day when they fuck off.

Usericon van Leviathanica
Posted 04-05-2006 9:01 by Leviathanica Profiel van Leviathanica

Marduk - Baptism By Fire

Iedereen heeft recht op mijn mening.

Usericon van sharene
Posted 04-05-2006 9:11 by sharene Profiel van sharene

Neaera - Save the drowning child

Usericon van Leviathanica
Posted 04-05-2006 9:12 by Leviathanica Profiel van Leviathanica

Marduk - Beast Of Prey

Iedereen heeft recht op mijn mening.

Usericon van Psychonaut
Posted 04-05-2006 9:18 by Psychonaut Profiel van Psychonaut

Motorpsycho - A K9 Suite

Zotte ros!
Usericon van 6sic6
Posted 04-05-2006 10:19 by 6sic6 Profiel van 6sic6

sepultura-burried words

Usericon van Heiden
Posted 04-05-2006 10:19 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

Diehard - Looking out for #1

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

Zotte ros!
Usericon van 6sic6
Posted 04-05-2006 10:22 by 6sic6 Profiel van 6sic6

incarnate-day of suffering

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 04-05-2006 10:22 by mental Profiel van mental

Karnivoor beetje depri ja ?

Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van Heiden
Posted 04-05-2006 10:29 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

Fearless Iranians from Hell - Foolish Americans

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 04-05-2006 10:35 by mental Profiel van mental

No Remorse: Another One Bites the Dust WHAHAHAHAHA

Fuck the world and fuck you

Usericon van Doomy
Posted 04-05-2006 10:50 by Doomy Profiel van Doomy

Pig Destroyer - Prowler In The Yard

iPim zei: Zeikhoofd... alsof ik me door een 18-jarig kneusje laat afzeiken. Ik kom je nog wel eens tegen op een concert van Jan Smit, kneus!

1,2,3,4... Rugmergtering!
Usericon van Snoodaerdt
Posted 04-05-2006 12:09 by Snoodaerdt Profiel van Snoodaerdt

Kataklysm - In the arms of devastation

Member of the iso-betawuste crew!!

Usericon van Leviathanica
Posted 04-05-2006 12:36 by Leviathanica Profiel van Leviathanica

Skrewdriver - Won't Get Fooled Again

Iedereen heeft recht op mijn mening.

Usericon van stoomfiets
Posted 04-05-2006 13:37 by stoomfiets Profiel van stoomfiets

Ten Masked Men - Beat it

I am the 1%.

Ascension Whore
Usericon van Borthulaz
Posted 04-05-2006 13:42 by Borthulaz Profiel van Borthulaz

Thorns - Stellar Master Elite

Usericon van Heiden
Posted 04-05-2006 13:44 by Heiden Profiel van Heiden

Integrity - Those Who Fear Tomorrow

Een Betekenisloos Bestaan in de Onmeetbare Enormiteit van Ruimte en Tijd.

Usericon van spectre
Posted 04-05-2006 13:45 by spectre Profiel van spectre

Op 4 mei 2006 13:42 schreef Borthulaz het volgende:
Thorns - Stellar Master Elite
offtopic, ik heb meneer H gemailt, dus hij weet ervan (als hij het leest).

NP: Antimatter - Line of Fire

Bro's before Ho's
Usericon van mental
Posted 04-05-2006 13:51 by mental Profiel van mental

Shattered Realm : from the dead end blocks were life means nothing

[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door mental op 04-05-2006 13:52]

Fuck the world and fuck you

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