Curunír |
Posted 11-12-2007 11:33 by Curunír |
Er bestaat wel degelijk een techniek. Ik post hier maar de theorie die een vriend van me ooit eens heeft uitgeschreven. Dat hij een Brit is, is er wel aan te merken.
"I smoke a pipe, which is far more Gentlemanly a pursuit than those damnable cigarettes, favored by the Working Classes and the French. Vulgar and foul-smelling things. (The cigarettes that is, not the Working Classes and the French. Although… )
Puffing on a pipe is so much more manly than sucking on a ‘fag’, don’t you think? There is just something altogether more satisfyingly British about the whole business of pipe smoking: from the ritual of cleaning of one’s pipe, to the anticipatory fragrance that hits one’s nose when one first opens the polished-brass pot in which the tobacco is sold (so much nicer than a cardboard carton, what?), to the packing, tamping down, lighting, re-lighting, burning one’s fingers on the match, cursing the British weather and the infernal wind, and the eventual achievement of smoking one’s preferred choice of select tobacco, the entire experience is quintessentially Gentlemanly.
This might be an opportune moment for me to pass on a little sage wisdom on the subject of taking adequate care of one’s pipe to those who may be inspired by these words to take it up themselves. One will get considerably more pleasure from one’s pipe, if one follows these few simple puffing rules:
When trying a new pipe for the first time, one should fill it to no more than 1/3 full, subsequently increasing the amount one puts into the pipe in gradual stages, so as not to damage its rim.
Pack the pipe firmly, but not to tightly, as that will require considerably more effort, and make it hard for one to keep going. However, too loose, and one may find it keeps going out.
For one’s own enjoyment, take time and savour one’s puffing. Having inserted the shag of one’s choice into the pipe ("Sailor’s Shag", by Ashton’s of Fowlmouth , would be my personal recommendation – there’s a little gunpowder mixed with the tobacco, making it less likely to go out in a strong wind; or one might even try their "Gunner’s Rough Shag" variety, if a gale has been forecast) its flavour will taste far better and give greater satisfaction if taken at a leisurely pace.
One should, however, try to refrain from the pleasure of one’s pipe when travelling on a ship, as excessive wind will generate unusual heat within the pipe, and may damage the rim. (Also, getting a bit of hot Sailor in one’s eye is not altogether pleasant!)
Further to the above, etiquette dictates a Gentleman puffer should also always be aware of his locale, and the company he is in, as puffing in public is considered a faux pas in certain circumstances – for example, it can be frowned upon if practised within the kitchens of good restaurants, public libraries, kindergartens, or where Ladies are present. Parks and Commons, at least at twilight, are, I believe, considered suitable venues for Gentlemen with pipe smoking in mind. (I’ve certainly heard tell of a lot of puffing going on around the Gents found in such public places, of an evening.)
One should ignite one’s pipe carefully, applying the match to the entire surface of the Sailor and ensuring the tongue of flame licks over the whole area.
NEVER refill a hot pipe. Always allow it to cool before attempting a second puffing. Failing to do so may damage one’s rim.
Once one has been puffing for a while, a ‘cake’ will build up inside one’s pipe. This is no great cause for alarm, but should nevertheless not be allowed to build up to more than 1/16 of an inch in thickness, as this will result in a bitter taste in one’s mouth. Any excess should be removed with the reamer found on the back of one’s Swiss Army Knife; though NEVER with the blade, which may damage one’s rim.
One should clean one’s pipe regularly, for a more enjoyable puffing. A cotton cleaner dipped in a little spirit (Glen Medeiros Single Malt, in my case – adds a little flavour of its own) will remove obstinate tar from the smoke channel. One should NEVER use boiling water or steam to clean one’s pipe, as this may damage the rim.
To polish the ‘eye’ or mouthpiece, one should use gentle stroking motions. To get it off completely, one should wrap one’s palm around it and give it a gentle tug, with a slight twisting of the wrist, until it comes off in one’s hand. NEVER attempt to remove the eye of a hot pipe, as this may damage the rim.
I hope those Gentlemen who follow these words will enjoy many happy years of pipe smoking."
[Dit bericht is gewijzigd door Curunír op 11-12-2007 11:35]
"I find your lack of faith disturbing."